Supply Planning Cloud
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Product Family based Forecast and consumption in Supply chain Planning cloudSummary Have a forecast at Product family level with each members allocation % as ZERO and consume online forecast while executing Supply PlanContent In an EBS - ASCP en…user11228763 107 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Raju Pachigolla Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
About the date calculation logicSummary: The dates seen on the Demand Fulfilment screen include Material Available Date and Expedite Date. What calculation logic is used to calculate these dates? Conte…Eric Lee 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Eric Lee Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Constraint Plan - why There is Demand unmet for FG even when cumulative total is .5 daysSummary: Team, we are using constraint plan. WE booked certain Sales orders however there is no planned order. WE are not using forecast. All sales order with 1 quantity…
How to enable the measure Gross Requirements in supply plan tables like Material PlanSummary: We are unable to find the measure Gross Requirements to add to our custom Material Plan tables . Content (required): Does the measure Gross Requirements exist t…
Plan suggested sequence should based on shortest change over time.Summary:Plan suggested sequence should based on shortest change over time. Example - Product A cannot be produced immediately after product B whereas product B can be pr…Priyank R Khare 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AviCPP Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Can supply planning consider resource constraint when 2 products cannot be produced togetherCan supply planning consider resource constraint when 2 products cannot be produced together Example - Product A and B cannot be stored together. If 4 Lt. of Product A i…Priyank R Khare 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AviCPP Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Ability to load Plan-Specific Safety Stock Values through FBDIHi, We need to load the safety stock levels FBDI twice in the environment for a different set of items in each of it. Currently, one round of FBDI load is being done in …Kowsambi Komaravolu 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kowsambi Komaravolu Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
PO created with request source as Oracle fusion Planning centralSummary: we see some PO's created for few items in SCO with request source as Oracle fusion Planning central. there is only Transfer type sourcing rule for these items. …SARTHAK GOSWAMI 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SARTHAK GOSWAMI Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Forecast spreading for last planning bucketSummary: Forecast spreading from month level forecast to weekly supply plan in last week planning bucket is not working as expected Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Supply planning consider resources "Assets" Downtime in Maintenance (Preventive Maintenance)Does the supply planning consider the expected downtime that the work definition needs for preventive maintenance?Mina Lotfy 12 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Nitin.Joshi Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
FBDI uploaded SS value is carried from previous week&copied to the remaining buckets of MaterialPlanWe have uploaded time-phased safety stock values through FBDI for the item-orgs whose 'Safety Stock Planning Method' attribute has been changed to 'Safety Stock Quantity…Kowsambi Komaravolu 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kowsambi Komaravolu Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is possible to Overwrite collected On-hand in supply plan and re-run MRP easily?Is possible to Overwrite collected On-hand in supply plan and re-run MRP easily?Tian Chen-Oracle 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Vatsala Bharadwaj Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
List Price field is not available in Planning Supplies and Demand TableSummary: List Price field is not available in Supply Planning, in Supplies and Demand Table (even in Manage Columns) we have a requirement to add the list price in Suppl…Devivaraprasad Panda-Oracle 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Devivaraprasad Panda-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Excess Planned Order getting generated for an Unconstrained Plan even though On Hand is availableSummary: Excess Planned Order getting generated for an Unconstrained Plan even though On Hand is available Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…AJSS007 52 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Decimal values in Item with Shortage exceptionHi Everyone, We are using Unconstrained plan in which we are seeing the shortage quantities as decimal quantities in Item with Shortage Exception, we tried to search for…Veera Navyakanth 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Different work-centers under same organization has different shifts. Unable to add multiple shifts.Current condition : "As of now, only 2 shifts are available for one WorkCentre - "one user-defined shift" and "24 hours shift". We can change shift by adding resource ex…
Supply plan is recommending cancellation of Purchase Orders and is suggesting to create new POsSummary: In Supply Plan output, - when the demand is cancelled in a week, - there is a demand in the next week and - there are open POs due three weeks later, system is …Suresh Kanukollu 44 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to update Scheduled Ship Date From PlanningSummary: Business requirement is that planners who do not have access to the sales order UI should be able to update the schedule ship date depending on the changes (man…Saroj Maharana 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Uttam Eitha Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planned order start time calculationQ1. In supply planning work area, planned order start date is shown and not the start time. But in production scheduling work area when we map a supply plan to productio…Raghu Sodanapally 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by M. Bolsinger-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
which cost book supply planning collects like Primary, Secondary, and Reporting etcSummary: which cost book supply planning collects like Primary, Secondary, and Reporting etc Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (incl…Devivaraprasad Panda-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Devivaraprasad Panda-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Attribute-Based Constrained Planning | Attribute should flow from Planning to Procurement.Plan type - Constrained Supply Plan Requirement - Client wants demand and supply to be connected using the same identifier or sequence number. So we have created an attr…
Plan order use earliest start date in resource plan instead of suggested start dateSummary: Our client is using process manufacturing and they don't stop manufacturing unless absolutely have to (scheduled maintenance or running out of space to store FG…KKZ 111 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin Elder -Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Access Privilege IssuesSummary: Access Privilege Issues Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created a custom role with following privileges. This role primar…Durgesh Pandit_ 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Onhand exists for raw-materials but it is not being collected into Production SchedulingSummary: Onhand exists for raw-materials but it is not being collected into Production Scheduling, and it shows shortage after solving the schedule. What could be the re…Uttam Eitha 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by M. Bolsinger-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to plan contract manufacturing sell-buy componentsSummary: Hi, I have been looking at supplier chain collaboration and contract manufacturing for planning below scenario but still I am not sure if that meets my requirem…Victor Martin 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
The item does not show up in demand plan.Summary: the items end dated category shows up in the table msc_catalog_categories but not the active one. the active one appears in msc_st_Catalog _categories. how to c…SARTHAK GOSWAMI 39 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by SARTHAK GOSWAMI Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
SCP: How to make Rows Retrieved > 500In Supplies and demands window. We only can see 500 rows. If we want to release planned order that > 500, it can't shows all that we couldn't release them in one time. C…Dennis Wang 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
ORA-00001: unique constraint (FUSION.MSC_NET_RESOURCE_AVAIL_U2) violatedSummary: We are getting the error while running the schedule program for resource availability through the fbdi in Target mode but its working fine in net change mode ""…Agha Abbas 52 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Agha Abbas Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Supply Planning Calendar: Where is the Fiscal Calendar created?Summary: Supply Planning Calendar: Where is the Fiscal Calendar created? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The business has the Demand Plan …Catherine Alequin 52 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Alequin Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Workaround for Manual Reservation in Supply PlanningHi Team, We identified that Planning doesn't collect manual/user defined reservations. We have requirement to have such user defined reservations for onhand because of p…Akshaykumar Trivedi 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AkashV-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration