My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Hi Bushra, In order to do this you would need a new Saved Search on Customers. In this Saved Search, 1. there will be a criteria on the customer's custom field to not being empty (Custom Field for "Boo Fair" is not none). 2. Add a column to have your custom field showing (Custom Field "Boo Fair"). 3. As Available Filter,…
You can use Filter Expressions in nlapiSearchRecord. Here is an example: var filters = [['mainline', 'is', 'T'],'AND', ['type', 'anyof', ['CustInvc']],'AND',[['sometextfield', 'startswith', 'This'],'OR',[['sometextfield', 'startswith', 'That'],'AND',['sometextfield', 'contains', 'OtherThing']]]]; var result =…
Hi All, NetSuite doesn't allow you to change the status back once cancelled. However, by script, you can change the value of the Status of you Sales Order even when it is in cancel status. If you create a custom button that changes the status, you could create a "Uncancel" button. Example of the code to change the status:…
Hi mjmartin, I don't know such thing as converting a Contact into a Customer. The usual "Convert" button is used to convert a Lead to a Prospect/Customer. When you'll be converting a lead "individual" that has a company name on it, it will convert it to a Prospect with a Contact under it. There are also other different…
Hi cja, It depends on what is a priority for you. Usually, not missing any updates to make sure you synced all the results is the one people will choose. There is a more guarantee that everything is updated on the other system. Also, it won't happen often that your records will be updated at the same second. (It depends on…
Hi da1th1, Using timebill, you should be able to track time on cases using the Field : caseTaskEvent. Description for that field from NetSuite help : Set this field to a case, task or event associated with the employee. You must first perform a search on the employee to get a list of associated cases, tasks, or events. I…
Hi Chad, The code that you wrote search on Phone Call records using this : [CODE]$search = new PhoneCallSearchBasic();[/CODE] What you are trying to do requires to do a search on Customer so this line will look more like : [CODE]$search = new CustomerSearchBasic();[/CODE] Then, you will add a criteria for that customer to…
Hi jschneller, To set a Custom Address on the Estimate transaction record, you need to set the field "billAddress" and "shipAddress" as String value. Please, let me know if that helps.
Hi pbrilino, I do have the same issue as you when I try to do your call. I tried to do it in a Non-One-World account and it works fine but not in a One-World account. That issue could be move to become a case at NetSuite. In the meantime, you can do a search on Items in order to retrieve your Item Id. I hope this is…
Hi Chuckles, The record type is Classification. In Web Services code, you can do a search on Classification using the Object ClassificationSearch and sending it to the Search API to retrieve the values that you want. I hope this help. Regards,
Hi mms16_2, From what I know, you have to select manually each employee of you Sales Team and add them to the "SalesTeamList". One way to do this using pre-defined Sales Team would be to make a call to NetSuite to get all employees from a specific Sales Team Id and populate in your code the Sales Team List. It costs you 1…
Hi hprem991, This can definitely be done by Web Services. I don't have any code example but you can send a request using the "Add" operation and using "EntityCustomField" record. Fill up your "EntityCustomField" record with needed information like the label, the field type and the "AppliesToXXX" property prior to pass it…
Hi David, Unfortunately, the Closed Date field on Support Cases is automatically set when the Support Case status is changing to "Closed". One possible work around will be to create a custom field "Actual Closed Date" on support cases and set that field when you are loading records in NetSuite. Regards,
Hi Dan, I do not think this information is accessible via Web Services nor even by scripts.
Hi, I pushed a CashSale through webservices with your specific attributes: // No TAX id -7 cashSale.isTaxable = false; myItem.isTaxable = false; RecordRef taxItem = new RecordRef(); taxItem.internalId = "-7"; // The internalID of "-No Tax-" myItem.taxCode = taxItem; // For the specific line, doesn't work cashSale.taxItem =…
Hello Paddy, I just did the same thing this morning. I had to apply an action when I receive an email on a case from a customer that replies to specialaddressrelatedtothecase@netsuite. If suggest that you do a nlapiLogExecution in BeforeSubmit and AfterSubmit on the message record in order to see when it is triggered.…
If you already made the import, you can use SuiteScript to attach the Contact to the Opportunity by using the API "nlapiAttachRecord('contact','123','opportunity','456');" If you want to do the import using Web Services, you can use the "Attach" API that is provided by Web Services. The "Attach" API will allow you to do…