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Discussion List
Calculate amount in multicolumn file - Data ManagementSummary: I want to calculate an amount column data in multi-column data rule. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, How can I calculate an a…
How to remove/disable SL Ledgers from DIMENSIONS Ledger in Data management?Summary: We are experiencing an issue where users occasionally use SL instead of PL to upload data in Oracle FCCS Data Management, causing problems in the upload process…
Error while executing Run Pipeline Task in Task ManagerSummary: Encountering error while executing Run Pipeline from Task Manager,even though required parameters are Passed, getting error out without no proper error detail t…
How to clear an account before xwriteSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have about 10 accounts in our planning cube that we populate from workforce using XWRITE. I wou…
Unable to Update Source System ConnectionSummary: Unable to switch to new source system connection Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our DLRs currently run off source system connect…
Practice's to load data from OEP_FS to OEP_WFP?Summary: Load data from OEP_FS to OEP_WFP (using post Allocated/Distribution Actual) from base Expense Amount value to Compensation details (benefit1) in WFP. Content (p…
Is there a best practice doc on when to use a Dimension and when to use a Smart List in Planning?Summary: Looking for advice or best practices on when to use a Dimension versus using a Smart List in Planning Applications. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Is it possible for Data Integrator to pass multiple periods to a business rule?Summary: I know that you can pass the POV Period to a business rule as a parameter, but if you are loading multiple periods, this will only pass one period. Is it possib…
Can you use a UDA in a Clear Region in data exchangeSummary: We assigned a UDA to specific accounts and when we reload data we want to clear only the accounts with the assigned UDA by using export mode REPLACE. We get an …
FCCS | Snapshot Import Fails for Data Load ruleWe´re trying to import snapshot from test environment to production environment and we´re receiving an error related to import for FDMEE artifacts, resulting in the erro…
Data Management in Planning does not understand comma as decimal for loaded dataSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All We are having this issue : PBCS: Loading Data With Comma(,) as a Decimal Separator Through…
BUG? Smartpush can't recognize Attribute on form as formcontextContent Hi, We use Attribute on form to define the member selections,and we have Smartpush to use formcontext. But when saving the form, the smartpush threw the below er…
AWS Automation ProcessSummary: Hello Everyone, Has anyone worked on the AWS server for the automation process (Execution of Integration by uploading files from a folder in the EPM cloud appli…
Ability to Hide DB Objects (Forms/Grids/Visualizations) Without Data in Dashboards 2.0Summary: Working in Planning DBs in modules, and thought it would be nice if we could have a setting on a dashboard where we could suppress forms which don't have data. …Lukus Ratz, AM Accenture Inc. 11 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Lukus Ratz, AM Accenture Inc.
Can the parent of a Planning dimension member be used in the data load mapping logic?Summary: Is it possible when loading the data to lookup the Parent member of the Cost Center coming in from a source (FCCS in this case), and then map to a Child member …
Can a Planning member's UDA be used in data mapping?Summary: Can an attribute be used in data load mapping logic? e.g. if cost center CC_A has ABC attribute, then map cost center to a planning only cost center. (so that p…
power user role data managementSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi We want to give access to users to upload files in data exchange. We have given them power use…
How to plan the employee compensation.Service: Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Business Process: Planning Version: 23.11.60 Module: Workforce Hi, we have uploaded both out of the box templat…
Does Group Assignment Audit Report has a limit date to report the audit?Hi everyone! Summary: Once tried to report and audit by using Group Assignment Audit Report, i'h to check an audit from 8 months later but i couldn't. Then, when i set t…
How to identify if a user has been connected : via Web or SmartView ?Hello All, Is it possible to identify how a user has been connected : via Web or via SmartView? Today, we can see if a user put the data in adhoc or directly in a form..…
ESG Framework demo issueSummary: I have downloaded the ESG demo from Oracle. however, when I would like to go to the Framework card this error appears: Content (required): Please could someone …
[Data Integration] the way to import multi multi-column type dataSummary: Hello In Data Management, if members of the same dimension were arranged in columns, data could be imported by having a column definition in the data field at i…
updating custom attribute using groovySummary: I am trying to update custom attribute based on the value user selects in smartlist.Basically in the form, user is allowed to choose Approval status. On saving …
Under valid intersection how to SEARCH for attributesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all We are trying to select under Valid intersection the member's attributes and even though t…
Add User in New IDCS ExperienceSummary: Steps to add new user in new IDCS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I added a user in the new IDCS view/experience. However, when I…
Upload snapshot after changes to snapshotHow to ZIP the snapshot file after making changes to the snapshot? I need to make some changes to xml file for Data form and import them back to application. Kindly advi…
Upload metadata via DM with attributesSummary: Hello Experts, I have two CUSTOM dimensions to upload metadata to EPM Planning. These two dimensions are CUSTOM Category and each dimension have different attri…
Not able to add comments in FCCS Web FormSummary: we are using FCCS Application and for one of the form we could not able to add comments for the current year FY23 but when i select prior year FY22 i can able t…
Delete Admin UserSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to delete a user. They were a consultant that helped with implementation and therefore…
Removing an user accountSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Will removing a user account in EPM, remove data he entered in the application? Can some one e…