Discussion List
Non-negotiated BPA Lines not rejecting as they shouldSummary: We mark some BPA line as non-negotiated so that after approval, the purchase order will be created but in a status of "Rejected." This allows us to cancel the r…
Previous approver to receive notification once the next approver rejects the PR or PO.Summary: We have a scenario where a transaction (PR or PO) has multiple approvers. The first approver approved the transaction, then the second approver rejected the tra…
Import Contract AgreementsHi Team, We loaded zip file with 615 requisitions and ran Import Contract Agreements job with DO Not Approve option. Now all CPA's are in incomplete status. Could you pl…
How to have a PO approval rule based on the supplier status checkSummary: Hi, We have a business requirement that when PO is submitted by buyer for approval, initially the approval rules should perform a check on the supplier status (…
PO approvals amounts does not work for another recently added ledger functional currency in DKKSummary: Hi We have already defined many PO approval rules based on various amount using functional total amount with functional currency being USD. it is working as exp…
Goods PO receiptSummary: Hi Everyone, We have For 'Fixed Price Service' POs: Once the PO is approved, the AP team creates and matches the PO lines in the invoice against the PO. The PO …
Additional Assignee is not receiving the email notification for Error in apprvalsSummary: Hi Team we have a requirement where if the transactions fails/Error then the approval notification should go to HRIS team. To achieve this we are using the Addi…
How can you set the default override approver on a POSummary: We have certain purchase orders that need to be routed to a specific individual for approval. Is it possible to set the override approver for a specific BU to a…
Business user getting the error:The supplier is Invalid POR: 2010262While creating a PR , and choosing supplier, Business user getting the following error: The supplier is Invalid POR: 2010262 The supplier site is invalid POR: 2010263 Pl…
How to configure Cost Center Manager level approval for requisition via BPMSummary: Under supervisory hierarchy, one can find approval chain of Cost Center Manager in FSM (Manage Requisition Approval). However, when we are checking this through…
Urgent : Mass Update on PO DistributionAs a result of a major cost center restructuring, PO distribution lines need to be updated for all POS (1000+), totaling 25K lines or more. Is there a quick way to accom…
Skip PO Change order approval on updating PO distributions and DFFs on approved POSummary Skip PO Change order approval on updating PO distributions and DFFs on approved POContent On an approved PO if we change PO distributions or update a DFF on PO l…User_2025-01-28-19-49-26-512 131 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj Kr P-Oracle Purchasing
how can i stop a Po from been rejected by the application because the BPA agreement got expiredSummary: We need to avoid/prevent PO being rejected due to BPA expiration. Example, BPA is active until we convert the PR into PO. Now, PO stuck in the supplier pending …Devi_2403 13 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
No Attachment Links found in PO Pending Approval Notification - 25ASummary: 25A ( has been applied. No Redwood is enabled. No attachment links are found in PO pending approval notification. Content (please ensure you mask …
How to know and then set the PO Approval limits for all the Approvers in the System?Summary: We are currently using Supervisory Hierarchy for PO Approvals . There is a requirement to find out the PO Approval limits of all the Approvers in the system and…
Can we restrict Supplier user accounts from appearing in Reassigning tasks during approvals?When the assigned approver is reassigning the task to other users the LOV includes the supplier user accounts. We would like to restrict this to only business users and …
Condition based Vacation RuleHi Team, Can we enable Condition based Vacation Rule. One example Requirement is based on the Purchase order ship to location, user will select the Approver (Re-assigned…
Hide amount from requisition approvers/notificationsSummary: We have issue to Hide PR amount from requisition approvers only requister/preparer how can view amount Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Approvals stuck in Withdrawn Applications Development Framework Application Identity for ProcurementSummary: Approvals stuck in Withdrawn Applications Development Framework Application Identity for Procurement Requisitions appear to be randomly getting stuck for approv…Siva Reddy Alavaala 178 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Associated flexfields have been modified. Start synchronization warning in BPM WorklistSummary: While in BPM Worklist seeing the following Warning message: Associated flex fields have been modified. It is advised to perform a synchronization before making …kevin.johnson 84 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by kevin.johnson Fusion Applications Administration
Purchase Order Event Filter ExpressionSummary: Purchase Order Event Filter Expression Error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have written a filter expression based on Match Ap…
list of attributes that trigger internal/external change order for Purchase Order/AgreementSummary: We are implementing the approval rules for a change orders. Could we please get list of attributes that can be changed via PO change order and list of attribute…
How to trigger PCS workflow whenever we submit the PUrchase requisition with projects type of T4Summary: requirement is like when we submit the purchase requisition in oracle fusion(click on the submit button) then PCS needs to trigger and sent for the approvals. h…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ahmed Ismail Self Service Procurement
We would like to refer PO Header/Line Attribute in FinAPHoldApprovalSummary: We have Business Case where we would like to use person information stored in PO DFF in Ap invoice approval , Please suggest if we can use that value in BPM App…
Export BPM approval rule for PO and PR in excelSummary: We have lot of rules configured in BPM for PO and PR. How can we extract all rules in excel. Is there any way to extract all BPM approval rules. Content (please…
Auto approval after certain timeframe workWe have the requirement that the system should auto-approve PO if the approver has not approved it in 3 days, is it possible?
Taking huge time for add assignee page popup in manage approval in requisstionIt is taking huge time almost 47 to 50 secs to get the popup add assignee under manage approvals in purchase requisition. Why it is taking huge time, it is performance i…
Require approval when specific clause is edited to non-standard on a Purchase OrderWhen creating and editing the purchase order, the client has the requirement to initiate an approval workflow only when specific clauses are edited to be non-standard. B…
Is is there any way we can retrieve all the conditions in sorted manner as per application.?Summary: We need to display all the conditions in the report according to the application, in a sorted manner. The sorted conditions are present in the table por_amx_rul…
PO approval after RFQ award approvalSummary: Once the RFQ award approval has been completed and purchasing documents have been created, does the PO or agreement again go for approval as per Oracle standard…