Supply Planning Cloud
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where to see external organizations once Load Planning Data from Flat Files completesSummary: i have kept source system as LEG1 in FBDI. the collection entity is succeeded but i cannot see org in maintain supply network model. Please advise Content (plea…SARTHAK GOSWAMI 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anushika Singh-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Work order start date not started on Earliest acceptable date instead actual request date.Hi All, We have a scenario, like order placed on 15th July, and request date is 15th Aug. also given EAD as 22nd July. However, work order number generated automatically…Ashoka 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by NinaLyubenova-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Time level planning for components of back-to-back Make itemRequirement : Ability to do time level planning for components of back-to-back Make Item. Reason : Majority of suppliers are local suppliers who can deliver within a day…
What are the privileges for "Publish Order Forecast" & "Calculate Measure-Based Exceptions" options?Summary: We are trying to disable the following two options on the Manage Plans screen under the Actions tab. Could you please provide the corresponding privileges to di…Sujatha, Sangeetham 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sujatha, Sangeetham Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Functionalities of Planning PrivilegesSummary: Do we have any documentation on the exact functionality of each of the privileges in planning? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We…Durgesh Pandit_ 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Durgesh Pandit_ Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planners want to notify buyers before sumitting the PO for approvalSummary: We have a business scenario where, upon releasing planned orders for purchased items, the planner must notify the 'Buyer' that the purchase order requires atten…
Old due date are not exist for specific order typesFor Demands and on hand, old due date were not exist. Do we have any setup can make old due date has value? — In ASCP the old due date has value, but in cloud planning a…Dennis Wang 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Sub-inventory Level Reservations in Constrained Supply PlanSummary: We are having sub-inventory level reservations and are checking if constrained Supply Plan honors them. We found a note on MOS which indicates that sub-inventor…Durgesh Pandit_ 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rahul Awasthi-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
how to get material available date and source organization in a measure?We have a specific requirement where in we need to showcase report for transfer orders at product category level and need material available date and source organization…Akshay Kumar1 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
we have requirement, where supply plan should not net off On hand if it is not meeting MOQ?Summary: If we have sales order of 2500 no's and on hand is 700 and MOQ is 1000, Planned order should not consume on-hand while generating the Planned Order It should cr…Akshay Kumar1 21 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
is there Option for MOQ split into multiple order lines of SPQSummary: is there Option for MOQ split into multiple order lines of SPQ Forr instance, this part with MOQ 9000ml, we want system to split into multiple lines of required…Priya.George 51 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
One of the Plan Option setup changed automatically after Supply Plan runWe see that after supply plan run, the plan option 'Requisition Group By' changed from 'Supplier' to 'Project'. We havent changed this manually, so, we would like to che…Valliappan T 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to use item DFF in planning in Search Additional FieldsSummary: How to use item DFF in planning in Search Additional Fields Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In PIM, we have an item attribute cal…
Is there a possibility to link Work Order to Transfer Order through Planning?Summary: Is there a possibility to link Work Order to Transfer Order through Planning? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a scenario …
Are we able to see the workflow or audit trail for Trade Operations?Is there a way to review the workflow or audit trail for Trade Operations?Clifford Cruz 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Rosales Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Which Item attribute field enable in Inventory, Purchasing, Planning, OM Tab for Planning in Fusion.Summary: Which Item attribute field enable in Inventory, Purchasing, Planning, OM Tab for Planning in Fusion. We are creating Make or Buy item and Planning through creat…Kaushal Gathani 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Santosh V-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Anyway to restrict a user from deleting a Simulation set?Summary Anyway to restrict a user from deleting a Simulation set?Content Hi Team, Is there any way we can restrict a user from deleting any simulation set while he can s…Renuka Soneja-154959 33 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Durgesh Pandit_ Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is there a way to customize gantt chart colours in Production ScheduleHello Is there a capability to customize colours on the gantt chart in the production schedule to differentiate between WOs, Resource Usage, downtime etc? If not, what d…Thushara Unnikrishnan 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by M. Bolsinger-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planned order for parent item not showing the associated alternate part in supply and demandSummary: If there are alternate part numbers assigned to the parent item, then while search the planned order for the parent item against the forecast, the supply and de…Kunal Chanchal 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
When is a resource considered over loaded?Summary: We have setup work definition with a primary resource and alternate resources. We would like to see how the alternate resource is consumed when primary resource…Thushara Unnikrishnan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Need is to create custom job sets, involving bip extracts, DC followed by plan runSummary: The need is to create the custom job set. Which should be able to achieve below There are few bip reports which should be placed automatically to UCM Then the d…KRS 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Prateek_16-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to avoid pegging of new demands to suppliesSummary: We are trying to set up planning time fence for the Item , but any new demands within planning time fence should not consume existing supplies like any Work Ord…Priya.George 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Anas Atmitim-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Demand Fulfillment Recommendation "Add Resource Availability" not enabled if Resource is OverloadedSummary: Demand Fulfillment Recommendation "Add Resource Availability" not enabled when Resource is Overloaded Expectation: to find Recommendation under "Add Resource Av…I_Iulian_B-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Resource availability is not showing more than 730 days in the Plan InputsSummary: We have a requirement to run the plan for 5 years. We are collecting the resource availability for the 5 years but in the Plan Inputs, it is showing only 730 da…Rama Subba Reddy 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Roll up of Purchase Order/Work Order/Planned Order by ItemSummary: Would like to roll up Purchase Orders/Work Orders/Planned Orders Supply by Item in Oracle Supply Planning. Currently this is captured by Organization but we wou…Rama Subba Reddy 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Limitation in Production Scheduling if items do not belong to same categorySummary: we have seen that the current version(24B) of production scheduling does not support if for example: FG and its semi-finished make item component do not belong …Santhosh K Gaddam 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Santhosh K Gaddam Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to copy one simulation set data into another simulation setCurrently business wanted to do certain changes to the data through simulation set and run through the simulation cycle. once the Business is satisfied with the plan out…Manoj12345 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Need Rest API EndpointsSummary: what are the rest api endpoints for this tables msc_measures_tl, msc_measure_data, msc_system_items, msc_dimension_tim_dyd in fusion scm Content (please ensure …DineshApps 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Need document for 12.2.13 integration with SCP cloudNeed document for Oracle EBS 12.2.13 integration with SCP cloudSumirB 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lekhya-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Were you able to match the safety stock for both supply planning and Replenishment planning?Summary: We configured safety stock calculation based on service level in both RP and SP plans. We were not able to match the number with the same set of parameters ( Se…Ms. Sakshee Deore 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ms. Sakshee Deore Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration