My Stuff
Hi Patrick, The requirement is to get the amount paid (showing in the 'Payment' column) in every Vendor Payment specific record. Now if I pay some amount for the same bill using a different Vendor Payment record, this saved search record will show the cumulative sum of the amounts paid against both the Vendor Payment…
HI Patrick, This is what I have
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, Here is the custom column: Custom Column Details Transaction - Purchase Requisition : Custom Column
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, They are saying it is not supposed to work as they are not exposed to webservice. It is strange that it worked for you and not for us. Regards, Kaushik
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, I have removed the internalid and tried with only script ID, still no luck. Please let me know what details you need for the transaction line field? Do you want me to provide the screenshot of the Custom Column field and the screenshot of it on a Purchase Requisition line?
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, Could you please let me know which version of WebService you used when you tested and it worked for you? Regards, Kaushik
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, I would need help on how to raise the support case. Could you please guide me on how to create the Support Case for the customer? Regards, Kaushik
Thank you Richard James Uri-Oracle, it worked.
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, I have that checked. With the request payload I am sending, it should set the data, right? I donot see any permission related setup difference. Please advise
Great! Thank you for your confirmation.
Hi Richard James Uri, I have them set as, still not able to set the values. My payload is same as yours, still facing issue
Hi Nicole Mendoza-Oracle, Apologies, is my understanding correct : There is no way to get the list of custom forms (internal IDs) for a particular module like Purchase Orders / Purchase Requisitions etc. via SuiteQL / Webservice methods. Its just when we fetch data via SOAP (i.e. Get Purchase Order), it will return the…
Here is the Request:
Hi Richard James Uri, I have a follow up question on this. When I am trying to create a Purchase Requisition via NetSuite - SOAP WS UI, it is creating the requisition but it is NOT populating the Custom Line Field value. Is there any permission related issue which is not allowing me to put the values? Below is my request:…
Thank you for confirming Nicole Mendoza-Oracle. Is there any Webservice, which gives the form (id and form name) details available for a particular Transaction Type. For e.g.: Suppose, I have configured a custom form name 'Custom Form 1' for Purchase Order and it also has a 'Standard form'. Is there any way to get the…
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, I will update to your request soon - will try both 'Advanced Intercompany Transfer Journal' and the normal Journal entry.
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, Yes, we have Subsidiary on Transaction Line. So does this mean, the subsidiary set on the Journal Header will always be set for all TransactionLines, if the Journal Entry is made from "Transactions >Finance> Make Journal Entries" And for Journal Entry made from "Transactions> Finance> Make…
Hi Richard James Uri, Here is a Test record - Journal Entry. I will send you the NetSuite Account in message
Hi Richard James Uri-Oracle, I am trying to find the subsidiary value which is set on a journal entry record. When I do a 'get Journal Entry' via soap / suiteQL, it does NOT return the subsidiary ID / subsidiary name in the response. So, I am not able to join the Journal Entry with Subsidiary table. Please advise. Below is…
Thank you, it worked.
I want to get all APPROVED journal entires
Hi Nicole Mendoza-Oracle, Yes, that will give me all Journal Entries from NetSuite. But I want to filter on the Status. What would be the field name?
Thank you for confirmation. So the three way match is done on Invoice (lines), PO (line) and Item Receipt (lines). For partial payments the amount matching happens on Vendor Bill Header amount only, correct?
Thank you for your detailed steps. It was somehow not showing when I tried to do select * from TransactionLine. I am able to get the data now.
I want to try it from my instance of SOAP UI.
Yes, This was addressed by Richard James Uri. Thank you.
Richard James Uri-Oracle, Thank You for confirmation. Is it possible for you to send me the SOAP collection / export of the SOAP Project?
@Richard James Uri-Oracle, For PurchaseRequisition > PurchaseRequisitionItemList > PurchaseRequisitionItem -- are they not exposed to create (set values) on the Custom Transaction Line Fields? On another post, got to know that they are not exposed for READ via SOAP.
Thank you Richard James Uri-Oracle for investigating this. Even I am getting the same response. SOAP response only gives Custom Fields SOAP response Does NOT gives Custom Line Fields So as a workaround, I will have to rely on a 'Saved Search' to get the values of "Custom Line Fields", correct? Is there any workaround to…
Hi Nicole Mendoza-Oracle, I am trying to get the data using SOAP 'SearchRequest'.