My Stuff
Awesome Kip - It's much appreciated for the follow up. It's a question we'd like to know an answer to. Thanks!
I'm afraid that the answer will be - they can't use the APC licenses. Due to this situation, I suggest that your client reach out to their AMO rep, and get credit for the licenses they can't use, towards the full licenses they need. I know it sucks, but it's not unusual. NetSuite loses money when people modify the APC…
Glad we could help. In the future, try not to see this as overly complex. If you simplify things, you will see exactly what occurs when (in a workflow) and adding one state to the existing fixed things right up! I am 100% self taught with NetSuite - don't let it intimidate you. You can do this! 😉
You can script the PDF results, otherwise, natively, I don't believe that you can change the column widths in a PDF export from a report. Sorry it's not what you're looking for.
While I've never actually used these fonts, it may be something that you can find out from Support. Anytime a client asks for something NetSuite doesn't accommodate, we steer the customer towards a compromise. Sorry it's not the answer you want.
If this is the case, and NetSuite downgraded the permissions of the APC role, then your customer will need to purchase full licenses. There are enough NetSuite employees here in the UG, I'm sure someone can check that for you. If it's true, then the existing APC roles will be restricted. NetSuite does this due to people…
C - Expense Report
What you're asking for is not native NetSuite functionality. It is possible, but would require custom scripting. Hope this helps!
I imagine that the error is due to the related records being linked to the transaction, and you cannot make a 'pretend' link, nor can you unlink a transaction via code. As you absolutely should not be able to….
I would suggest opening a support case.
For the locations that had no cost, did you backdate the IA Cost to be before the sales transactions? IF a transaction dated 03/05 has no cost assigned, the transaction will show 100% revenue. If you add a cost to the location dated 03/14 - it won't change any of the 100% revenue transactions dated prior to the cost being…
If the number is greyed out, and you can't update the transactions in the UI - it's likely that the transactions are in a period that is closed. When periods are closed and locked, you cannot edit the transaction numbers of any transactions dated in closed periods. Be careful opening closed periods, but you'll have to in…
You will need to go to the mobile app and delete the expense lines that couldn't be processed. As long as the lines exist without processing, you qualify for the email error.
If you're using the customized statement, then you'll need to update the customized statement. Once you customize a form, the native NetSuite data may no longer be present. Hence, this can't be fixed without customizing your statement again and adding the native data elements back onto it.
You'll need to create 2 saved searches. 1 for Monday - Thursday, a second for Fridays.
On Setup>Accounting>Inventory Costing Preferences, how often does it say it's set to calculate?
Depending upon what sort of account you have, serialized inventory numbers on hand should show up on the standard item form. THe on hand serials are a sublist, not a field, so I'm really confused…..
The customer can check their licensing at setup- Company _ View Billing Information. If they are still licensed for the APC licenses, you should file a support case right away. Often, companies will get a 'trial' in their sandbox for features. If they choose not to purchase the features, then the trial usually ends. Not…
Yes- someone mentioned that there's an active defect for this behavior. If you file a support case, they will release the patch to your account. Sorry for the confusion… I can't say that I've ever seen an admin restricted from anything before. In 21 years of working with NetSuite. My apologies, nothing should surprise me.…
The native customer statement shows zero as amount due. Are you using a custom statement form that is missing this data element?
What entry form are you trying to get it to show up on? The serial numbers for the item will appear under the Inventory Detail of the item record.
for each subsidiary, You will need to create: 1 line per subsidiary that applies to the interco accounts - and should be set to eliminate. 1 line per subsidiary that applies to the subsidiary account that will 'settle' the money from interco accounts. You can create an AIJE directly from level 1 subsidiary to level 15…
If you are using the actual administrator role, you would not have a permission violation. By definition, the admin role has NO restrictions. This is an admin login - only the word Administrator after the company name You will need permissions to edit contact records. Without that permission for contacts, you can't edit or…
The administrator role has no restrictions. If you're using a true administrator role, you wouldn't be able to actually see the permissions assigned to your role. The easiest way to check what the missing permissions are is to have a true administrator edit a contact record, copy the URL, and have you paste the URL into…
In that case, you'll need to create an advanced Intercompany journal entry. Assuming that you have the intercompany framework configured.
Avalara is the go to company for NetSuite Sales Taxes, VAT Taxes, etc. They can manage what is taxed, when and who is taxed, depending on the item and the customer location. Let me know if you'd like an Avarala contact to review Avalara?
Custom labels are not very friendly in NetSuite. You may need to have a third party to print custom labels. RF Smart has a solution, and there are many other possibilities. I don't think you'll be able to edit the label inside NetSuite to suit your needs - it's very restrictive.
If you're trying to add a field to the statement - go to customization - forms - transaction forms - statement. - Customize the statement - - you can print basic or advanced. Try basic first - and see if you can add your field. If you can't add your field to the basic template, try to edit the advanced pdf - at…
In your workflow, add the 'email' state to state 5 - transaction approved. Add the action before 'lock transaction' Make sense?