My Stuff
NetSuite All Hands Meeting
On Thursday, February 13 at 12PM to 2PM EST. Oracle-NetSuite Support will be holding an All Hands Meeting. We will be able to assist with Emergency cases and calls during this time. All other cases will be responded to upon our return. Thank you
On Thursday, February 13 at 12PM to 2PM EST. Oracle-NetSuite Support will be holding an All Hands Meeting. We will be able to assist with Emergency cases and calls during this time. All other cases will be responded to upon our return. Thank you
I just wrote a script to put the Requisition number on the Item lines on the Requisition itself and then hide the field on the Requisition form. Then it carries over to the Purchase Order.
I have figured out that I could catch it at the before submit and turn it into a Requisition but my issue is how do I know that this PO was created from Reorder Point Items. I need the PO to have some kind of indication that it came from that point so I can know that this needs to be a Requisition.
I just wanted to add that basically what I'm trying to do is allow users to make changes to a purchase order, save a copy of the way the purchase order was before being edited, send that edited purchase order through an approval process, and if it is rejected, be able to turn the data on the purchase order back to the way…
Thanks pcutler. That works but it didn't solve my permissions issue. I still get an error that I need a higher level of permission to open a purchase order. I guess using the suitelet isn't the permissions workaround I thought it was. I think I'll have to continue working around it by making scripts that execute on create…
I solved this by writing a script to put estimated rate into the rate field, then in my Requisition approval workflow, once it's approved I just automatically transform the Requisition into a Purchase Order since we never put more than one Requisition on a Purchase Order. That way I just skip over the Order Requisitions…
Excellent, thanks! It was a field change event and changing it to post sourcing worked.
No, I'm only passing the purchase order number and record internal id to the suitelet. Then I'm trying to use those in the url that I am generating in the suitelet. I'm pretty sure I can't just open a window from the suitelet the same way you can in the client script. I've seen examples where you create a form or where you…
So I could make a Suitelet that creates a custom form with all of the same info as the purchase order I want to copy, then the user could edit and submit that form and the suitelet could submit a PO with the data from the custom form. That is, as long as the suitelet is executing with a role that has permission to create…
Thanks. The thing I don't know how to do is to use nlapiResolveURL in a suitelet to open the record copy. In my client script I have var recordId= nlapiGetRecordId(); var poNumber = record.getFieldValue('tranid'); var url = nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET', 'customscript_mysuitelet','customdeploy_mysuitelet') + '&poNumber=' +…
That's not working for me. I know I don't need the client script now but it should work the same way when I have the button just trigger the suitelet. So my client script: var recordId= nlapiGetRecordId(); var record = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', recordId); var poNumber = record.getFieldValue('tranid');…
I think in this case you are opening a custom form for the user to edit fields in the current record. I need to make a copy of the record and edit that. I don't want the user to edit the original record. Is there a way to create the copy from the suitelet and open it without submitting the record? I need it to open in edit…
How do I open the url that I have created with the nlapiResolveURL function from the suitelet? I can't find an example of how that is done. In the client script I would use window.location = url. How do I do that same thing in a Suitelet?
Ok, I'm trying to figure out how to execute this within a workflow triggered by purchase order creation. I have it set up so that when you press a custom button there is a custom action that executes a script that makes a copy of the current purchase order, sets some other custom fields, submits it and returns the record.…
jmkplessers, is there a way to put the nlapiResolveURL() function that opens the copy of the record in a suitelet and have it open it from there? I have everything set up and it works great except that the users who need this don't have edit permission for this record type. I was wondering if I could get around that by…
I found a solution to this. You have to close each line item and resubmit. var purchaseOrderId = nlapiGetRecordId(); var obj = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', purchaseOrderId); var count = obj.getLineItemCount('item'); for(var i = 1; i <= count; i++) { obj.setLineItemValue('item', 'isclosed', i, 'T'); }…
Unfortunately field filtering is not exposed via the SuiteScript Field API. If you want a filtered list of records, you'll have to do the search for those records yourself, then populate the select field yourself using Field.addSelectOption(). I believe you can provide the ID of a Saved Search as the source to populate it…
I'm still having problems with this because whenever I open the scheduled transition in edit, {today} gets replaced with the current date and then when I save it stays that way. Is there a way to achieve not triggering a scheduled transition on certain days other than using a formula for the transition condition? I see…
Figured it out! Found How to Close a Sales Order using SuiteScript question on Stack Overflow. I copied and pasted the sample code from the best answer, changed salesorder to purchaseorder, and it works perfectly.
Thanks for all of the good ideas. I got help from NetSuite support and it turns out my formula fit within the 999 character limit. We couldn't figure out why I was getting errors saying it went over. The support person thought it might be a browser issue. We were able to get it in there eventually. I'll remember all of…
Nevermind. I realized that if I toggle the edit button on my list view as an administrator I can delete these records. It would still be nice to know if I could get the user's actual role in workflows or scripts that are run as administrator.
I ended up using a script and finally had success. I found javascript online that calculates holidays and returns true or false if it is a legal holiday. With some pretty minimal changes I made it work for our holidays and added weekends. I learned this other trick where you make a button on the workflow, set the condition…
I realized that there are things the system user wouldn't have, like an email address. So instead I checked for if the user had an email address or not.
I figured out my own problem. The state field I created was a free form text field when it needed to be an Employee list/record field.
I found this article in Suite Answers that I think will help me: Trigger Scripts before Workflow Actions Fire Answer Id: 33396
Yes, I asked NetSuite support about a trigger connected to the cancel button and they said it wasn't possible but they have it on the enhancement list. I think I'll go the route of trying to open the purchase order copy in edit mode without submitting it first and change the way my workflow works. I posted another question…
I can choose the workflow field in the Field drop down on the left but on the right I can choose From Field, Choose Current Record from the Record (Join Field) drop down, but then what do I choose from the second Field drop down in order to save the current record to the workflow field?
k_dunc , I figured out how to set the workflow action using the formula {id}. Now I'm having trouble using that to open the record in edit mode. I'm using the Go to Record action, put the workflow field with the current record saved for the record id to go to. I execute my button and it refreshes but does not open the…