Discussion List
PO is not closed due to remaining tiny quantity due to decimal in PO priceSummary: Hi We are doing the PO Invoice matching and PO status is not changed to "Closed" even after fully matched. The invoice is entered via ADFDI and user is entered …
Can Amazon be provided with Oracle PO or Receipt information for AP invoice matching purposes?Summary: Can Amazon be provided with Oracle PO or Receipt information for AP invoice matching purposes? Content (required): We are working with Amazon to test having req…
What is the configuration setup to default the Retroactive Pricing check box in Blanket Purchase AgrSummary We have client request to configure the retroactive pricing to default as unchecked.Content Hi all, Based on my research, Implementation Guide points us to the f…Harshith Eshwar Shaila-145631 365 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Purchasing
Is Procurement Buyer has the access to view the Non-Po Invoices ?Summary: Is Procurement Buyer has the access to view the non-po invoices ? Can we provide AP Inquiry JR/AP_INQUIRY_JR role to buyer to view the invoices ? Is any license…
Can we enter a inv for a two way match PO and require a approval from the requester to release it.Summary: All PO's are currently 3 way match for inv payments. I would like to look at moving services to 2way. Content (required): I have been told that we can not use 2…
Appling Payment against canceled PO Line - Control MechanismSummary: How to best control applying Payment against a Canceled PO Line other than a Warning or Hold. Content (required): Hi all, how to best control applying Payment a…
How to avoid month end accrual for some PO'sSummary: We have some migrated PO's against which receipts have been done but they will never be invoiced. How can we avoid the accrual generation for such purchase orde…
Service Dates on PO/Receipts for Invoicing in installments with Accrue at Receipt turned onSummary: Hello experts. can you answer a few questions please? We are in the process of testing out setting up Accruals to At Receipt and the business is asking how to p…
Expense Accruals set to blankSummary: We are currently having Expense Accruals set to Period End. This has been running for a few months. We are also using Projects, but the PO process is not in pla…
How to associate the Match approval level to the Category Name ?Summary : Is it possible to link the Match approval level (3 Way, 4 Way) to the category name ? Content (required) : The match approval level can be associate to the sup…
Uninvoiced Receipts Accrual Negative Amount when Invoiced Amount is Bigger than Received AmountSummary: Uninvoiced Receipts Accrual Negative Amount when Invoiced Amount is Bigger than Received Amount Content (required): Dear all, Please note that Uninvoiced Receip…
Use Dropshipment functionality for expense items ?Summary Is it possible to use Oracle drop-shipment flow for a expense item.?Content Hi, My client provides device installation services to its customers. But instead of …
Invoice Match Option Drives Receipt Conversion RateSummary: We have confirmed with Oracle Support that the invoice match option determines the conversion rate that is used on the receipt. However, I am unable to find any…
Retainage and Retainage Release in Purchasing and APSummary Retainage and Retainage Release in Purchasing and APContent Hi, I would like to know if there is Retainage and Retainage Release in Purchasing and AP in R13? In …RGovind 118 views 5 comments 4 points Most recent by Ramalingam Muthaian Pillai- Support-Oracle Purchasing
Customs Duty Calculation based on Product Fiscal Classification CodeSummary: We have a requirement to calculate Customs Duty based on Item HTS Code in Landed Cost management Trade Operations. Content (required): Questions : Can Product F…
Why is matching option defaulting to 3-way when supplier is set up as 2-way match?Summary: When a requisition and PO are processed they are defaulting to 3 way match. Supplier has been changed to 2 way match which I thought would over rule the configu…
Is it recommended to complete Create Accounting Payables before scheduling Receipt Costing processesSummary: We are set up to accrue at receipt. We schedule Receipt Costing processes nightly Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing Transfer Costs to Cost Managem…
Move POs from one LE to another LESummary How to move POs from one LE to another LEContent The company decided to create another subsidiary under the holding company and move the Purchase Order and invoi…
Single Requisition BU or Multiple Requisition BUSummary Single Requisition BU or Multiple Requisition BUContent Here is a business case Three Legal Entities * LE1 * LE2 and * LE3 One Requisition BU and One Procurement…
IDR Issue on identifying LE, Supplier, and PO NumberSummary: Content (required): Ok. One PDF is having Legal Entity value as "ABC DEF LLC" but our Oracle has value "Abc Def Group LLC" It is somehow picking the keyword "DE…Vinay Gharge 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay.P-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Real implication of Sold to LE in Purchasing Transaction - Indirect Procurement - Global LocationsSummary Real implication of Sold to LE in Purchasing Transaction - Indirect Procurement - Global LocationsContent Trying to understand a bit more on this, appreciate any…
Change default Buyer in POSummary: Change default Buyer in PO Content (required): Dear all, 1- We create a Requisition "DAG00000211" , requester "DEGUERRE, LANCELOT". 2- The Requisition setup dir…
Customize reminder notifications headerSummary Customize reminder notifications to distinguish the original notification and the reminderContent Hello everyone, We would like to setup reminder in our environm…
Ability to configure 3rd party in OBNSummary: IS it possible to integrate 3rs party in OBN who is non-oracle user. I have a requirement as below. Client wants to bring in the 3rd party company to process th…
How to keep the Search fields open after executing search in Manage Orders?Summary: Content (required): Does anyone know if it's possible to configure Oracle to allow the Search Section to remain open after executing a search? An example of thi…
How IPV accountng happens for 2way match PO when matched to invoice having variance(under toleranceSummary: Business is matching invoice with 2-Way PO and exceeded matching amount greater than actual PO amount (but is less than Tolerance level). Could anyone please he…Sanketdarokar 23 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sanketdarokar Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Automatically change to "Electronic" payment method from "Check"Summary: Automatically change to "Electronic" payment method from "Check" Content (required): Is there a way that an invoice will automatically change to "Electronic" pa…
Search by 'Keywords' does not return results for 1 user since 22ASummary: Since 22A I have a user who does not see any results from searching Manage Suppliers via 'Keywords' field. However spyglass search does return the right informa…
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flowContent The P2P cycle comprises of the following steps,01. Create Requisitions02. Approve Requisitions03. Create Purchase Orders04. Approve Purchase Orders05. Receive Go…