Supply Planning Cloud
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How Sales Order Import using FBDI works in Targeted Mode in Planning?Summary: I tried below scenario : Upload the Sales Order(SO-1) for Org A in Targeted Mode.(SO1 visible in Plan Inputs). Upload the Sales Order(SO-2) for Org-B in Targete…Sumit Patil 41 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is it possible to see BOM explosion of BUY item in a constrained supply plan?Is it possible to see BOM explosion of BUY item in a constrained supply plan? Item AB is a component of the End product X. ItemAB is marked as BUY Item and doesn't have …
How to make sure Sales Orders are not considered while calculating Average Daily Demands?Summary: Client has some one time sales orders for some customers. But because Safety Stock is set up based on Days of Cover, plan considers these Sales Orders while cal…Yogiraj Kadam 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to use MDS as collected dataSummary: We have MDS in source instance(EBS) Current solution of cloud planning is using CSV file to insert collected data. MDS is not available for data collection. How…Dennis Wang 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How do we restrict user to not change table layout or page layout for their respective user account?Summary: We're facing a scenario where the Business IT team has designed custom tables, graphs and layouts for screens displaying supply and demand, material plan as wel…Rahulp1987 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Why won't a sales order be visible in Planning?Summary: Sales order is not visible in Supplies and Demands. Suggested due date on the sales order is in future and within the time horizon. Today's date: 27th May 2024 …Yogiraj Kadam 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yogiraj Kadam Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
In a constrained plan the Need by Date of item of Planned Order is much too earlySummary: In a constrained plan, we have issue in one org The Need by Date of item of Planned Order is much too early. For Example : If the item Need by date is showing 1…Kiran Sharma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Process flow of Planned Order Demand to Purchase RequisitionSummary: Is there a process flow chart for a planned order demand to PR generation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…Franz Marcelo 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Supply Plan release to Requisition importSummary: We have a custom Planner Workbench from where we would like to release planned orders to generate requisitions in stead of from the Supply Planning workbench. I…Suprakash2 Rath 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Supply Plan Running Long and Stuck at "Save plan to database"Summary: We are having unconstrained supply Plan without any simulation set or exception set. Time Buckets Days = 28, Weeks = 26. Supply Planned Items = "All planned Ite…Venkatesh Periketi 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead TimesSummary: There was a scheduled job (twice a day) for Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead Times. If we're going to cancel this job, what will be the impact i…Franz Marcelo 61 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to get correct demand quantity in MSC_DEMANDS?Summary: We are building a BIP Report that extracts the total demand per month having Item, Organization, and Plan ID as parameters. However, when trying to query in MSC…Patricia Azucena 76 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How Planning Factor in Item Structure FBDI impact the planned ordersSummary: Clients want to over purchase to take in consideration the wastage amount. We want supply planning to suggest 20% more than what is required. We want to know ho…Roopak955 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
What is the join between MSC_GLOBAL_TRADING_PARTNERS and POZ_SUPPLIERS or HZ_PARTIES?How to identify which Suppliers and Suppliers site are collected in planning? Is there any join that we can use between MSC_GLOBAL_TRADING_PARTNERS and POZ_SUPPLIERS to …Sumit Patil 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumit Patil Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to get plan name in MSC_PLANS?Summary: Tried to select the plan name in MSC_PLANS table via BIP report, however, this table does not show any data. Is there any other table that can be used to show t…Patricia Azucena 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by RakeshOracle-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is Trading Partner Item cross reference available/collected in Planning?Is Trading Partner Item cross reference available/collected in Planning?Sumit Patil 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumit Patil Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Resource does not consider LT in supply planningSummary: We have an item that will take 14 days to manufacture (process LT is 14 days). Looking at the resource requirement in the resource plan, the plan is to start ma…Eric Lee 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Replenishment Planning: Average Daily Demand and Policies Not CalculatedSummary: Replenishment Planning: Average Daily Demand and Policies Not Calculated. Content (required): We are running Replenishment Plan where 'Compute Policy Parameter'…Ramesh Choudhary 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by RAHUL_SCM Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
'Substitute Supply' & 'Substitute Demand' Order Type in Replenishment PlanningSummary: We have enabled "Use of Related Items Supplies" Plan option in Replenishment planning. After running plan, we received 'Substitute Supply' (order type) recommen…Ramesh Choudhary 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramesh Choudhary Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
When Netting is disabled - Onhand qty is not showing up in planContent We have a requirement, where our client don't want to do netting supplies with demand. We have disabled Demand and supply netting at plan option level. After run…Venkatesh Periketi 51 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by kwtm_2797 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
When does constrained supply planning overload and when does it use an alternate resourceContent Hello, Per Oracle documentation, the planning process applies capacity constraints in a specific order - • Prebuild in earlier time buckets• Offload to an altern…Sid Gadgil 93 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
impact of purging "dos_supply_headers_int" and "dos_supply_lines_int"Summary: Can these two tables be purged regularly. if yes what will be the impact. these carry details of type of orders like buy or transfer. Content (please ensure you…SARTHAK GOSWAMI 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to Collect/Show Sales Order with Draft Status in Supply Chain PlanningSummary: Is there any way to collect or consider Sales Order with Draft Status in Supply Chain Planning. Content (required): We have few Sales Orders which are in Draft …Mansi Gupta-Oracle 71 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_9NGTE Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Why Net forecast is much higher then the Gross forecast ?Summary: Why Net forecast is much higher then the Gross forecast ?In unconstrained plan in one organization the net forecast is much higher than gross forecast in 2024 a…Kiran Sharma 54 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Sharma Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
SnapshotPlanMembers Error - Where to find information about the error types: "Index: X, Size: X"Summary: Running a Supply Plan unconstrained, suddenly started to erroring out and the log is really unclear. I cuoldn't extract nothing from the logs Anybody knows how …F_Suarez 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Unable to Open "Production Scheduling" getting error "Couldn't reach the server"Summary: Unable to Open "Production Scheduling" getting error "Couldn't reach the server" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…Raju Pachigolla 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Raju Pachigolla Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planned Order Qty is getting split into decimals and is visible against a planned order in SCPSummary: We have checked the required flag, Round Order Quantities is set to Yes, Planning percentages are 100%, from OM the quantities are not splitting up but for a bu…Vatsala Bharadwaj-Oracle 123 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Akshay_Jo Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Supply Planning Access restricted by user and by orgWe have the below scenario Orgs A and B in Plan X Same Orgs A and B in Plan Y as well Planner 1 needs to access Org A data only Planner 2 needs to access Org B data only…Valliappan T 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Selva Sub-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Demand shouldn't be pegged to future suppliesSummary: Recent Demands like Sales Orders or Forecasts are seen to be pegged to Planned Orders whose Suggested Dock Date is beyond the Suggested Due Date of Demands. I h…Yogiraj Kadam 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Santosh V-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How can we have a color coding for a value range using conditional formatting in Supply Planning?We have to define a color coding for Resource Utilization Percentage for a range between 80 to 95. I have already refined color as red for Resource Utilization beyond 10…SidSaxena 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AkashV-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration