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Digital Assistant
Discussion List
Global Client - Enabling Candidate experience skill for a Targeted GeographySummary: We have a client who is spread across North America and EMEA and they want to only implement the Candidate Experience skill only for North america. They only ha…
Integration of DA (Digital Assistant) and KB (Knowledge Base) without creating IntentsWe have a requirement to integrate the knowledge base with DA, and this has been achieved by creating skills with a number of intents equal to the answers number of reco…
Unable to add extended skill to the DASummary: Error pop-up when try to add an extended skill to the digital assistant Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, To make custom ch…
Weird Behaviour. BOT showing ThankYou response even for Correct QuerySummary: BOT behaving Inconsistently. Once BOT shows ThankYou response , it keeps on responding Thank You message even for Correct Query that was giving right response b…
Performance review others (direct reports) - Bug ODASummary: When asking ODA about the performance review of my direct report, I get the response that I have no permission to see this data. This is strange because I can s…
Oracle Digital assistant- modify the hcm custom componentI am currently working with the HCM skill pulled from the Skill store and have encountered an issue while attempting to modify the hcm custom component. In the editing s…
Response payload exceeds the max size ErrorSummary: I am trying to fetch the response from the REST API- /hcmRestApi/resources/ But getting an erro…
unable to update chat title in oracle digital assistantNot able to find the curent chat title that my ChatBOT holds which I need to update to some other. Previously I used User Interface Tool, but this showing my 0 records n…
Oops I'm encountering a spot of trouble. Please try again later...error in Digital AssistantI am getting "Oops I'm encountering a spot of trouble. Please try again later" error when I choose "create help desk request" in Help Desk skill of Digital Assistant. Pl…
Approval skill showing duplicate entry when checking task submission statusSummary: Approval skill showing duplicate entry when checking task submission status and also showing technical error after approval. Content (please ensure you mask any…
ODA SDK integration Android / iOSSummary: Hi Team, I have followed the ODA SDK integration Android/iOS with the client authentication enabled option. I am generating the JWT token and passing it to the …
Customizing Contextual Response based on person attributesSummary: Hi All, We are in process of implementing Oracle Digital Assistant. Our customer wanted to customize responses based on Person Types , Legal Employer and grades…
Enity skills not wokring in DASummary: @martin deh Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any cod…
Is it possible to apply employee absences through HCM ODA directlySummary: Hi all, There is a client requirement to apply leaves (Absences) directly through the ODA instead of navigating to the Add Absence page in Fusion. Content (plea…
Add link to a digital assistant responseHello, We are exploring a scenario where the Digital Assistant (DA) responds with specific links based on user queries. For example: If a user asks to view "first day ac…
Can we add a Privacy/Policy consent on candidate experience (Recruiting Digital Assistant)Summary: We have a client requirement, where they are looking to add a pop-up or privacy/policy consent within the recruiting assistant for external candidates who are u…
Oracle Digital AssistantHi, When trying to search a job manually in ODA, it only gives the result if the Job is matched exactly but we want the bot to provide us with the results even if some p…
How to get Logged in user details in the custom component serviceSummary: I am working on a custom component to update address, for which I need to get User's Person Id and then make a rest API call to get worker ID. I defined propert…
Can ODA be controlled based on the Legal Entity?Summary: Can ODA be controlled based on the Legal Entity? So if an employee from the UK asks a question about benefits it would prompt a different response than someone …
how to see exact error without deploying custom component serviceSummary: I am writing a custom component to update address using rest api instead of showing user default deep link. If there is any error in the code - I get generic er…
Resignation response on asking BOT to Apply LeaveSummary: On requesting BOT to submit leave showing resignation related response. Checked with older version as well latest version of FADIGITALASSISTANT Content (please …
Did my submissions get approved showing duplicate recordsSummary: Approval Skill displays two records in ODA while single record created at backend Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
User with Employee or Manager role not able to chat with BOTSummary: Hi Experts, We are facing an issue for the users who has Digial Assistant Employee role or Manager Role not able to chat with Bot. Roles Assigned: Digital Assis…
How to display the frequently asked questions in Oracle Digital assistantHi all, In ODA, I would like to know if there is an option to capture frequently asked questions by the logged users and display them in the ODA prompts when they access…
How to change, resize and reposition the chatbot icon in Oracle HCM CloudSummary: Currently we are not able to change, resize and reposition the chatbot icon in Oracle HCM Cloud. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Response generated by native language supported skill is not in the corresponding languageSummary: A skill created with native language support with additional language as Arabic was not producing response in Arabic. Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
How does Oracle Digital Assistant interact with corresponding Fusion Application?Summary: When Oracle Digital assistant is implemented with basic delivered skills, we only set the FARestEndpoint as the corresponding Fusion URL with which the ODA has …
How does the security apply for different roles using Oracle Digital Assistant?Summary: How does the security apply for different roles using Oracle Digital Assistant? I understand that by assigning Digital Assistant roles to Users, the Security Pr…
How to get user context while creating a custom skillSummary: We are creating a custom skill so that employees can apply for absence right from the chatbot. Now, in order to hit the REST APIs to get the desired results we …
Feedback TO BOTSummary: Can we give feedback to BOT on how it is responding something like need to learn or improve. If we can, can you please tell which SKILL we can use to implement …