How to reference states not in the USA State enum list?
Hi is there a way to reference states belonging to countries like UK or AUSTRALIA?
I am adding a Customer Address book and want to add a state from UK and AUSTRALIA
.NET Code snippet below
CustomerAddressbook[] addressbook = new CustomerAddressbook[ 1 ];
CustomerAddressbook addressbookElement = new CustomerAddressbook();
addressbookElement.addr1 = customer.addLine1;
addressbookElement.addr2 = customer.addLine2 + " " + customer.addState;
addressbookElement.city = customer.addCity;
//addressbookElement.state = State._xx
addressbookElement.zip = customer.addzipCode;
addressbookElement.phone = customer.addPhone;
if( customer.addCountry.Trim().ToUpper() == "AUSTRALIA" )
addressbookElement.country = Country._australia;
addressbookElement.countrySpecified = true;
else if( customer.addCountry.Trim().ToUpper() == "UNITED KINGDOM" )
addressbookElement.country = Country._unitedKingdom;
addressbookElement.countrySpecified = true;
addressbookElement.defaultBilling = true;