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Discussion List
If we are adding a user to OCIGen2 ,how to make a user as Federated by defaultWe are using APIs to add the users in OCI gen2 applications. When the user is added to OCI gen2 , the user is getting created as Federated option as "NO". Every time we …
Duplicate Member Names - FREE FORM PLANNINGhi All, In Free form planning application, I want to use duplicate member name (Across business dimensions). I know we can have duplicate member alias, but want to know …
Alias members are not accepting in the member formulasHi, we are using PBCS Application Version 23.10.68, For the account members when i tried to include alias member in the member formula it is giving me validation error b…
less powerful role to create rulesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Apart from giving service admin directly, is there any less powerful role which we can given t…
Is there a limitation on the file size or number of records while exporting via QUICK MODE?While using DATA EXCHANGE - QUICK MODE integration-> to export data to a FILE, (from EPCMS - ASO cube) to flat file, Is there a limitation on the file size or number of …
SSO EPM cloud - Different treatment of NATIVE v/s BUSINESS IDsHi We have SSO configured with Azure AD. We would want to restrict business users to only login via "Company Sign On", and not by entering the user id and password. So, …
Is there a way in Groovy to getEvaluatedMembers / get ancestors with Administrator permissions?Summary: Would like to know if there is a simple way of using getEvaluatedMembers (or similar) with admin permissions, to pull back names of members in the hierarchy des…
SV: Getting an error when selecting user Variable for forms in SmartviewSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Getting the below error when selecting a member which is part of the user-defined variables. This…
Planning Ad Hoc Analysis: when we remove a member from the analysis to affect data at parent levelSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all We have a request from one of our clients that when they analyse data via Planning Ad Hoc,…
EPM Integration Agent writebackSummary Will we be able to write back data to tables using EPM integration agentContent Hi All, Can anyone advise on the best approach to write data back to databases di…
copy data from many POV to one POV.Hi, I need to right a business rule function to change the 9 accounts with currencies to no Currencies, its similar to datacopy @RELATIVE("Input Currencies",0) To "No Cu…
Where to find detailed information about each task type of task manager?Dear all, where can I find further information about each task type of task manager? I would like to know what each task type is used for and what input format does each…
Not able to validate if condition with member of SmartList data type when comparing with integerSummary: I have written very simple formula in free form application, where my cube Hybrid BSO. I have created a dynamic calc member MemberB with member formula mentione…
How to use the Plan Element in EPBCS?Summary: We have a requirement to handle adjustments in Planning for which we need 13 periods. P1-P12 for the accounting periods and P13 for adjustments. We would typica…
Data Integration - Column Headers in Loadrule Definition "undefined" - not possible to set valuesSummary: When setting up loadrules (CSV File Import), we had the requirement to Upload in 5 columns Dec-24 ... Dec-28. We figure out, that a multicolumn upload does not …
Are there any connectors available for PowerBI/Azure we can pull the data from our cubes?Summary: Are there any connectors available for PowerBI/Azure we can pull the data from our cubes? We would like to be able to pull the finanical data we have in our cub…
Issue with dynamic calc parentHello experts, I have issue doing a dynamic calc in PBCS: The calc is very easy: "Final Balance Typ2" / "Final Balance Typ1"; At level 0 from Entity I can see correct da…
Balance sheet data for end-of-year adjustment periods is not loading correctly from GL in ERP?Summary: • My agency accounting practices require the use of two adjustment periods following the 12th accounting period. The data load rule for income statement (i.e. "…
Validation clearing data in data managementHi All, We've hit an issue where a user has hit the "validation" in Data Management following a successful import and the data seems to have disappeared (the show option…
Expand Button in FR is not visibleSummary: Hi, After the OCI migration (which happened last Friday, 20 Oct 2023) the expand button in FR is not visible if opened from SmartView: But it's visible if opene…
Pipeline does not wait for the integration to complete and triggers failed emailSummary: Pipeline does not wait for the integration to complete and triggers failed email. Content (required): We have defined pipeline with 3 steps as below. As you can…
How to Run Integration Job using API Rest with a Python ScriptSummary: Hi, I want to run an integration job using Oracle REST API using Python. I've tried the followind parameters but I get an 400 Error Code: I want to Run the Job …
Can you limit the integrations a user seesSummary: I have a number of Data Exchange data integrations. Is there a way to limit which integrations a user can see or run? I would prefer that the users I give this …
How to use loaded GL balances from ERP Cloud in EPBCS through SV or data forms?Summary: Hello, I have successfully built a direct integration in Data Exchange between ERP Cloud and EPBCS and loaded several GL balances into the workbench. But how do…
New Hands-on Tutorial for Planning now availableWe are pleased to announce the availability of the following new Hands-on Tutorial. Hands-on Tutorials provide step-by-step instruction on how to complete a set of tasks…
Client has a requirement to view text data at parent entity level in ASO cube.Summary: Client has a requirement to load text data at parent entity level in ASO cube for which we have informed that its not possible but they insist to view report at…
DTP Prompts are not coming up when saving a formHi guys, I am very new to DTPs and trying to study its behavior trying different scenarios. One of the scenario that I am testing is that "User will select company from …
Is there anyway to find the username and the last updated date of a form or a value in the form?Is there anyway to find the username and the last updated date of a form or a value in the form via SmartView?
Adding Members Without Creating from Asset Detail DimensionHi, I have a requirement to add members without adding it separately from dimensions Eg. When adding a new asset from the new addition form it automatically creates a me…
Smartview (v910) Error: "Screenshot Captured"Summary Smartview (v910) Error: "Screenshot Captured"Content I installed the new version of SmartView ( (Build 172)) and now I am constantly receiving the er…