My Stuff
Yes, it is on the contact record. The internal field ID is altemail. Interestingly altemail is not available as search criteria, but can be used in search results. Related to campaigns - If altemail is used, then does this mean a recipient could receive the same campaign to both addresses? Further, does subscription status…
Oz/Andy, You are correct... There are several statuses available in the campaign responses notes. In my experience, the vast majority of "bounced-other" have equated to a DSN code 5.x.x, aka "permanent failure." Temporary delivery errors such as "mailbox full" should fall under 4.x.x. The DSN code exists in the Campaign…
To follow-up: Setting up a campaign domain worked for us using a subdomain. We established a new one for this purpose. I don't know about using one already in use by your mail server. I believe only campaign emails are governed by a set number per month, standard messages from the system are not. Matt
Yes, you can do it with mass updates. Contact criteria is: Campaign Response : Response = any of "Bounced - Other" Instead of unsubscribe, we created a new flag on the contact record named bounced. Our campaigns then omit contacts where bounced = true. (The use of unsubscribe would not allow for a corrective measure -…
Yes. I've read that if we send in excess of 10,000 emails/month (campaign/bulk), we need to set up a domain that forwards to a NetSuite IP for reference within campaign emails. (search help doc for: campaign domain)
The campaign will send out your message to each unique email address only once. Duplicate email address are ignored. For your search question, you might try grouping your results if you simply don't want to see duplicates. Under the results tab, select "group" under the "summary type" for each field you would like grouped.…
We just ran into a similar issue today. Our task form has the "private task" check box hidden so users cannot opt to set a task private. This is effective most of the time, however, we still ran into a loop hole. Under Home > Set Preferences > Activities, the user has the option to turn off "Default New Tasks as Public"…
We have an in-house system which uses bar codes and scan guns heavily. Depending on the application, we will print labels ourself on thermal bar code printers, or we purchase preprinted archival quality labels from a vendor. We've used Data2 Corp for our archival labels:
I just tested this out and I'm not seeing the join either. I quickly tested the following scenarios. [LIST] [*]Custom Rec Parent and Custom Rec Child - YES [*]Standard Rec Parent and Custom Rec Child - YES [*]Custom Rec Parent and Standard Rec Child - NO [/LIST] Searching the first two seemed to work in both directions:…
I think you should see it. What is the name of your custom field? Depending on the direction of your search, I believe the search join will be in the form of "[Field Name] Fields..." and not "[Record Type] Fields..."
Thanks for the workaround. The usernotes to issue method works, so I'll use that for the time being. If you could post the issue number, I will file a case and have us attached to it. Thanks, Matt
This would be great. I am long tired of the script/UI join limitation. The "middle" record solution is not always a workable option. I will vote for these. Steve - Be advised while you can use "OR" filters in the UI, you cannot define "OR" filters with a scripted search. Please vote for the following enhancement if you…
You could concatenate formulas but the result will have to be text. This means sorting on the column will be alphabetical, not numeric. ie. "100" comes before "2". Similarly, summing fails because the values are text. Matt
Our case # is 631657. Re: commas... Doesn't the CSV export include quotes automatically when a comma is included in the field data? I know I've exported data with commas just fine. Matt
Ah yes... In MS Access you can resolve this. After choosing a delimited import, select the double quote form the "Text Qualifier" dropdown setting. I'm not sure where it may be located in other versions, but in MS Access 2000 this shows up in the second page of the "Import Text Wizard" dialog box. Hope this helps! Matt
Yes, auto numbering is on. I just tried again... this time with both customer and company searches: Using a Customer search {companyname} behaves as I described above with hierarchy. Using a Company search it works. I also just noticed with a Company search I am presented with two "Company Name" entires in my results…
Also I just tried {altname} in both company and customer searches... hierarchy in both. So to summarize: Customer Search Company Name - no hierarchy {companyname} - hierarchy {altname} - hierarchy Company Search Company Name(1) - no hierarchy Company Name(2) - hierarchy {companyname} - no hierarchy {altname} - hierarchy…
Use the summary type "group" to group all other rows when you sum amount. One of these rows will need to be unique to each transaction (like the ID). Matt
Hmmm... This looks like it could work. Before building the server script, I would definitely test using some mock data to ensure the searches work as expected. A while back, we had trouble with searching multi-select fields in the negative, "A and not B", but I think NS has corrected that now. Server script would be the…
Hi Steve, We are also subscription based and have this exact same issue. Our subscription "status" is set up a bit different, but I think the underlying problem may be the same. The issue I have found is with the join between records and searching in the negative in a one-to-many relationship. Consider the following 2 very…
After some further testing, I noticed if I apply the same search (without using sub of none) to the customer's dashboard, it returns transactions as expected on both parent and child dashboards. Since the same search is interpreted differently elsewhere in the system, it got me thinking... Should my request be search…
This has been filed under issue #119772. Thanks, Matt
Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried this and while it does filter child transactions from the parent customer record view, it also suppresses ALL transactions when viewing child customer records. Could this be done by other means? Thanks, Matt
Do the searches have separate internal ids? You can tell by the URL... It will include "id=1234" where 1234 is the id of your search.
Yes. The graph output will draw a graph for you, but only if you have something it can quantify under your results tab. Try something very simple... If searching transactions, add just two fields under the results tab using summary types: [LIST] [*]Type (Group) - This will be your X-axis [*]Amount (Sum) - This will be your…
This is currently not possible, but would be very, VERY valuable and solve many of our search limitations. We often have a need to perform a search with criteria from 2+ joins away... A common example is a contact search which includes criteria from the customer's transactions. The only way to currently do this is to…
Sounds great! Thanks Matt
Yes, this does work. However, if the search described above is to be used for something contact specific - like a contact group - then I believe the initial search record needs to start with contact. Joining one search with another can also provide us with better negation, or subtraction of sets. Subtraction does not…
Thanks Evan, Filtering on the max creation date would be great. Is there an enhancement number I should be added to? I've already begun working on an alternative solution using a hidden field on the customer record, "Last Task Date" for example: [LIST] [*]User creates a new task [*]Upon saving new task: [LIST] [*]Server…
Yes, this should simply be {id} in a formula field. Make sure to turn "store value" off. Matt