Working with custom records
I have a script that does a search for a custom record based on a value of a custom field after a customer record has been created.
It used this value to lookup a custom record to see if it already exists.
Here is the code:
function CheckIfTHisCardNumberExists()
var currentRecord;
currentRecord = nlapiGetNewRecord();
var enteredcardno = currentRecord.getFieldValue('custrecord_linked_card_no');
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord17', null, null, null);
var totalsize = searchresults.length;
for (var i = 0; i < totalsize; i ++)
var searchresult = searchresults[i];
var curcardnum = searchresult.getValue('custrecord_mship_mem_2');
alert("curcardnum is " + custrecord_mship_mem_2);
if (curcardnum == enteredcardno)