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Oracle Fusion SCM Analytics
Ask questions about Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management (SCM) Analytics. The prebuilt cloud native solution for Oracle Cloud SCM. Get answers from supply chain professionals and experts. Uncover underlying drivers to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Discussion List
Custom Subject Area Primary Objects for ERP and SCM CloudWhat are the Primary Objects that we are supposed to have access to? I am looking at creating a Custom SA for Sourcing Responses. I only see the following:
Oracle SCP: getting error while trying to load organization.csv fileHi Experts, We are trying to associate customers to organization and updating a flag Use Customer and Customer Site for Interorganization Transfers using ScpOrganization…
Report with details from HCM and FinanceWe are building a report to show Cloud users, their logins, roles and names . For some users which in HCM are marked as Non Worker Contingent , the information related t…
How to default a Prompt's selection as user's login nameHi Experts, Would like to reach out to you on how to set the default value of a Prompt with user's login name. Please refer to below screenshot that I have an Analysis c…
How to create a report with Opening,Closing,Inbound and Outbound stock?I want to create a report like below format, but as Inbound and outbound qty change whenever a new entry hit, so i'm unable to achieve it datewise or you could say a Sta…
SQL query or Table for Cost Accounting DistributionsHi Team, Need a table which stores the information of Cost Accounting Distributions. Required columns: Run control, preprocessor, Cost prcocessor, Status, Cost organizat…
How can I join the SCM tables with Financial tables in Oracle Fusion ?I'm developing a SQL report to join in Customer_po_number from DOO_HEADERS_ALL with Invoice_num from AP_INVOICES_ALL. However, there’s no direct common column between th…
we want to pull the login details for a particular user using Fusion Security: REST APIwe want to pull the login details for a particular user using Fusion Security: Using Sign In - Sign Out Audit REST API ( Doc ID 2661308.1 ) by passingusername as paramet…
Image printing failing with FO parsing error occurred at 'fo:instream-foreign-object' near line 231,I am printing a image in the BIP report using fo:instream-foreign-object by passing the Base64 content of the image, it was working in the past but now I am getting "jav…
Inventory Valuation Analysis workbook not showing any dataHi team! I activated SCM offering to be able to see SCM workbooks. I picked Inventory Valuation Analysis workbook, for example, to test data visualization. However, when…Andres De la Ossa-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramamurthy Shankarachetty-Oracle
BAP/FAW Subject Area->Not Listing Columns Related to Resource Usage/Quantity to capture actual usagHi Team, BAP/FAW for manufactruring subject area no showing resource usage/quantity related columns. we are building mfg dash board to review the actual resource usage h…
Unable to add DFF PVO.We see that PVO is not available in BICC and unable to add DFF as mentioned in Oracle support page. Attaching screenshot for reference PVO: FscmTopModelAM.ReceiptRateAdj…
Where I can find transaction accountHello everyone, I am working in the bi report and the costumer request to add transaction account number and description. I tried to find the table that contain those da…
BPA Change Order StuckI was attempting to upload a BPA FBDI (Import Blanket Agreement) when I had to cancel the process due to connectivity issues. After reviewing the BPA's being updated, th…
What is the limitation on number of rows we can download using OTBI reportHi, we have created a OTBI report for Item master but when we download using csv it can download only 75000 rows. so want to know if there is any limitation on number of…
Is there an intransit reporting option that is not dependent on running the cost processes?looking for a real time intransit reporting option that is not dependent on running the cost processes (transfer transaction processes and create distributes)?
ASCP Constrain base logic for scheduling Change overDoes ASCP Constrain base have a logic for scheduling Change over or not? If yes, use Oracle and Senario 1 or 2 plan.
How to join the ideation management with Items tableHi everyone, I have a customer requirement to create a report that includes the following details: Idea Number / Relationship Idea Requestor Item details I’m trying to d…
Oracle cloud table for Sales AgreementsWhat is the the Oracle cloud table for Sales Agreements, We need the Agreements name,Effective Start and End date ,signed date, sales rep and price list etc In R12 we ha…