Discussion List
Inspection Result PageSummary: Content (required): Hello, Inspection result Page has option to add and delete for additional Sample and add and delete of characteristics/characteristics group…
QM: Query on ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Standard Sampling methodSummary: Hi Experts, We have an PO-quality inspection (in-line) to be triggered and wanted to check if this use case can be achieved using ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Standard sampli…
Create Inspection in Work Execution and View Inspection Result in Quality ManagementSummary: Content (required): Hello Friends, For ad hoc WIP Inspection, I am starting in work execution area and entering quality result through create inspection. Now I …
Create Inspection and Update InspectionSummary: Content (required): Hello Friends We are planning to have a integration using OIC to create inspection record for a Work Order for a Pre-assigned lot# for a Adh…
Inspection Result of SampleSummary: Content (required): On Inspection result Page ( Ad Hoc WIP Inspection) if user add another sample by clicking Plus Sign, is that possible to copy the entered re…
Auto email notification to the recipients when Quality issue is raisedSummary: How to send email notification to planner/buyer of an item automatically which is the affected object when a quality issue is raised, meaning - 1. we have done …
New columns added in Quality Issue thru Application Composer not available in Quality issue tableSummary: 1. We have added 2 columns as "Model" and "Description" in the Quality issue thru application composer 2. but when I ran the Quality issue query - these columns…
Quality issue: What is the size limitations for the Video as well as other files to be added to theContent Dear Experts, What is the size limitations for the Video as well as other files to be added to the Quality issue? Thanks, Vijay
Edit Inspection ResultContent Hello Friends, Is that Possible to edit In-line Inspection result for Work In Process? Situation is Inspector might have typed wrong value under a characteristic…
Need to perform quality inspection for PO receivingContent Dear all, Currently, system just support receiving inspection if we automatically generate samples based on predefined inspection plan. However If we follow insp…
Can we accept, though the inspection has minor non-conformity of the Lots by overriding the dispositContent Dear experts, Can we accept, though the inspection has minor non-conformity of the Lots by overriding the disposition by putting a comment ? Thanks, Vijay
Does ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Standard ASNI and ISO 2859 are same in Inspection Level?Content Dear experts, Could you please confirm if ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Standard supported in Inspection Level is same as ISO 2859 ? Thanks, Vijay
Create and update inspection plan based from fileContent Organization: Grupo Industrial Graiman Business need: We have 4 industrial organizations that have Quality inspection plans. One of the manufacturing plants have…
Referring Diagram at the point of inspectionContent Hello Friends How it is possible that while doing inspection if a inspector wants to refer diagram? Should we attach that diagram at inspection plan?
Inspection Result Based on CalculationContent Hello Friends Is that possible to have inspection result of one other specification based on two other specification result? For example, I will have result of L…
Quality Sampling referenceSummary Add new sample referenceContent Hi all, Is there a way to add additonnal sample type other than the seeded one (Percentage/ANSI1.4) like ISO 285-1. Thanks, Thier…
List of Customer Connect Training ReplaysSummary Quick access to all the Quality Customer Connect Training Replays Content Watch these replays to get more information about implementing your products. You can w…Jeanine Signorelli-Oracle 238 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Jeanine Signorelli-Oracle Quality