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Performance Management
Discussion List
How to create & assign performance docs to specific company locations at different times per year?Summary: I have a requirement to be able to assign the same performance template to different company locations at different times per year. Is there a way to do this wi…
managers with same roles cannot see the Goal progress update free text box while few of them can seeSummary: managers with same roles cannot see the Goal progress update free text box while few of them can see Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Is it possible to add a "due date" field to the Performance Documents search page?Summary: The managers would like to be able to see what the document due date is when they are looking at the list of employees with documents that are need to be comple…
Need to hide View details link post submission of goal plan for Redwood UISummary: We have requirement to hide View details link on the goal summary page post submission of goal plan by the employee for Redwood UI. The page has no extendable c…
The Approvals have to be triggered even if the line manager adds KRA to Employees to the HODSummary: We are unable to create the approvals for the goals when the line manager add the goals to the employee it should trigger approvals but directly its getting app…
Mass cancel delete Performance.Summary: Hi Team, We are performing the action for mass performance document cancel and delete but status showing deleted but still when I ran the report I can see all e…
Once the due date is completed the performance documents should need to be denied.Summary: Once the due date is finished the document has to be closed for the assigned person and they have to reach out to the admin if you want to reschedule the due da…
Configure Performance Document Approval based on Requester's RoleSummary: We would like to configure Performance Document Approval based on requester. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Requirement…
Update Risk of Loss and Impact of loss talent profile ratings from performance document evaluationSummary: Dear Experts, We would like to update talent profile ratings (Risk of loss & Impact of loss) of employees from performance document evaluation so that manager s…
Goal management for dual reporteesis there any possibility of having dual reporting required only for goals and performance evaluation, where both the line manager and the matrix manager are available in…
We are unable to restrict the weights, we need the weights to be a list of values.Summary: The client wants to restric the weight feilds, i.e. the weights feild should be in list of values or the validation should be 10 - 20. Content (please ensure yo…
Hide "Delete" Action from Managers in the Performance DocumentSummary: Is it possible to hide the "Delete" action from Managers in the Performance Document? Content (required): In the current system functionality, managers are able…
profiles(Talent Ratings) - Performance RatingSummary: In Talent Rating under my team there is a field called "Performance Rating " , any one know how the values are coming in this feild,? Any Lookup name ? Content …
Different sections access to be given to different type of users are not workingSummary: We have 3 different type of competency section based on different grades. Management competencies section, Support competencies, Testing competencies etc. Peopl…
How to add contextual notes on Performance DocumentSummary: Adding Contextual notes in Performance Document Content (required): Hi Experts, Our client has a requirement to provide provision with employee and manager to m…
How to hide dotted line reports option from manager while assigning a goal?Summary: Need to hide the dotted line reports under Assigned to when manager is creating a goal under team goal center. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
How to map 4scale rating model to 6box talent reviewSummary: Client is asking to implement a 6 box talent review matrix and the ratings should flow from performance. But the performance rating model used is the 4-scale ra…
Hire Date/Anniversary Based Performance ReviewsContent Hi All, We have a requirement from the client that the performance evaluation should happen the employee hire date (Anniversary date). Just wanted to know if any…
Annual review based on hire date including 8 interim evaluationsSummary How can I setup an annual review based on the hire date and including eight interim evaluations?Content Over the last couple of days I have been trying to set up…
Participant is not able to calculated overall rating or see comments and rating given by employeeHello All, I have a requirement where in participant should be able to use the calculate overall rating based on the rating given against each goal and see the comments …
You must respond to all the required questions. (HRT-975114) - Redwood!!Summary: Hi Guys While the employee is just saving the questionnaire he receive this error and then all the performance document is stuck Content (please ensure you mask…
Redwood: Employee does not have an option to create tasks and measure while creating goalsSummary: Redwood: Employee does not have an option to create tasks and measure while creating goals in Redwood UX where as the same is available in RUI to add Tasks and …
Anytime Feedback - Table NamesSummary: Need to pull feedback content via SQL Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello! I am looking for the specific tables that contain th…
Are the Goals and Performance Report Dashboards shown in the Oracle Demo available as delivered?Summary: Hi Peers, Our client attended an Oracle Talent Management Demo and was besotted by the Dashboards shown by the Oracle team. Now they expect us to have these sam…
Remove the cancel document option from the elipses drop down for each employee's performance reviewHi, Can we remove the cancel document option from the ellipses drop down for each employee's performance review? Can we use security privs to do this rather than page cu…
Redwood - Performance Management - Restricting Manager to view only reports(direct and indirect)We enabled redwood UI for performance management. when manager logs in and check for his reports ,manager is getting all employee list(instead of direct and indirect rep…
How to hide calculated rating for Employee and Manager in performance document.Summary: Dear Team, Our client requires that only the Calculated rating field is removed so as to not show the calculated rating value in the Sections Summary and Overal…
Goal weightage to set to Max 40% for each GoalsHi We have come up across a requirement where each goal weightage in a Goal Plan should be Set Max 40% , This is required as the business' needs Min 3 & Max 5 Goals in a…
How to configure Performance Document Approval based on User RoleSummary: Need to configure Performance Document Approval based on submitter's role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Requirement :- If Line …
EL expression for performance document to add different instructionSummary: I want to include different instructions for Employee in Employee self-evaluationTask and manager (Manger evaluation Task). Also this should be applicable only …