Discussion List
How to default delivery inspection required value?Summary: Delivery inspection required must be “standard delivery” by default in system for all warehouse items. Content (required): Delivery inspection required must be …
Unable to include series of cost centers on approvalHello Everyone, We have below scenario We have series of cost centers ex 710000-719999 for this we have written a rule using "Between" condition. Now for the same cost c…
Integration between OTL and PurchasingSummary Integration between OTL and PurchasingContent Is there any seeded integration available between OTL and Purchasing? My client uses a lot of contingent workers to…
Need Assistance with Oracle Approval Workflow for Purchase RequisitionsHello Oracle Community, I'm encountering a challenge while setting up an approval workflow rule in Oracle for purchase requisitions. Specifically, I need help with a req…
How to cancel or edit requisition if the requestor is absentSummary: We need to edit the requisition before PO is created or cancel it if the requestor is out of office. Content (required): Version (include the version you are us…
Procurement - Procure to Pay Real TimeSummary Procurement - Procure to Pay Real Time not displaying the Receipt Numbers created against the POsContent Hi, We would like to create an OTBI report using the Pro…
how to derive charge account based on destination InventorySummary: need to derive charge account based on destination Inventory Content (required): HI team, we have a requirement to derive account combination for destination ty…
PO Status is in "Closed for Invoicing" instead of "Closed" after invoicingSummary: Hi, Currently we want to know if is there any standard option to update automatically the Purchase Order from "Closed for Invoicing" to "Closed" after fully inv…
Is it possible to raise PR's only through Smart Forms ?Summary: How to raise a PR only with Smart Forms ? Content (required): Hello The company have 50 people who raised PR's and there are only 3 categories they want to crea…Cesar Saveedra 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Caio Zioli-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Row limit of 500 Rows for Procurement Rest APISummary only 500 rows are returned by Rest API CallContent Hi, We are trying to get the Procurement Agent data from our Oracle cloud POD by using the delivered REST API.…Madhu Chalamalasetty 469 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Is It Possible to Limit When is Required Negotiated Check Box on Requisition ?Summary: Is It Possible to Limit When is Required Negotiated Check Box on Requisition ? Content (required): Hello The company wants that only 3 people have access to the…
Receipt Routing field on Complex Work Order POSummary: Receipt Routing field is missing on Complex Work Order PO Content (required): Created a Complex Work Order PO with Work confirmation as NO on style. I'm unable …
Recipt Routing for Catagory based POSummary: when create PO with description and Category based(also for PO backing requisition based on category) ,the Receipt Routing is Direct delivery and disabled is th…
How to change sender's email id (from) for Purchase ordersSummary: Clients email id has been changed and they want to change the "from" email id to another for all the PO communications to suppliers. Content (required): Version…
FSM attribute for PO line invoiced quantitySummary: Is there any attribute available to add in FSM conditions for PO line invoice quantity? Content (required): We need to send notification to approval group if li…
Supplier Portal - Supplier User need add a Attachment in the Purchase OrderSummary Supplier Portal - Supplier User need add a Attachment in the Purchase OrderContent How to the Supplier User (user of the Portal) add a Attachment in the Purchase…
PO charge account for specific segment (Project) is not updating based on account rule.Summary: We have created an account rule for PR and PO charge account specific for 'Project' segment. The project segment was sourced to a DFF (List of Project Code). Wh…Cliford 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
How stable is Oracle Export/Import functionality for moving setup from one instance to anotherSummary: How stable is Oracle Export/Import functionality for moving setup from one instance to another Content (required): Hi, For our implementation project, we are pl…Ashu Anand 2024 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Unable to access Manage Item Organization and Manage Inventory OrgSummary: Unable to access Manage Item Organization and Manage Inventory Org. Business Unit and Assign Business Functions are already created. Content (required): Version…
How to remove Edit option for open Purchase OrdersSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! Our client have a requirement to disable the Edit option for approved Purchase Orders. They don't wish to edit the POs once it is moved to…
Open GRNs are migrated in PRODUCTION as Go-Live is postponed, need suggestionSummary: Open GRNs are migrated in PRODUCTION as Go-Live is postponed, need suggestion Content (required): We planned Go-Live with 30-June-2023 and migrated all open GRN…
Is there a privilege using which we can create a Receipt view only role?Summary: Is there a privilege using which we can create a Receipt view-only role? Content (required): The business has a requirement to have a custom Query all role, whe…
Has anyone been able to successfully migrate all configurations from one environment to another?Summary: We wanted to know if anyone has had success using Oracle Fusion's native functionality / third-party tool to migrate configurations between Oracle environments.…
Custom role for creation of only mapping set for procurementSummary: Custom role for creation of only mapping set for procurement Content (required): Hi Team, I kindly request your assistance in identifying custom roles that can …
How to derive project legal entity on requisition charge accountContent (required): Hi, I have a requirement to derive the project legal entity on the requisition charge account in case there is a project on the requisition line. How…
Need to have Fixed Asset item capitalized and also have it in inventory for leasing it to customer.Summary: We have below end to end scenario requirement for our customer: - Flow - Procure/Mfg. Fixed Asset -> Receive item in inventory -> Create Asset in Install Base -…
Default the User Item Type into Purchasing Line DFFSummary: We have a requirement to default the user item type into any of the DFF attribute at purchasing line level. Can anyone help to achieve the same. Content (requir…
How to use distinct in the DFF value set querySummary: We have a requirement to add Line Manager DFF in the requisition line DFF for approval purpose. To get the unique values i am trying to use the Distinct functio…
Options to Mass Delete the Incomplete Change Orders (REST API/SOAP)Summary: Looking for Options to Mass Delete the Incomplete Change Orders as our client has close to 250+ Change Order's in Incomplete Status Content (required): Looking …