My Stuff
Thanks for your help Debbie
I haven't made my edits to the .xml file yet, but I did copy, paste, rename and upload. I processed a payment, clicked "email payment notification" and successfully generated an email using my edited template. However, its not creating or attaching a PDF file like it did on previous transactions. I feel like I must have to…
I couldn't reply to your first post, but you wrote: "Just to confirm, on the Email Notification tab of the Payment File you are referring to, if you clicked on the Document Number and the Bill Payment showed up, does the Custom Form being used on it is the Bill Payment vdjg? (sample screenshot below)"…
Thank you Debbie
In your instructions above. Step 2: "Take note of the Email Template for VENDOR Payments Step 3: Step 4: paste/search the Standard CUSTOMER Payment. xml Is that accurate Vendor for line 2; Customer for line 4? Thank you Debbie
Wowzers! Thank you for the response/information. There's a lot to digest here so it may take me a day or two to dig in. Are the steps outlined above printed in any of your user manuals? How would I have known that all this needs to be done? Every other transaction one just customizes a standard pdf template, rename/save…
Oh that's a beautiful thing. Thank you for the assistance, it worked. On a side note, I have 3 Bank Payment Details tabs. I edited the first one with the black dot next to it. Should I or can I get rid of the other two? Only 1 Bank Payment Details tab displays on the actual vendor record. Should I or can I get rid of the…
Thanks Shamaine The bundles appear to be completely different and when I try to update bundle 315896 I get an error message, "You don't have access to the bundle". (I'm working from my admin role) Here are screenshots: This is bundle 395113, the latest Electronic Bank Payments bundle that I would like to install in our…
More questions...YAY! We started investigating ACH options back in March 2021. We installed Bundle 315896 in our Sandbox account. It is an unmanaged bundle. Per your advice above I would like install bundle 395113 in our Sandbox account. Should I uninstall bundle 315896 first? I believe bundle 315896 added some fields and…
Thanks Shamaine I will look into all of these things. Debbie
Thanks - I'll check out the links. I have a general question about bundles that perhaps you can help me with. Many months ago, we installed bundle 315896 (Electronic Funds Payment) in our sandbox account. I can't find that bundle anymore when I search for it. Are bundle id's NOT static and change when the bundle is updated…
I'm trying to research/find the SuiteApp mentioned in this Help article: When I search for "Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp" in the SuiteAPP Marketplace, no results found. Thoughts? Thank you Debbie
Thanks for the information. Is there only the one Coastal option? Debbie
Good Morning Thank you! You answered my question. Debbie
Great Thanks! Can you tell me why one PO from 2007 with the status "Fully Billed" is on the Open POs Report and the next sequential PO from 2007 has the exact same status as "Fully Billed" and doesn't show up on that same Open POs report? What is making one show up on the report and another one not when they are both 100%…
Thank You! This is very helpful (and out of my wheelhouse) , but I understand the logic and I can take this idea to our inhouse scripters and see if they can help me out. Cheers Debbie
Thanks Everyone! Switching to the "Address Label" criteria solved the problem. Debbie
Thank you Debbie
THANK YOU SO MUCH !! I was able to create the search from your screenshots. I can't wrap my brain around this, "Forgot to Mention if you want the sales amount, you need to use the Account = NULL as those are the Fulfillment Lines that join back to the sales order " but it works!! Thank you Debbie
Thanks! Your answer is really helpful. Debbie
Good Morning Thank you for your help. "the amount/value total, do you mean the sales price of the item fulfilled or the cost of the item fulfilled?" I'm often asked for both, and I realize these are different values sourced from different fields. Debbie
Thank you for your help. "Make sure you filter the lines to his your COGS account " Can you explain how to do this? Are these criteria settings? Regards, Debbie
I work for a distribution company and we ship and drop ship from our vendors to all US states and this is our experience as well. Wild wild west. Some vendors accept our resale cert; some charge tax regardless. We keep detailed notes regarding that vendor's policies on a tab on each vendor record and review with every drop…
We're having an issue that cropped up yesterday, just curious if anyone else is experiencing the same. We're having problems printing FedEx shipping labels during the Item Fulfillment process, but only with certain FedEx methods. A Fed Ex ground label will print as expected but a method such as FedEx 3 Day won't. Even…
7:50 am EST on the East Coast USA still having this issue. Does anyone know what time zone the NetSuite status page: is set to?
Thanks for the reply and the suggestion, and I agree, it sounds completely random. I may give it a try.
I have not opened a ticket yet.
Miraculously changing the Appearance setting on the Chart themes solved the problem
Thank you for the helpful information. I shall go vote! Debbie