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Discussion List
Learning Withdrawal by learner till 1 day before Offering Start DateSummary: Content (required): We need to configure the learning withdrawal approvals to allow learner to withdraw from the learning till 1 day before the Offering Start D…
Learning WithdrawalSummary: Content (required): We need to configure the learning withdrawal approvals to allow learner to withdraw from the learning till 1 day before the Offering Start D…
Stop "Submitted for Approval notification" for Learning WIthdrawalHi, We have configured a rule to automatically withdraw or reject a request for Learning withdrawal. Now we would like to suppress the "Submitted for approval" FYI notif…
is there- any to Bulk upload the learning using spreadsheet for LearnersSummary: There is requirement to Bulk Upload the Learning using spreadsheet for Learning courses. in 24 D we can bulk change the activities similarly do we have feature …
Waitlisted Question-Summary: Regarding the enrollment process for learners in ILT offerings. when the offering reaches its maximum capacity, the system currently does not prevent further en…
Is Oracle LMS support bi-directional data flow between 3rd part content provider and Oracle?Summary: As Oracle LMS support bringing 3rd part learning content (SkillSoft, LinkedIn, OpenSesame etc.) to oracle cloud. We client would like to know below scenarios if…
Enrolling and Updating Completion for Terminated Associate at Offering Level Via HDLSummary: Enrolling and Updating Completion for Terminated Associate at Offering Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear Experts, Please…
Manager is unable to assign courseSummary: When manager navigates to My Team →Learning . Manager is able to direct reporte in Team's Learning page.But manager is unable to assign course as no values appe…
Request for List of Pages and Fields Upgraded to Redwood(Auto-Enabled)Summary: Hi Team, We would like to know if we have a comprehensive list of pages and fields across Core HR, ORC, Learn, Payroll, and Benefits that have been upgraded to …
23D Manager is unable to assign coursesSummary: 23D Manager is unable to assign courses Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! Has anyone come across the below-ment…
Learning Evaluation Showing Error When Exporting to ExcelGood Day Experts, I have a custom Learning Evaluation report and it is showing an error when exporting to Excel. Basically the report has 2 tabs, the error is appearing …
How to hide location code in classroom location drop down?Hi all, Is it a possibility to hide location code in classroom location drop down? (In redwood page) Please let me know if it is feasible. Thank you, Nidhi
Gen AI Learning features introduced in 25ASummary: Hello Experts, Below Gen AI features have been introduced in 25A for Learning: AI Assist for Learning Item Summary and Description AI Assist for Request and Rec…
How to auto-assign courses based on another activity's assignment date?Summary: I have a business need to create automatic assignments of a course or specialization based on another course or specialization's assignment (not completion) dat…
Automate withdrawal of learners with terminated employment - Global transferSummary: Effects of automate withdrawal of learners with terminated employment on global transfer Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would…
Online Course created from Self-Paced learning "Review Attempt" functionality behaviorWe have created an Online Course via My Client Groups > Learning > Self-Paced Learning. In the Online Course configuration, the learners are allowed to REVIEW their answ…
Reporting on SCORM & HACP Learner Interactions in Oracle LearningSummary: Learning departments often want to understand how learners are responding to questions included in their SCORM-based courses, to assess whether there are proble…
How to configure the Learning More Actions Functionality?There is a customer requirement to configure Learning Alerts using the "More Actions" option in Oracle Learning. As per our understanding, administrators should be able …
Not able to enable the Manage Self Paced Learning Feature in RedwoodWe are not able to enable the self paced learning in Redwood. We are following all the steps to enable from the following link: We are not able to add the following two …
Course Status Shows as "Not Passed" Despite Successful Completion of Offering AssessmentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Everyone, I am encountering an issue in the Oracle Learning Cloud. A user has successfully com…
Reminder to Learner to Complete an Optional Evaluation AlertSummary: We urgently need a way to trigger a reminder notification/alert to the learner when they complete a self-paced offering or are marked complete in an ILT offerin…
25A Learning - Grow Your CareerQuestion: How to hide Grow Your Career Tab Aware that with release 25A, Learning and Grow are combining. Webinar on the link below shows how this impacts the self servic…
How to assign training module using department Tree criteria in Learning ModuleTeam, Do we have possibilities to allocate training module using Department Tree Level (without using OTBI) using Allocation Criteria/Person Criteria? If any New starter…
Multiple Learning Assignments for a worker with multiple worker assignmentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We assigned 1 Offering and course assignment to an employee with multiple assignments. When we se…
Learning Records Real Time - Questionnaire ResponsesSummary: I have a simple analysis based on the subject area for Learning Records Real Time. For some reason, as soon as I add a section for "Questionnaire Responses" it …
Can we update a completed learning item's status if it has no associated activities?Summary: We are facing a big issue in the learning platform. The employees were enrolled before the activities were added, resulting in their status being marked as "Com…
My Team's Learning are shown as overdue despite them having completed their e-learningHi Team, Hi @Giulli-Oracle My Team's Learning are shown as overdue despite them having completed their e-learning, this is happening with Line Managers Redwood pages.
Request Noncatalog Learning Experience for ManagerSummary: Hello Experts, Has the Redwood 'Request Noncatalog Learning' experience been removed for Managers under My Team > Learning > Actions? I have given the seeded Li…
Learning dashboard count doesnt include Video that are assigned as required learningContent Hi, When a Video is assigned as required learning to an employee, it appears in both current learning and What to Learn as expected. However, the dashboard that …
Change My Team Learning Page FocusSummary Change My Team Learning Page FocusContent We have a business request to change the My Team Learning page focus from the "Search by Learner" tab to the "Search by…