Rest API Code Example for Item fulfillment by status
I have a developer trying to get item fulfillments by status of “packed”, ID “B”. I wanted to get a url example of this.
I see a code example for transform like below:
POST https://<accountID>/services/rest/record/v1/salesorder/{{SALES_ORDER_ID}}/!transform/itemFulfillment
{ “item”:{ “items”:[ { “orderLine”:1, “location”:6, “itemreceive”: true } { “orderLine”: 3 “location”: 6, “itemreceive”: false } ] }
My dev’s current url:
https://xxxxxxx.suitetalk.api.netsuite.com/services/rest/record/v1/itemFulfillment?limit=10&offset=0&q=shipStatus CONTAIN B
I get this error response{“type”:”“,”title”:”Bad Request”,”status”:400,”o:errorDetails”:[{“detail”:”Unknown field name ‘shipStatus’ in the search query. The field does not exist on this record type.”,”o:errorQueryParam”:”q”,”o:errorCode”:”NONEXISTENT_FIELD”}]}