My Stuff
Answer: True
Hi Jam, Appreciate the feedback but this does not sound at all like what we're experiencing.
Answer: Favicon
B. Setup > Company > Enable Features > Transactions
C. Started
I don't know of a more efficient way other than undeploying each script touching Vendor Bills until the error stops. Once you've identified which script deployment caused the issue, you'd want to turn the previously undeployed scripts back on, one-by-one, to ensure the error does not persist. Once you've identified the…
Per @Francesca Nicole Mendoza-Oracle 's response, you'd most likely want to look at the ones with an afterSubmit function. From there you'd need to test each to see which one might be causing the issue and then repair from there. I don't think any one of us can identify exactly which of your scripts is causing the error.
Hi @Vishnu M It sounds like you have either a Custom User Event or Client Script deployed to Vendor Bill record that is trying to validate line items on the transaction and isn't being handled correctly. Check out Customization > Scripting > Scripted Records and chose "View" next to Vendor Bill. That will show you scripts…
Glad to hear it!
Ooof requested in 2012 and still no traction, that's unfortunate. I voted as well. Thanks!
Hi @User_NYPKX , It sounds like you don't want to change the status of the ITF, you just want to block users/integrations from marking the ITF as "Shipped" until payment is received? If it's the true end goal, you'd only be able to implement that, if at all, with a workflow or Script that disables that field/option until…
Hi @User_Aysha , This might take a few rounds of troubleshooting but here is what I would suggest if you have not already done any of these steps: I'd first recommend updating the Purchase Price on a single item via UI. Have you tried that and were you successful in updating the Purchase Price on the Lot Numbered item? If…
Hello @User_NYPKX , To my knowledge you cannot change the native NetSuite statuses. Additionally, the status of an ITF is not related to the payment of a Sales Order (Invoice/Cash Sale). An Item Fulfillment can only be Picked, Packed, or Shipped. What is your use case? There may be a different way to accomplish what you're…
Answer: C
Hey @Marie4455 , I agree with Tigran that the standard Sales by Item report does not support the Created From: Date. As an alternate solution to the suggestion of creating a custom field that maps from the SO to the Invoice/Cash Sale (a good solution if you'll always need to report the SO date on Sales Reports), you could…
Hi Jb123, In my opinion, it depends on the use case. If the field should always be mandatory, then you'd want to mark it as such on the Validation & Defaulting subtab. Keep in mind that setting it as mandatory there will mean that all ways of updating/creating a record will be impacted including UI, WFs, Scripts, CSV,…
Hi Alona, Another user might have a more efficient solution but I am not finding that the Custom Form field is accessible in a Vendor saved search. It's a bit of a workaround but you could try creating a custom entity field called "Custom Vendor Form" and then write a workflow that populates the new custom entity field…
Locked Scripts usually come from Bundles or previous consultants/companies that are locking their work where you'd need to reengage them to make changes, or as suggested by Jervin, re-write the scripts to combined them and then shut the others off. If locked by a Bundle, usually you cannot touch the Script but you can edit…
Yes it does, sounds like you've solved what's causing the New User Request pop-up and you'll need to determine if you need additional seats or if another user can be moved.
Are you working with ACS or a NS Consultant? Either should be able to assist you with writing the script (though they'll likely charge you for this). If not and your team needs to be scrappy, you could try requesting a script with the requirements above to an AI platform and it would likely write one for you. However, keep…
What about your Employee Center Role User account? Are you maxed out on that as well? Also, have you tried creating another user and giving them this new role?
Hello, I don't believe there is native functionality to allow for this but there might be a way to achieve this via a scripted solution. You could test in Sandbox: 1. Create a new role for these two users that gives them permission to see all POs 2. Add the new role to each of the two users employee records (do not delete…
Hello, This message appears when you've run out of users seats. If you go to Setup > Company > View Billing Information you can look at the "Full Licensed Users **" to determine how many you have allocated to your account and how many are being used, likely all. You could try removing your employees role and saving the…
Hello, Have you checked the Script Execution Logs to see if you're hitting an error when running the script on a Sales Order? Or are the logs blank for the date and time you ran it?
C. Linked Forms Tab
Can you post a screenshot of when you can see it so we can compare?
I tried testing in my instance but it doesn't happen to me. Could you try grouping the results? That might tell you which of the two bracketed fields are giving you line level data. In my experience, Date Created and Document Number/ID are header level fields but sometimes in the backend NetSuite is applying fields at the…
Congrats too all! It's been wonderful participating in the community.