Extract Flow
Discussion List
Report Output is blank after passing the flowInstanceName/payrollActionId of the Extract RunSummary: Hello All, Can anybody please give inputs for this issue. Report Output is blank after passing the flowInstanceName/payrollActionId of the Extract Run. The Extr…
Extract Definition Bank Account TypeSummary: Cannot find Bank Account Type under Extract Definition Setup. Content (required): Hi Experts, We have an existing banking change details report where payroll ca…
Is there a UE which can provide EEs who are unprocessed in a payroll run?Summary: Looking for a UE which can provide the list of EEs who are not processed in a payroll run i.e. EEs in LOA, Payroll Ineligible status? Content (required): After …
REST API for Common Features > Get a lookup codeSummary: REST API for Common Features > Get a lookup code Content (required): Hello All, I am using the REST API below to fetch the Common Lookups whose Lookup Type (=XX…
How to send employee domicile info from an integrated system to oracle HCMSummary: How to send employee domicile info from an integrated system to oracle HCM Content (required): Hello experts, when the integrated system sent the information of…
schedule hcm extract to run on a fortnightly periodSummary: schedule hcm extract to run on a fortnightly period Content (required): schedule hcm extract to run on a fortnightly period Version (include the version you are…
Using the context set in the parent DG user entity in the child DG filter criteria in HCM extractSummary: Hello Cloud Community, In my HCM extract I'm having PAYROLL REL ACTIONS RANGE UE in the parent DG and PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE in the child DG. The parent DG…
what are the UE's for orc module?Summary: Hi Friends, I have Requirement on ORC - Extracts. I want to know what are the User Entities comes under ORC Module? if you a list share to me. PDF files attache…
Is there a way to trigger an OIC Integration automatically after Payroll processing is complete?Summary: We have a requirement to automatically trigger an OIC integration post payroll processing is complete. We don't want to trigger it manually/schedule it. This OI…
Performance issue while grouping in HCM ExtractsSummary: We have a requirement to build a compensation interface to send 3 months of payroll earnings data from run results to third party vendor. The xml size getting g…Abdul Aleem Mohammed 52 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Abdul Aleem Mohammed HCM Integrations
Need to Restrict Employees of a Tax Reporting Unit(TRU) in ExtractSummary: We need to copy a seeded report, Run Third-Party Periodic Tax Filing Extract, and add an object group that will allow us to run the report for specific TRUs (we…
How to schedule Extract to run on specific dates?Summary: We built an Extract to generate the data files to integrate with a Payroll system in Mexico. The Payroll system (vendor) required to receive the data files on e…
Data Extract - Most RecentSummary: Is it possible to create a data extract an only get the latest relavant information for a given person whether the person is PWK, EX_PWK, CWK, EX_CWK, EMP or EX…
HCM Extract xsl template to generate formatted XML Output that almost replicate original xml outputSummary: HCM Extract xsl template to generate formatted XML Output that almost replicate original xml output. We just need to get rid of the duplicate output that is usu…
HCM Extract Inbound Interface - stop calling the next tasks in the flow , if extract return no rowsSummary: Loop back integration using HCM Extract Inbound Interface with HCM Data Loader - If the extract not return any rows on a particular run , it won't have any HDL …
SUI and SDI Codes Not Appearing in Seeded WFN ExtractHi All - We are working on implementing ADP Workforce Now integration and the SUI and SDI Codes are not passing on the integration File. The only value that is appearing…
Can an extract generate the 4 different templates based on different conditionsSummary: Hi all, I am working on a requirement where I have to generate 4 different templates based on the different condition. I have built the extract which is fetchin…
How to read trucated termination reasonSummary: Hello, we need read the truncate the termination reason. I built a fast formula but it is not working. Any help? Content (required): Version (include the versio…
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns occurred in table ReportPublisher.setDeliveryOpt at location 2Summary: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns occurred in table ReportPublisher.setDeliveryOpt at location 2 Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! This is about error on extr…
What Basic roles or Privileges needed to trigger Extract and ESS job?Summary: Hello Everyone, Can someone let me know what basic roles or privileges do we need to trigger an Extract and ESS job? I am looking to trigger an extract and an E…
HCM Changes only Extract QuestionSummary: HCM Changes only Extract Question Content (required): Hi Team, I have got a query related to changes only HCM Extract processing. Let us say, the HCM Extract is…
Customizing "Run Third-Party Payment Register"We have a requirement to add Person Number to existing output of seeded Run Third-Party Payment Register. Challenge is that we couldn't see the HCM Extract being run on …
Difference between ViewAllPVO and 'Parent'PVO in BICCSummary: Difference between ViewAllPVO and 'Parent'PVO in BICC? Example HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PersonAM.GlobalPersonPVOViewAll and HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.Per…
How can I split biweekly period to weekly periodSummary: Hi All, Currently our payroll was in bi-weekly but user requesting to create custom report to break down bi-weekly earnings to weekly earnings in report. How ca…
Structural Change in the HCM Extract XML OutputSummary: Hi Team, Does UE (User Entity) change in an already existing HCM extract changes the structure of the XML output? We have change the UE for the child data group…
How can we use PER_ACTION_OCCURRENCE_DETAILS_UE in an extractSummary: We would like to use de DBIs from PER_ACTION_OCCURRENCE_DETAILS_UE in an extract but are unsure how we can achieve this as this UE requires ACTION_OCCURRENCE_ID…
Inbound Interface Type is Missing from the Extract Type when Creating an Extract DefinitionSummary: Inbound Interface Type is Missing from the Extract Type when Creating an Extract Definition Content (required): We are not able to create inbound type of HCM ex…
Need to display AOR related information in the HCM ExtractSummary: Need to display AOR related information in the HCM Extract Content (required): We have a requirement to display Person information along with AOR related inform…
Submitting an extract using Rest API - Unable to pass the Legislative data groupSummary: We are trying to submit a flow using Rest API. As provided in the documentation link , we have passed all the necessary data points. While posting this request,…
Payroll Extract -Calculation Card for Involuntary DeductionsSummary: Selecting required attributes from Calculation Card template for Involuntary Deductions Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! This is about a new HCM extract (…