PBCS Task Lists: Dynamic URL MR Report Option
Our team is looking to link MR reports in Oracle PBCS as apart of the Task List. We are currently copying the static URL link for each MR report on the task list. This arises a problem when we migrate the task list to the higher environments, such as PreProd and Production. Is there an option to keep the MR Report URL dynamic so we don't have to update when we migrate them across instances?
In the past for FR reports, we used the string: "module=tools.relatedcontent&repository_path=" instead of the PBCS URL. Attempted to do this again and does not work for MR reports. We also came across a similar request for BI Publisher on another Oracle Reporting tool for reference. https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/661371/use-of-dynamic-url-to-run-the-report-on-home-page-link