Candidate Selection Process
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Enable/Turn on email notifications for internal candidatesSummary: Our implementation administrators disabled notifications for internal candidates in the DEV2 environment, we’re trying to figure out how to re-enable them. We’v…Meenu Jetta 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gulab Ansari Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Can we test ORC LinkedIn Integration in the test environment?Summary: Can we test ORC LinkedIn Integration in the test environment? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we test ORC LinkedIn Integratio…Gosu Ashok 16 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Thousif Syed Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
the rest API gives me 401 Unauthorizedthe rest API hcmRestApi/resources/ gives me 401 Unauthorized even the user name and password are correctBahaa 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by PatriciaS-Support-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
SSN Formatting Issue in Oracle Recruiting Cloud National Identifier FieldSummary: Issue: When candidates provide their sensitive information in the National Identifier field and select the USA option, the Oracle Recruiting Cloud system accept…Misbah Khair 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by PatriciaS-Support-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Request for More Information Filled by RecruiterSummary: We have a Fast Formula to determine if the candidate is submitted the requested information (additional information) or not before moving a candidate into "Move…Kammasavala Ramadevi 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Suraj Kunwar Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
While Hiring Manager click the merge duplicate check link it is not workingSummary: Hi Team, While Hiring Manager try to click on the merge duplicate link it is not working Where as for recruiter it is working as expected only we are facing the…xbyzs-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Score Issue on Candidate Job ApplicationsTotal Score displayed on the Candidate Job Applications list is incorrect. Has anyone faced a similar issue? Please check the example case below.Chinmayee.Vishnubhatla 11 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Chinmayee.Vishnubhatla Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Turn Off email journey notification for internship candidatesHi Team, Is there any possible way to turn off email notification for internship candidates Please find the below navigation : Login As Admin > Tools > Security Console …xbyzs-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rafatullah BS Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
RMI not triggered second timeSummary: We have a CSP created we have 2 RMI. The configuration is as follow; 1 - at Initiate job offer phase the RMI is set it initiate check. 2- once candidate accepts…Bhor Sagar V 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Niuris M -Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Tracking of additional information request flowsHi how can we track the flows of additional information requests within the candidate selection process? If the flow of additional information requests has been started,…Francesca.Ruggiero 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Niuris M -Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Can we add Gender and Nationality to the Job application flow?Summary: Can we add Gender and Nationality to the Job application flow? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we add Gender and Nationality …Gosu Ashok 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Can we mark first name Mandatory.Summary: Hi Expert, Do we have any configuration while external candidate apply a job, FIRST NAME should be mandatory. Thank you! Content (please ensure you mask any con…Jamil12 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Supporting Document Collection from CandidateSummary: Need to collect additional documents from selected candidate for offer release Content (required): As part of the Candidate Selection Process, the Client wants …Joe Victor 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sanda Pravallika Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Fast Formula to fetch rejection reason not working as expectedSummary: Hello Experts, We have created a fast formula to achieve the functionality of fetching rejection reason and basis on that trigger the notification. We have used…Tanu Shri Patel 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by A_R-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Is blind recruiting in the pipeline for ORC as standard functionality, rather than as a large personSummary My client has a requirement to hide candidate names from recruiters and hiring managers up to the interview stage.Content The solution provided by Oracle for bli…
Move action based on Fast Formula on EFFSummary: Move actions based on a fast formula that checks Person EIT EFFs are not running. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We set two move…Alessandra Ippedico-Oracle 32 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Nicolas Pelletier-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
selective blind recruitmentSummary: My client has a business process for selective blind screening- meaning, they want certain candidate selection processes to have blind Hiring Manager screening …PriyaPenugonda-SC 99 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by JackGMV Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Blind Recruitment (Anonymized Functionality) Candidate Name Shown when using Print Action in ORCSummary: Blind Recruitment (Anonymized Functionality) has been applied to ORC environments as per Doc ID 2734017.1 (Name-Blind Recruitment Implementation Guide). Current…Khadir Ahmed 223 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by JackGMV Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Candidate tax credits tableSummary: Team, Does anyone know which table stores the candidate results for tax credits? I am unable to find the right IRC table from the documentation. We have a WOTC …Vijay Rajendran 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Pete Gutteridge-Paye Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
create DOB field mandatory field in csp , such that before creating offer the dob is collectedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I understand that when a recruiter is creating a candidate profile , we DO NOT have a feasibi…Aishwarya_15 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
HR, Pending Automated ProcessingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi community, when I move to HR an external candidate the following status appears: Pending Autom…Cloe Dufour 47 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Requirement to capture additional info during phone screening phaseSummary: We have a requirement to capture additional details from Candidates during Phone screen interview. We would like the questions to be available on the candidate …LalithaKantipudi 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by LalithaKantipudi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Send external candidate resume to document of records when candidate is moved to HRSummary: Is it possible to automatically send an external candidate's resume (or any other documents uploaded by the client during their application) to the document of …Vincent Meyer 112 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravi Krishna Velchuri Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Query to display the Phases and States of the CSP in OBI ReportContent Hi Experts, I am looking for a OBI query to display the Phases and States which are associated to the CSP. Regards, Harish Version 20DHarish Vummidi 157 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Restrict the Hiring Managers from rejecting the candidates in Candidate Selection ProcessSummary: We need to restrict the visibility of "Rejected by employer" & "Withdrawn by Candidate" States in Hiring Manager Review Phase in CSP Content: Our requirement is…Nishanth Gangumalla 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
when i send interview feedback can i put put accept/reject options for interview feedbackSummary: when i request interview feedback from line manager can i put option to reject or accept the feedback Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…Vaibhav DL 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Pipeline REQ answers are not updating while converting to another REQSummary: While converting the pipeline REQ to another REQ the questions that has answered in the Pipeline REQ are not reflecting in newly created REQ on behalf of candid…
How to Rename Default Statuses in the Candidate Selection Process?Summary: Hello everyone, I'm writing this post to ask if anyone knows how to rename the default statuses that appear in all stages of the candidate selection process. To…Giuseppe Iacono 61 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by YASHWANTH GOWDA H R Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Mandatory Phases and States in Candidate Selection ProcessSummary How to make Phases and States mandatory in Candidate Selection Process?Content Hi Is there a way to make a State mandatory in Candidate Selection Process, so tha…Himanshu Dutta 237 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by YASHWANTH GOWDA H R Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Fast Formula restrict Move to HR button and enable move buttonSummary: We are trying to achieve functionality where user should be able to click Move to HR action only upon selecting one Audit button which is delivered as part of e…