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Data is not appear in ReportContent Hello i have a data saved in score card data but is not coming in report Thanks
Update Substitution variable using GroovyContent Team, Is there a way to override the substitution variable values (OEP_CurMnth & OEP_CurWeek) for a specific rule set to execute without impacting other processe…Suresh Ratnala-Oracle 310 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle Planning
REST to Get List of FR ReportsSummary Is there a way to "get" all FR Reports using REST?Content Is there a way to "get" all FR Reports using REST? I did a couple documentation searches but could only…
Sharing Info: How to view Substitution Variable values in Debug mode - Cal ManagerSummary How to view Substitution Variable values in Debug mode - Calculation ManagerContent Hi All I found something interesting and want to share with all of you. If we…
Preventing multiple loads in FDMContent Hello everyone! I'm starting to develop integrations in Data Management and I have one question. I created one simple integration to load data. How can I prevent…
Groovy to retrieve data from EssbaseContent Hi Can somebody throw me some light how to get value from Essbase for a specific member combination? A very simple example will be much appreciated. I know how t…
EPM – Overview of New Budget Revision Feature in Cloud EPM Planning Modules, 10 March 2021, 10 a.m PContent Submit your questions for the EPM – Overview of New Budget Revision Feature in Cloud EPM Planning Modules session to have them answered during the live event. Po…
Encryption of password not working on use to sign in - epmautomateSummary Encryption of password not working on use to sign in - epmautomateContent Hi, has something changed about the epmautomate password encryption recently, I have be…
"Lock" certain Scenario and Measures combinations?Summary Is there a way to "lock" for entry (but still show on forms) certain Scenario and Measures combinations?Content Hi, I need to be able to "lock" for data entry (s…
Data Management Check Report for PBCS/EPBCS Targets?Content Hi, Are data management check reports w/check entities supported for Planning PBCS/EPBCS applications? I haven't found anything in the Oracle documentation wheth…
How to prevent user to use Copy Version featureSummary Want to prevent that users with role of Planning User use this feature and that this be only available to AdministratorsContent Hello, We have a client that has …
Sub folder in openbatch Inbox folderContent Hi Im having a small issue in creating a sub folder under openbatch inbox folder. When i select the openbatch or 233 folder (as you can see in the below pic) and…
Entering functional currency simplified vs. standard currencySummary Need to restrict users to entering correct functional currency based on EntityContent Hi - looking for some feedback on this Requirement is for user to enter dat…
Unable to download snapshot file using EPM Automate in Task SchedulerSummary Unable to download a snapshot file using the downloadfile command in EPM Automate when used in Task SchedulerContent Hi, I have a problem with the downloadfile E…
Exporting data in OEP_FS (financials cube)Content Hi I want to know is there any other way to export data (all levels data..not just level 0) , apart from the "application->overview->exportdata" Please share the…
Viewing cell comments in Excel Worksheet in EPBCSSummary Is there a way to view the cell comments in EPBCS in a Smart View Excel Worksheet?Content Is there a way to view the cell comments in EPBCS in a Smart View Excel…
Data Management - Target Application Option - Summary Drill Behavior when more than 1000 descendantsContent I have set the Summary Drill Behavior when more than 1000 descendants option to Ignore, but Summary Drill does not show more than 1000 descendants. I would like …
Keyteach for PBCS Admin/Reporting Web Studio TrainingContent Has anyone used Keyteach for PBCS training? If so, what was your experience? Below are some links to the training we are looking into. Financial Reporting Web St…
Groovy error: calc script too longContent I'm trying to run a Groovy script to execute a calculation but the calc script is too long: The Groovy script failed to compile with internal error: Compile Erro…
Smart List entry name updates not reflecting in calc manager?Content I suppose this is a minor annoyance but does anyone know what triggers smartlist entry name changes to be reflected in the smartlist selector in calc manager? If…
Add AttributeContent Hi Team, I want to add attribute to Account dimension. However I am not able to see adding attribute diemension option. It is greyed out. Let me know from where …
Calculation script not validating for the followingContent Hi I need to do the following change to my rules, but the rule is not validating. Any other way to do without Fixing every product? This is my original rule "518…
DB refresh fails after adding member using Simplified dimension editorSummary DB refresh fails using Simplified dimension editorContent Dear All, Any idea on EPBCS behavior as described below: -> Addition of member in Version dimension fai…
How integration between Oracle Fusion and PBCSContent Hello we are on first day on PBCS Go Live and need link between Oracle Fusion (HCM,SCM) and PBCS automatically without human interference on monthly data please …
Updating sparse (cost center) dimension to Hierarchy Type = MultipleSummary Any implications if we update cost center dimension to Hierarchy Type = MultipleContent We would like to update our ePBCS environment cost center dimension to be…
Where are cell attachments located in Snapshot backup?Content Hello community, We have a lot of attachment in our EPBCS and we have a few questions and looking for an efficient way to locate them and make a backup of them. …
Export Dimensions that contain Carriage Returns/Tabs in Member FormulaContent Hi, Some of my member formulas contain tabs and/or carriage returns. When these dimensions are exported as CSVs or Tab Delimited it causes the columns to become …
Automating the data management process: File based data importContent Hi We are using file based import of data through data management. Files are sent to inbox folder through API. Then for the time being, we select manually the fi…
EPM – Application Design for EPM Planning (Part III): ASO, Datamaps, & Smart Push, 28 January 2021,Content Submit your questions for the EPM – Application Design for EPM Planning (Part III): ASO, Datamaps, & Smart Push session to have them answered during the live eve…
Determining End UsersContent Good evening all! I am new to the forum, as we (Towson University) are in the midst of PBCS implementation. As we are making our way through design, I have found…