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How to print each item based on the quantity in Advanced PDFs?
I have an advanced PDF template that currently loops through items from a search and shows 4 items per page. I am trying to get it to print each item based on the quantity (if there is quantity 3, print it 3 times) From what I have found, I think I can do it with <#list record.item as item>
I am also trying this:
<#assign qtycount = 0>
<#list results as result>
<#list 1..result.quantity>
<#assign qtycount++>
<#-- do actual printing of result content here -->
<#if qtycount % 4 == 0>
<pbr> <#-- page break -->
<#list 1..item.quantity as i> but I am not sure how to implement it in this situation. Any help, pointers, or documentation is appreciated. Below is my current working advanced PDF.