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Discussion List
25A - Address Validation for Classroom LocationSummary: In the 25A release, a few things that are listed as available with the patch are not showing up when trying to activate per the help docs. Content (please ensur…
Learners unable to launch a course after 24DAfter the 24D upgrade, we ran all the Ingest processes and didn't turn on any new enhancements or features yet. But as soon as we run the processes, the launch button is…
23D - Getting Error in Learning Observation checklist ProcessSummary: Hi Team, In 23D, We are getting error in the Observation checklist process. The setup is very simple, a observation checklist questionnaire is created and added…
Pending Worker notification for LearningSummary: We need to build a custom notification to send an Alert to Pending Workers of their ILT Onboarding Class registration. We tried changing recipient mail expressi…
How to control the LM access to edit/delete Recommendation profiles created by Learn Admin.Summary: How to control the LM access to edit/delete Recommendation profiles information created by Learn Admin. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
25A Learning and Development - Community Contributions in Redwood searchingHi, We are looking at this new feature from 25A Community Contributions in Redwood and would like to ask a question about the searching results in this window when a com…
Are AI features available within the government cageWe've previously been advised that the new AI features such as 'AI Assist' button on the non-catalogue request forms are not available to us to enable due to being withi…
I want to load Learning Records which are in 'In Progess', pending,Not started for assignments.Summary: Iwant to load Learning Records which are in 'In Progess', pending,Not started for assignments. But I am not getting the sample HDL and what should be the Learni…
Closed Category community to not visible under Browse tabSummary: Closed Category community to not visible under Browse tab Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, we have the following issue…
Recommendation Category LookupsSummary: Recommendation Category lookups Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts!!! Do we have possibility to Add/Edit/Delete the list …
How to show price of learning in hover pane 24D?Working with a customer that is looking at a 2026 go live and at present configuring Learning - have noticed in Oracle demo environment that the price of the learning ap…
offering full when capacity rules doesn't setupSummary: employee can't enroll the offering, system show "Offering Full". But we didn't set capacity rules. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
what skipped Assignments are and how they appear ?Hello, Context: a Learning specialist has identified and purged “skipped assignments”. They no longer appear in the plan as errors. However, this Learning specialist doe…
25A-Color, text size & coverart resolution of the Redwood learner landing page changed undocumentedWhy were the tiles and colors on the learner landing page changes? The colors of the Assignment statuses are now different shades, the text size is smaller, the image co…
Approvals for some specific coursesCan we create approvals for some specific courses? Lets say there are multiple courses in the What to Learn tab. Once the employee selects any specific course(let's assu…
Is it possible change assignment display?Hi all Is it possible to change the display mode of the assignments from 'First Name and Last Name' to 'Last Name and First Name' I've attached the screen for more clari…
Recommendation Management: "Organization" and "Directs" Recommendation behaving same.Summary: Recommendation Management: "Organization" and "Directs" Recommendation behaving same. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As a Learn …
Set upHello, Our Learning specialists have asked us to set up an alert/reminder sent automatically to learners to complete their evaluation questionnaire on Oracle on the last…
If the learner uses the 'Record External Learning' feature, can the Learning Specialist modify item?Hi all, If the learner uses the 'Record External Learning' feature, can the Learning Specialist modify the item added by the learner? Thank you, Fabio
25A: Manager: "Grade" filter is missing.Summary: Oracle opened up bunch of filters for Learn Manager. But "Grade" is not found in the application as mentioned in 25A upgrade document. Content (please ensure yo…
Is there any way to purge withdrawn records?Summary: In 21C the ability to mark learning records as 'deleted' and purge using HDL was introduced. Is there any way this can be done for 'withdrawn' records on a part…
Can we load Learning Record using HDL for the learning item not available in the systemClient wants to create the learning records with completed status for various learning items. These learning items might not be available in Oracle. Does Oracle allow lo…
Is it possible to load the flexfields of the WLF_LEARNING_REQUEST_DFF context through HDL?Hi all, Is it possible to load the flexfields of the WLF_LEARNING_REQUEST_DFF context through HDL? Thank you, Fabio
How does a colleague register interest in a Learning Item with no Offerings?Summary: We are looking for a way to open a Learning Item, the course only, to allow colleagues to register their interest for this course, so we can assess whether we o…
Employee is not able to view any items into Learning CatalogSummary: Employee is not able to view any items into Learning Catalog Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We're looking for support fro…
Ingest Rich Media from Remote Content Repository to Database processHello, In a non-production environment (for test purposes) I have enabled a single SCORM content item for refresh by navigating to: My Client Groups > Learning > Content…
Scorm content issueSummary: Scorm content does not load properly, but the actual effort gets updated Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The user tried to access…
AI Assist buttons Is there way to disable to it?Summary: Our IT security team has decided not to enable AI features at this time. Could you please advise on how to disable all AI features in the Learning Module or any…
Metrics on time spent on learning entitiesSummary: Track how many times someone completed an assessment, track how long they were on each question, time on assessment as a whole; time in course should not includ…
Child Process in Warning - Sync Microsoft Calendar for Instructor-Led Training processSummary: Unable to process child job , error : Access Forbidden: Required API Permission(s) Missing in Application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…