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Digital Assistant
Discussion List
External candidate skillSummary: Hi - I followed all steps from below mentioned oracle document and enabled OFA for external career site but boat is not responding to any message. I did configu…
How to change the request for tax documents from ODA to be Canadian customer centric?Summary: How to change the request for tax documents from ODA to be Canadian customer centric? Currently the HCM skill provides the links to review Year end documents fo…
How to change the default prompt for the Personal Job Assistant on the external career site?Summary: How to change the default prompt for the Personal Job Assistant on the external career site that comes after the Help Prompt? Content (please ensure you mask an…
Line Manager should be restricted for Hire an Employee (Tasks) should prompt response Not AccessibleSummary: In Digital Assistant Chatbot - responses (output) - Line Manger abstract, custom roles when type command "Hire an Employee" should be restricted to access Tasks…
Role Base AccessIs it possible to restrict Skill by role wise for Example : If ABC logs in, he should be able to view basic information like payslip, raising expense claim , not Approva…
In HCM ODA, error while fetching project details.Summary: While Enter the phrase related to project management it shows "I don't recognize your account information. Please check your username and password and sign in a…
When we click on Clock in or out hyperlink in chat bot an empty page is opening.Summary: Hi Team, When we click on Clock in or out hyperlink in chat bot an empty page is opening. Please find below screen shot. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Card not showing Image on Teams but showing on BOT TESTER in Teams channelSummary: Image is not getting shown on MS Teams but image is drawn when tested using BOT TESTER via TEAMS CHANNEL Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Delete Skill from ODAWe have enabled Standard ODA for SaaS customer and Customer has only HCM Modules but standard ODA is also showing other modules skills like Expense , Finance skill, how …
Push notification to update Career PreferencesSummary: We would like to push a poll to employees to update their Career preferences Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Could anyone please …
How to Enable Notification\popups on Digital AssistantSummary: Hi Team, We are enabling the Oracle Digital Assistant in the system and we need to enable one popup notification to employees when they log in to the system and…
Hide suggestions from Oracle Digital AssistantSummary: Hello Experts, We have a requirement to hide a specific suggested question from the "things you can do" on Oracle Digital Assistant. Can this be done? For examp…
How should I word the question on the Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) to return my Person NumberSummary: Using ODA, when asking "What is my person number?", it displays my personal and work telephone numbers. What prompt should I use for ODA to return my Person Num…
Extended HcmV2 skill responds "You don't have permission to access this information."Summary: To meet business requirements, we have extended the HcmV2 skill and disabled few intents. The extended Hcm skill works properly with enabled intents. We have cl…
How can we restrict a Line Manager from hiring employees via the Digital Assistant Chatbot in OracleSummary: Is there a way to limit a Line Manager's ability to hire employees using the Digital Assistant Chatbot in Oracle Cloud HCM, considering that the hiring function…
How to call the REST API and print the response back in chatbot from Oracle Digital AssistantSummary: I'm working on creating a custom skill to apply leaves from ODA. Found an "API Services" option under settings and also found call rest services components in t…
Consistency of date formatting in responsesSummary: As a UK based company we use the date format DD/MM/YYYY, the majority of responses our DA gives does correctly this this formatting, just as asking for holiday …
How to change the Digital Assistant chatbot icon in HCMContent When developing the persona for your organization's Digital Assistant, the avatar you use to represent the Digital Assistant will be an important consideration. …
Extended Approvals skill responses eventually lose Rich text formattingSummary: Extended approvals skill initially interacts and responds with rich text format responses, but eventually the rich text formatting of the responses is lost. The…
Significance of da.FaIbcsConfigHost parameter in Oracle Digital Assistant Skill configurationSummary: Can anyone share the significance of "da.FaIbcsConfigHost" parameter in Oracle Digital Assistant Skill configuration. Skills extended come with a generic url in…
Looking for a Demo Video of Oracle Digital Assistant in action for recruiting.Hi, This maybe an add question or request but my team is looking for a Demo Video of Oracle Digital Assistant in action for recruiting. It seems that available videos on…
Is it possible to associate IDCS with OTBI?Summary: I would like to know if anyone has already associated IDCS with OTBI to extract reports. For example: Which intents had the most matches? What is the most searc…
Is there an updated "Use Chat for HCM" document available?I found a Use Chat for HCM document from Oracle that was from 2022. Is this the up-to-date document? Have the delivered intents changed since 2022?
Need details on HCM Rest API of Basic information pageSummary: Hi Team, Is there any Rest API to update the Title, NID and DOB on fusion HCM basic information page?
Perform further actions on My Team > Performance /Learning /Team Schedule via Manager login from ODASummary: Currently from ODA with HCMV2 skill, Allows manager to navigate to Team's Goals page via Deep-link and view Performance evaluations of the team. To perform furt…
Custom Skill to Navigate to a Specific PageContent Is there any documentation showing how to build a custom intent that navigates the user to a specific page? Would it be done through adding the page URL to an en…
Extend skill vs clone skillIs there a documentation on when to extend vs when to clone a skill. We want to leverage the functionality of oracle upgrades to a skill while with keeping the customiza…
ADD WORK SUMMARY TO JOB APPLICATIONS USING AI ASSIST featureSummary: We have enabled "ADD WORK SUMMARY TO JOB APPLICATIONS USING AI ASSIST" feature but we are getting this issue - Hmm, you did well, but I seem to struggle. I coul…
Change a phrase within the chatbot response from english to italianSummary: When I perform a search on the chatbot, it asks me to type "see more". I would like to translate the "see more" option with a term in Italian "vedi di più". Thi…
Resignation access denied from ODASummary: Resignation Deep link opens a new tab with null header and Access denied error message. However user is able to access Submit resignation under Me from the dash…