My Stuff
Good morning Winston, You will need to iterate through the sub-list and mark the lines to fulfill. Inserting the following between your transform and submit should do the trick. ... var numberOfItems = itemfulfillment.getLineItemCount('item'); for (var i = 1; i <= numberOfItems; i++) {…
Good morning rosse, You should be able to access the Bill internal ID via the URL, see below: The parameter you will look for is &bill= and the internal ID is the value right after (XXX).…
Good morning, The following page is useful to determine if a record is scriptable or not: Path: SuiteCloud (Customization, Scripting, and Web Services) SuiteScript SuiteScript Reference SuiteScript Supported Records Best regards,
Good morning Kevin, I'm wondering why you are not able to access the rich text value directly via your search columns. Just created the following setup in a Demo account to confirm: 1. Added new Rich text field on Customer record ('Rich Text Test (Custom)', custentity26) 2. Filled field of one customer with tons of…
Good morning Kristin, The saved search page itself is not customizable. However, you have the ability to add search results columns (columns) and available filters (that appear at the top). If you want to get tricky you can also include Formula (Text) search columns containing HTML. Really depends on what you are trying to…
Good morning Kevin, How are you obtaining this value? From your description it sounds like you are in a Suitelet context and are obtaining the value via a saved search. Is that right? Via a saved search you definitely should be able to obtain the textual value directly (results[x].getValue()). Or, worst case scenario, if…
Good morning kshaffer, You are on the right path as you need to use the template renderer in order to use the scriptable templates. The SuiteAnswers article you referenced is exactly what you need to get it working. Can you provide the tags you are using? Are all tags not mapped or only specific ones? Are the tags mapped…
Good morning gmctall, You are on the right path with your custom column field approach. The native NetSuite functionality only allows a static filter (based on saved search) so that wouldn't work in your case (where you need to have the items filtered based on live user input). You can find this under the custom…
Good morning, This is curious as I would've expected the thrown error to be MISSING_RESTLET_1_FUNCTION since you are not posting any POST DATA to the RESTlet. It seems as if your null parameter is passed as 'null' (a string). The key here is to pass your data to the second parameter of nlapiRequestURL (where you currently…
Hi Darren, Try replacing 'inventorydetail' with 'componentinventorydetail'. That should do the trick. Best regards,
I would attempt to use a combination of nlapiSelectNewLineItem(), nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue() and nlapiCommitLineItem() instead of the addressbook insert at line 2. Best regards,
Hello Jason, You will not be able to use nlapiDeleteRecord as Saved Search is not yet fully exposed to scripting. It is now available as a Saved Search (Saved Search Saved Search :)) but that is as far is it gets for now. However, here is how you can delete a UI saved search via scripting. The example below deletes an…
One thing I noticed is that you have two different fields on your custom record that might be referencing the check number: var checkNum = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_txn_entry_import_check_num'); var tranID = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_txn_entry_import_tranid'); This should not be causing the error though as check…
Good morning, You can access the transaction values via a search join. Sample code below shows how to get the Transaction internal id: var columns = []; columns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid', 'transaction')); var s = nlapiSearchRecord('note', null, null, columns); // Sample call for first result…
On the client-side you have the advantage of access to the window.location object. From this object you can define the base URL. On most browsers you can access the base URL directly (window.location.origin) but on IE you need to use a combination of properties (protocol and hostname). I'd also recommend using…
I suggest the following solution: - Create a custom entity field called 'Internal ID Copy'. Freeform Text. Store Value = T. Display type = Inline text. Global Search = Yes. - Create a workflow or script that sets this 'Internal ID Copy' field on create to the real internal ID value That way you will be able to simply type…
There is no native NetSuite API to do this. You will have to access and modify the DOM. The code below will change the background color of a given button to green: <span style="color:'#0080FF'"><span style="font-family:'Consolas'"><span…
From the release notes: 'SuiteScript has never officially supported direct access to the DOM. If your scripts are accessing the DOM, they may no longer work as expected in Version 2014 Release 2.' It could potentially be all DOM access calls. I'd strongly suggest using the Release Preview account to test any script…
You can use nlapiLoadRecord to obtain the values but you can set them directly with nlapiSetxxx item.setLineItemValue('locations', 'defaultreturncost', x, cost); Changed to: nlapiSetLineItemValue('locations', 'defaultreturncost', x, cost); If you load the current record and submit it during before submit you should get the…
The field name is incorrect, it should be 'shipcarrier'. There is also a small detail to take into consideration: If the shipping carrier is already set to something other than UPS (ex: More) and a shipping method is set and you ONLY set the shipping carrier to UPS it will have no effect (it will keep its original value).…
You will need to wrap your entire code into a function: function updateHTLMField() { // insert code here } And set it as the trigger function on your script record. (ex: Before Submit Function : updateHTLMField) I would strongly suggest using a user event script on the before submit trigger. Your are using the…
You will need to create a user event script triggered on before load. This script will be deployed on the Message record. The next step is to limit your script to Emails from Cases (to prevent the email template to default on Customer emails or Transaction emails). You can do it via the 'activity' field value. Then you…
Interesting. In this case I'd suggest keeping the 'create' and 'edit' triggers in Before Submit and move the 'xedit' trigger in After Submit. That way you will be able to load and submit the record on after submit and keep your original nlapiGetNewRecord logic in before submit.
A couple of points lead me to believe that you want to update a 'regular' record (and not custom): - The record type internal ID of 265 could reference the Payroll Item record type of -265 - The field you are setting is prefixed by 'custitem' (and not 'custrecord') If 265 represents your custom record then the solution…
nlapiSetFieldValue('cs_total_quantity_fulfilled', totalQuantity, false); Should be : nlapiSetFieldValue('custbodycs_total_quantity_fulfilled', totalQuantity, false);
Here is a way to achieve what you want: [LIST] [*]User event script triggered on After Submit [*]Use of nlapiSubmitField to update external id [/LIST] nlapiSubmitField(nlapiGetRecordType(), nlapiGetRecordId(), 'externalid', xxx); The main use of the external ID is to tag a record with its ID from another system so in a way…
The Order Items page is not scriptable (nor is the form customizable). It depends on the actions you wish to execute (client vs user event) but the submission could be captured at the purchase order level (after submit trigger of type 'orderitems')
To quickly find the Account Type filter values you could view an Account record of the desired type, open the browser console and type in: nlapiLookupField('account', nlapiGetRecordId(), 'type') This will give you the right account type filter, example: DeferExpense Best regards,
I don't believe this is documented but you need to use 'receiptinventorynumber' instead of 'issueinventorynumber'. The 'issueinventorynumber' applies to fulfillments while 'receiptinventorynumber' applies to item receipts.
The pagination does indeed have an impact (it might be the only record that has this behavior). I ran into this before and the solution is to process the items page by page via script. You will need to figure out how the items are ordered first via the user interface (I think it is by item name). As you process them they…