Category 753
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Designer Studio rules imported but DFF are still not shown when creating new rulesSummary: We are in 24C and moving Employment Info to Redwood. We used Personalization Tool to migrate our Design Studio rules. Rules got imported but when checked on the…Samit P 49 views 20 comments 0 points Most recent by Samit P HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Page Composer - Personalization - need help about the Helper Tool attributesSummary: I need help to get more info about the attributes and their details. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please refer to the Report s…Tirumala Priya Gonuguntla 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Module Available on ToolSummary: Hello Experts, When we input VBS parameter as an input to the Personalization Helper tool we are observing that the following behavior All Global Human Resource…Saurabh P Singh 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh P Singh HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Redwood Personalization Helper tool shows migration successfully but no rules are created in VBSSummary: I am trying to trying import the customizations of "Change Assignment" from RUI to redwood page using Redwood Personalization Helper tool. I have followed all t…HCMUser123 114 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by HCMUser123 HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Flexfield customizations are marked as migrated, but couldn't find the corresponding business ruleSummary: Flex field customizations are marked as migrated in the helper tool report. But couldn't find the corresponding business rule in the custom business rules after…Srikanth Kancharla 26 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Kancharla HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Areas of Responsibility: Redwood Screens ActivationSummary: The screen continues to display text in English, even with the Portuguese setting. What is the setting to fix? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …LeandroMartins 19 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
In process of migrating Family & Emergency Contacts to Redwood,the VB Studio doesnt show all sectionSummary: Hello All, We are migrating the "Family and Emegency Contacts" page to Redwood and are facing the issue with the VB Studio rules section… We see that not all se…
How to Default a value in LOV in Hire an Employee(Legislative Info) Redwood page using VBS ?Hi Everyone, In Hire an Employee - Legislative info region. Information Category is an LOV field. I want to default the value United States Person Legislative Informatio…Nikil Varadharaj 83 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by Saurabh P Singh Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Custom Common lookups assigned to DFF are not showing in redwood.Summary: Hello All, I have created a new Common Lookup and assigned to Person Name DFF field. The lookup value was visible along with the field in responsive UI. As part…
Hide Manager questionnaire in Check-In templateOur requirement is to hide manager questionnaire for employees in redwood check-ins. Manager questionnaire responses should be enabled once the manager makes the questio…Sravani_Vaka 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle Performance Management
How can we List down existing Autocomplete Rules and also migrate the same in RedwoodSummary: How can we List down existing Autocomplete Rules and also migrate the same in Redwood. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (i…AlokDatta 119 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Redwood Helper Tool 24D - How to check Autocomplete Rules?Summary: We would like to know if is possible to analyze the migration of Autocomplete Rules with RPHT in 24D Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…Giuseppe Casalino 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
How to validate phone number restricting to only numeric value using VBSHello, Need to validate the phone number in the contact info page to restrict to numeric values only using VBS. Appreciate the help, thanks ! -SubratSKSHCM 34 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sonia Bourak Partouche-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Redwood Helper Tool - Unable to migrate Opportunity market place Requisition DFF Business RulesSummary: Redwood Helper Tool - Unable to migrate Opportunity market place Requisition DFF Business Rules. Is there a reason why this is not migrated. Do we know if this …Mansur Khalil 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fenil Kamdar-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Should we actively disable Redwood Enabled by Default for Global Human Resources Pages if not using?Summary: Dear peers, I was going through the page "Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources 25A What's New" when I saw the following: This table shows the Redwood pages where…
How to identify Page composer personalization attributes that are not migratedSummary: How to identify the personalization from the report which has generated from the helper tool. The migration report got downloaded from the helper tool. Then we …Srikanth Kancharla 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Redwood: Customization Helper Tool cannot migrate Assignment DFF segmentsSummary: Using the Redwood Customization Tool with Flexfields. We have 2 segments on the Assignment DFF (Global segments) and when we run the Tool to pull the Hire an Em…Leia MacDonald 130 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Error-404 while selecting Preview Option after all the migrations setup using helper tool on VBCSSummary Error-404 while selecting Preview Option after all the migrations setup using helper tool on VBCS, we are using 24D. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…Praveena 5 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Not able to open Redwood Pages post Importing the customizationSummary: We have enabled redwood in DEV1 Instance by enabling all the profile options and running all the necessary processes. Post enabling we imported the customizatio…BHAVANA SINGH 30 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Shanmugam-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
For Goals we see that not all pages are available in the Helper toolSummary: Add Goal for Performance and Development Goal of a employee and Manager are not present in helper tool for customization Content (please ensure you mask any con…Tirumala Priya Gonuguntla 10 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by pravjain19 HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Is there any way to hide ‘Request Change’ action from More Actions in Existing Timecard redwood pageHi, I am unable to hide ‘Request Change’ from More Actions in Existing Timecard redwood page. I did not find any field in VB studio for 'Request Change' field to hide. P…
As per the Oracle documentation, we need to enable Redwood pages by 25C.As per the Oracle documentation, we need to enable Redwood pages by 25C. Will the responsive pages still be available after 25C?Kareti Uday Kiran 20 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Narasimharao N.Tadi Human Capital Management
Migratable Page Composer customizations are not migratedSummary: We are currently trying out the Redwood Personalization Helper tool, specifically the option to migrate Page Composer and TDS customizations. I selected all Glo…Sharyn Mommens 58 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Tirumala Priya Gonuguntla HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
What are roadmap/plans for SCM Supplier registration Redwood page enhancement?Summary: I can see that the level of flexibility we have using page composer to put validations over fields is not present in Redwood version of Supplier Registration pa…
Hiding Preferred Name field in HCM 24A using VB StudioSummary: We are looking at a specific use case where we'd like to hide the "Preferred name" field in HCM. Although this page is extendable thru VBS, this option isn't cu…tamilone 68 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Chanikya Neelam-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Enabling connections - About Me not displaying contentSummary: We are enabling Connections and completed the setup. But when Empployee Edit —> About Me —> Enters info under Interests and Expertise and save. Content disappea…
Collective Agreement page not loading after migrating to redwood.Summary: On the collective agreement page all the information page is not loading completely. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…Ashwini Navghare 18 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
HR Personalization Helper Tool - First use questionsHello, We have a lot of personalization into Responsive UI and we are starting moving few pieces into Redwood UI, but we have some blockers on Visual Builder studio on h…Catherine Varvaressos 48 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sahlee Mirano-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Page composer personalization's are not migrated - Attribute "p1Pce"Hello Team, While running VBS tool for many of the Business Processes, we are seeing one common "Page composer personalizations" entry saying as "Following Page composer…pmv786 27 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Komal Varu-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
25A Helper Tool not able to generate report even after running for 6 hoursSummary: I used 25A helper tool in report mode to generate report for all modules, the tool kept on running for several hours but was not able to successfully generate t…FNU Monika 7 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Komal Varu-Oracle HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool