My Stuff

Luis G Blue Ribbon


  • I just made a search on my side and did not have that issue with those available and on hand fields with the fields I show below. One thing I see is that you are using Inventory Number: Number and Inventory Number: Lot Number (Custom). Is there a reason why you are not just using the field Inventory Number, from the normal…
  • What is your base Saved search type? Is it Item or Inventory Balance? I still suggest you use Inventory balance so you don't have so many issues. I have made that search tons of times for different locations and the native inventory balance on hand and available fields have always worked for me for standard, lotted and…
  • I have not seen the inventory balance show duplicate results unless you add Location specific fields from the Item Fields…. like location average cost and other fields. If you need these kinds of fields you will need to add a criteria (see below) to your saved search so the inventory location, which is the one from the…
  • Correct, for item sublist, meaning at a line level, you can add or remove fields, but not make them mandatory. You can make Departments or classes mandatory in the Accounting Preferences—General—Classification but it would be for ALL transactions. You can try turning that on and only making that Department/Class sublist…
  • Hello, what I suggest is to create a simple Workflow that runs On Create, On View Or Update for the Transaction Invoice and inside the first and only state, create an action of Set Field Mandatory. Then you select the Items sublist and select your Department or Class field, the one that has (Line) after it and mark the…
  • If what you are trying to get is current inventory I strongly suggest you use the Saved search of Inventory Balance, not an Item search. With this you can filter on location, see Item and Inventory Number (for lot and serial) values and more. I have used this type of search for years and it works really well. Doing an item…
  • When you reopen a period, it will reopen all future periods after it. For example, if you are in Dec 2024, Nov 2024 and back periods are all closed, and you open July 2024, the Aug, Sept, Oct and November periods will also get re-opened. You should get a message like this one I send below when reopening a past period.…
  • Have you tried the default Emailing functionality from the transactions? The Purchase Orders and Sales orders have it. Under the Tab Communication -> Messages you can send an Email to the supplier/customer and the email sent will be stored in that subtab and when the supplier/customers reply to the email, as long as they…
  • What I understand is that you want to show 2 units of measure as this item can use one or another unit of measure which I assume are both part of the BASE unit of measure that the item has assigned. The item can only have 1 sales unit of measure type at a time. If you want to show multiple in forms or reporting, you have…
  • Also make sure that the destination location is also of the same subsidiary than the source location. Meaning if the destination location belongs to another subsidiary then this would not be a normal inventory transfer but an intercompany inventory transfer. Have you done this same transaction (item, locations) in the UI…
  • Hello Patrick, that I know of, there is no way to "reserve" material for a customer directly. If you want to keep it in the same bin and not use a different location (which could be only for that customer), I suggest using an Inventory Status for each of the customers. This will not forbit anyone from "taking" that…
  • Assuming you have the right access to it, you would need to go to Manage Accounting Periods page and then see which periods are closed OR Locked from the ones you would need to open to be able to update that Nov 2023 period fulfillment. You would then need to go to the period you want to open via the Checklist icon link…
  • Item fulfillments are GL impacting transactions so if the November 2023 period that this transaction is recorded on is CLOSED, which it probably is, you will only be able to edit the transaction if that period (and all future periods after it) are also opened, which you might not want to do unless it is absolutely…
  • Did you add the Inventory Location as a criteria? Otherwise it will show ALL Location's information. Or you can add the Inventory Location field in the Results and see which row is for which location.
  • If you are not using the Item Location Configuration to manage locations then you are using the standard Location view, so in your normal Item Saved Search, use these fields Location Next Inventory Count Date and Location Inventory Count Interval I show below that start with Location in the Results tab. You should also add…
  • As a note, the Order Items like other screens that have the Customize button (Mass Create or Release Work Orders for example), do not support multi-select fields. They only allow you to select one value at a time even if the source field is a multi-select field.
  • I have run into this scenario with Customers and vendors with POs as well. If you go to the Customer field, and instead of choosing List, you select Search as seen below, you are taken to a Customer Search screen that can have N number of filters. If this filter has this INACTIVE option as the default of EITHER as shown…
  • I dont know if what you are looking for is for Sales Order lines that you have not shipped yet, and if so, then a search like this might work for you. It is a Transaction saved search for Sales Orders. You make a Formula on the criteria where you deduct each SO line quantity with its SO line shipped quantity to get only…
  • Being that I could not do it with a standard sourcing, I have done what @Able Wilson mentioned of setting up a Workflow to populate a custom field that sourced the Created From. That worked well and have been testing it for a few days now, thanks for the help Able and Tris!
  • Under Setup—>Manufacturing—> Manufacturing Preferences, do you have the Allow Purchase of Assembly Items as checked? If it is not checked, it means you cannot BUY Assembly type of items and it would therefore have no reason to show a Vendors tab for it. Can you check this checkbox (if you really will be buying assembly…
  • Correct, I got a reply from NetSuite Support and they mention that starting in release 2022.1 Work orders in Planned and Release statuses were added to the results of this Close Work Orders page, so you could also close those type of Work orders in mass. I would have prefered them to add another checkbox to include those…
  • I have used searches like this to get Item Receipts that have no Vendor Bill for them yet. It is a Transaction type of Saved Search with this Criteria in the image below. The important one that is the Applying Transaction which is the one that would have a vendor bill for it if it was billed. Then you add the fields you…
  • I suggest you view the option to create a Workflow on Transaction and Subtype Invoice. You can make it only apply to the ON CREATE transaction. On the workflow you can then create a Send Email action and indicate in the Include Transaction to include the PDF which will send the PDF for the Form the Invoice is using. On the…
  • Where exactly are you scheduling the emails? What kind of emails? Is it with an Email Alert from a Saved Search? Or with a script/workflow?
  • This is a sample of a Work order that was created from a Sales Order. The Created from exists on the Main line true but not on the Main lines false which is what I need to get in a saved search. How could I get the Created from with a Workflow on the lines? I would need a custom field to store it, right?
  • Joy, I submitted a NetSuite support ticket for this and they confirmed that this 2023.1 functionality is NOT for Purchase Orders YET. The only steps I had done was set a calendar in the location that I was running my MRP for and there were no changes in the suggested delivery dates (expected receipt dates) of my purchase…
  • I see that enhancement referencing Planned WORK Orders but not Purchase Orders. Also this is not related to any lag times. What we mostly need is that the Expected Delivery date DOES NOT fall into a non-working day and that MRP is able to validate that and move to the next available date. I see there is this enhancement…
  • It is also not in the Custom tab, I even moved the fields to that Custom tab in the Form and the tab still shows empty, only SUB-tabs but no fields. Also, I don't see where I can change the actual Custom form. I see that it IS using the one I am changing because when I remove the Class or Department fields they do…
  • And is there an estimated resolution time/date for this Defect? Can you see WHEN it was created? Do we have access to that Defect database?
  • I believe I found the issue. I noticed that the text of those 2 fields looked a bit different, as you can see from the example below. I changed to the SOURCE view and found that when copy-pasting these fields, the editor was adding a lot of html code that got between the { and the field name, making them unrecognizable by…