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Enterprise Data Management
Discussion List
EDMCS Audit Transaction History results not visible (known issue)Summary: I did not find the answer in the Community and submitted an SR. Posting the details and Oracle response here in case anyone is looking for it. The EDMCS Audit T…
Assigning the Audit Role to a user or a group. Are there differences?Summary: I created a group in EDMCS and assigned it with an Audit role. I then started adding users, assuming that they would then have Audit capabilities since they wer…
Is there a epmautomate command to compare views in EDMCS?Summary: Hello, In case view comparison is frequent, can this be automated using epmautomate command. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Vers…
Update Alternate Hierarchy using SubscriptionSummary: Problem Statement: There is a primary hierarchy as below: All Projects Parent ITN Child ITN ITN Auth Hierarchy Parent ITN_Auth All Projects is a parent for both…
Moved: How to Ignore shared entities in Data Management Source Filter for an ASO Source ?This discussion has been moved.
Moved: Is EPM job Scheduler available in ARCSThis discussion has been moved.
Moved: Loading more than 2 decimal placesThis discussion has been moved.
How are permissions assigned for the request screen?Summary: How are permissions assigned for request screen? If assigned the role of Auditor, I know the user can see all transactions on the audit screen. Does this also m…
Moved: Does Microsoft Entra (Password) not support by EPM Agent?This discussion has been moved.
Using Derived Property in a Converter and SubscriptionSummary: Question: Do I have to do anything to get the output of the Derived Property sent as part of the information in a subscription after setting up a converter? Con…
enterprise data management Permissions Report from Hierarchy set and Node TypeWe are trying to extract Reports for permissions on all the Hierarchy sets and Node Type. So typically getting reports for Permissions at Hierarchy set level and Node Ty…
Why is my subscription generating no items?I have a subscription flow that goes like this… I cannot figure out why it is that subscription 2 generates no items. Yes, the subscription is enabled (with auto-submit …
Validations in EDM through Rest APIHi Team, Can you please let us know if validations of request items in EDM with the below command is currently supported by Oracle as this is not part of the documentati…
Need to know if ARCS is able to process daily batches of high volume 70k transactions daily AHCSSummary: We will have high volume files comming from AHCS ERP Cloud (Custom Subledgers) , exported as files and uploaded in ARCS - Data Integration. I would like to know…
Validation to check if parent node becoming bottom node by movement of all of its childrenSummary: We are facing an issue that some times when all the children under a parent level nodes are moved to some other parents, the original parent level member become…
Create subscription to subscribe only '2' series EntitiesSummary: Is it possible to create subscription to subscribe only '2' series entities from source to target in Oracle EDMCS? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Moved: How to load multiple files after getting a load errorThis discussion has been moved.
Node Type Converters vs Derived ExpressionSummary I would like to confirm that node type converters are for data coming from a different view from the converter and derived expression are use when changes are ma…
How can I create an extract that pulls from a specific spot in a viewpoint?Summary: Need to create extract to pull from specific node in a viewpoint Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a viewpoint called Accoun…
When planning flag is set to TRUE subscription is not getting triggeredI have a node condition in place which will check whether planning flag is TRUE and only those nodes are included for subscription. For those members which already exist…
I am using a lookup dimension for a property but cannot use it for a filter in a Query?Summary: I am using a lookup dimension for the user to select a COID for a specific property. Since the table is very large and we cannot sort the list viewpoint by COID…
Validation on All Ancestors to fails to stop Remove actionSummary: Have Validation that checks a base account node is in two key Hier, by counting hits in AllAncestors where "name starts with"… "Global Accounts (" = 1, and equa…
combination node typeSummary: How can a combination node type be used to represent more than one dimension as a combination (just like Account combination) Content (please ensure you mask an…
How to provide options to list property from a lookup dimension ?I need to maintain three list properties. Based on first property selection, my second list options should have a refined list. Based on second property selection, third…
Deletion of a node within the OCGL application for accountSummary: I thought, at one time, I was informed that it is not possible to Delete a bottom level Account Node within the EDMCS OCGL application, thus the OCGL. We had so…
Moved: How to delete Workbench data for a single period across different Data Load rulesThis discussion has been moved.
Moved: Limit on adding members in data load rule filters in account dimensionThis discussion has been moved.
Node converter parent derivation from property on Added node, rather than it's parentSummary: Base node with Node-Picker for remote App Parent, converter returns Null (seems to use source node's parent to get property from?) Content (please ensure you ma…
Node Name - Auto-generate next sequenceContent Does anyone know if its possible to generate the next sequence or auto-increment the node names using expressions? Version 19.10
Unique Validation across Name and DescriptionSummary: How can I write a Validation expression which can validate for uniqueness between a Name and a Description US Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…