My Stuff
Some advice to tread quite carefully. Commissions have been a nightmare for us and from a business perspective there is nothing worse than a disgruntled sales team. Please refer to this S2 defect Defect #187453 - Reports>Commissions>Commission Overview Report - Amount to be Authorized, Eligible Amount and Authorized Total…
Enhancement 2707 may help. Yes the create deposit on sales order is a fantastic enhancement
I reopened periods back to 2010 to adjust product class and departments and had issues with exchange rate variances recalculaing.
Hi, This is the response I received when I filed a case These revaluations are usually created when an older transaction revalued under the old revaluation engine was edited and saved. What happens is the system will create a revaluation under the new engine and reverse the revaluation created from the old engine and this…
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has a workaround to the adjustment period so that only an accountant or administrator has access to post to the period. Can the adjustment period be deleted and recreated after the fact? This is a great concept, but when every transaction created on the last day of the finacial year defaults to…
This would be an excellent enhancememnt.
Using an invoice template on the sales order has worked well mostly. You will need to create a credit template if a customer is refunded and needs a credit note. Have transactions that crossover months/quarters for GST created any issues say the SO is December but the invoice is January? Do you account for that manually?
Sounds fantastic and I think should be integrated into NS. I placed an information request with the company and I got the impression that they were working more with integrators. Still waiting far more feedback from the company.
Just a comment on the enormous amount of scrolling required with the UI design and working in a back office processing orders. I was on a vendor webinar yesterday and one of the points they made was "SCROLLING MAKES YOU SAD" and I immediately thought of Netsuite! Our sales order template currently has 39 columns, and when…
When we use Firefox 4 to send e-mails,ifthe font is changed from the default, the message does not display to the recipient
I called support and was told we would get access 8 working days before going live. Not much time to test and have changes made for scripting that's for sure!
Hi, A case filed on August 16 and NS created: Defect #228643 - NetSuite Support Center > Enhancement Voting > Vote button missing. Alternate Solution: Submit a case about the enhancement you wish to vote for so that the Support Department can vote on customer's behalf instead. Your defect has been prioritized as an S2.…
Hi, We have had no issues in Sydney (and we are usually the first to complain!). We use Internode. Margaret
We are unable to save transactions. Busiest time of year. has a note that an isssue was rectified at 9:34pm PST but 30 minutes later we are still able to carry on with business
We were unable to save transaction in both system 1 and system 2 for about 5 minutes and then we were logged out for inactivity. Support has not had any similar issues. It seems fine now
This has been happening to us randomly over the last 2 weeks. Other times the account is not logged out for hours of being used. Has this been fixed globally now? Thanks
System2.netsuite seem to be back up
We were down for about 5 minutes on Friday but the system has been really slow Support says this is a global issue and they are inundated with calls
We are down on Netsuite 1 and Netsuite 2 in Australia
We use Other Name for any transaction that has no payment terms and is not a stock/inventory item.
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