My Stuff

fjannelle_30197 Newbie


  • Good morning Kirk, Leaving 'Require Exact Match On Item Type-Ahead' unchecked usually does the trick. Otherwise, prefixing your search text with % should do the trick and work across the different types of lists.(Ex: %hello will find 123 Hello) Best regards,
  • Good afternoon, Here is an idea. 1. Create a custom item field called 'External Image URL' of type Hyperlink. Store Value = true. This field will hold the external image URL. Ex: Set field ID to custitem_external_image_url 2. Create a custom item field called 'External…
  • Good morning, Having more than 50 locations will bring up two "major" issues: [LIST] [*]Slower loading times of Item page (need to load the inventory per location table; more locations = longer loading time) [*]Need to split built-in inventory reports (reports and saved searches related to Locations will need to be split…
  • Good morning, These automatic inventory adjustments are generated on creation of an item when a 'Total Value' field value is set. When this value is set, NetSuite need to reflect the total value and therefore generates this inventory adjustment. Ideally you need to leave this Total Value empty on creation and then go ahead…
  • Hi Jeff, You will not be able to create a Generic search allowing you to search for any record type with a specific internal ID. A viable solution I can think of is the following: [LIST] [*]Create a custom field for all record types you want to search for. Field type = Free Form text. Global Search = True. [*]Develop a…
  • Good morning, There is unfortunately no direct filter on Type (ex: Statistical Journal Entry). One way to achieve this is to add the following filter: - Account Type is Statistical This will limit your journal entry results to statistical journals only. Best regards,
  • The trick is not to have a direct filter on a transaction field. With a direct filter you will only display customers with transactions. You can achieve it with a special formula filter: Customer search Criteria Formula (Numeric) equal to 1 CASE WHEN ({transaction.type} = 'Cash Sale' AND {transaction.mainline} = '*') OR…
  • You can use the NEXT_DAY function to get the date of the next specific week day and subtract 7. This sample below will give you the previous Monday for a given date. NEXT_DAY({trandate}, 'MONDAY')-7 For example, if trandate was today (07/12) this formula would return (06/30)
  • Hello Paul, Small typo in your formula, 'in' must have an uppercase 'i'. This should work: case when {billingtransaction.status} = 'Paid In Full' then {amount} else 0 end Best regards,
  • You will need to use the dense rank functionality in order to achieve this. Here is a set of criteria and results that will display only the sales orders where the last message is incoming: Criteria-Standard - Type is Sales Order - Main Line is true Criteria-Summary - Maximum-Formula(Numeric)-Formula : CASE WHEN…
  • Good morning, If your form is an Online Customer Form or an Online Case Form you can add the 'File' field to the form. This allows the user to upload a file and the file is attached to the resulting record under Communication-Files. Best regards,
  • Good morning Jessie, Dew is right, you will have access to Created From under the Printing Fields section. If you do check it there the resulting value will be 'Sales Order #xxx'. If you are looking to display only the number I would suggest one of the following: 1. Create a new transaction body field, store value = false,…
  • Good morning, OK, doing a bit of guess work here but I think you are architecture is the following: Online Customer Form -> Generates Lead/Customer -> User Event Script is triggered -> Creates or updates Custom Record Based on that the reason that nothing triggers when you attach a script to the custom record is…
  • Good morning, Try the following scripting sequence: var copiedRecord = nlapiCopyRecord('vendorreturnauthorization', XXX) nlapiSubmitRecord(copiedRecord ) Where XXX is the Vendor Return Authorization internal id. For the full button customization you will need your user event script with Before Load trigger to add the…
  • You would need a scheduled process that picks up the Saved Search Field value and stores it into another field. If you want the process to be real-time, you would need to identify ANY record that can change the result of your saved search and have a user-event script in place that updates the value on the related Customer…
  • Good morning, Here is a solution that will require quite a bit of configuration work. 1. Create your Contacts views [LIST] [*]Make sure they are Public [*]And Available as Sublist View [/LIST] 2. Set up your Contacts views as custom Sublists [LIST] [*]Go to Customization-Forms-Sublists [*]Entity tab [*]Add your Contacts…
  • Good morning Ben, You will also need to account for the 'Yes' value : CASE WHEN {custrecord_bsb_rejected} = 'T' OR {custrecord_bsb_rejected} = 'Yes' THEN I came across this situation before and it was also via a Custom Record custom field. There is a very high chance that this is specific to custom records as I've not come…
  • In your transaction saved search you will need to join on the items. Your formula should be {item.custitem23}.
  • Oh OK got it. Your custitem field is ALREADY sourced from a saved search. You unfortunately cannot report on a field sourcing from a saved search. This is the downside of using the 'Saved Search' sourcing feature on custom fields. You will need to replicate the formula directly in your saved search (might be complex based…
  • Unfortunately you cannot natively assign a specific form to a customer or department. You also cannot create a field of type List/Record - Custom Form (this would be ideal to tie a Custom Form to a Department or Customer). In your post you mentioned online orders therefore you will need a user event script triggered on…
  • I'd suggest exploring the possibility of using custom transaction types. You would have most of your header fields already built-in as well as the Lines sublist. Sounds like it would be a good fit here. Best regards,
  • Hi Eric, There is also the Address Book type of List/Record but this will not work either as it only displays addresses tied to entities. The approach you described will be the best solution in this case. 1. Have one custom field for each corresponding address field 2. Create the address and tie it to the entity just prior…
  • Hello Arnold, Unfortunately, the Default Value field under the Validation&Defaulting tab is strictly to establish a default value and doesn't allow on the fly validations. The Validation part of the Validation&Defaulting in this case is only the Mandatory option (checkbox). The most efficient way to implement your…
  • Good morning Hemang, I would suggest moving your script over to the Item Receipt record and iterate the line items to process the Inventory Detail subrecords. That would centralize the logic where you need it. Otherwise you will have two options, dealing with undocumented fields/parameters: 1. Use field 'transactionid'…
  • Hi Jarod, To resolve your multiselect scenario use 'record.getFieldValues' instead of 'record.getFieldValue'. To access the custom list values, nlapiSearchRecord will do the trick. See sample code below: var columns = []; columns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('name')); var test = nlapiSearchRecord('customlist_xxx', null,…
  • Hi Rafe, The Packages tab is a bit unique as it is a sub-list that looks like body fields. The fields that you see (ex: Package Weight) are actually line item fields. With that in mind, to set the current package COD Amount checkbox you would do the following: nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('packageups', 'usecodups', 'T')…
  • Hello Mizra, Would you mind sharing the returned value of 'getDate()' using nlapiLogExecution('debug', 'Date', getDate())? And as ironside mentioned, the content of the getDate() function? I was not able to reproduce your error with a series of different tests. Best regards,
  • Good morning, Creating a user event version of the script that compares the old set of line items (old record) to the new set of lines item (new record) will do the trick. You should be able to reuse the logic of your client-side script within this new script. Since you already have the client-side script executed via the…
  • Good morning, You are on the right track with nlapiSetRedirectURL. You need to use the version of this function nested under the nlobjResponse. It is called 'sendRedirect'. This would do the trick: response.sendRedirect('TASKLINK', 'CARD_-29'); This will redirect to the Home page. Best regards,