Discussion List
Why doesn't Fixed Assets Subledger Accounting Consider the Mapping Set in Journal Entry Rule Set?Hi All, We currently have a General Ledger Chart of Accounts Mapping between a Global Chart of Accounts (Used by Primary Ledgers) and a Local Chart of Accounts (Used by …
Impairments required; not available as UK gov revaluations is enabled.Summary: We have a requirement to use impairments but we have enabled UK government revaluations which removes the feature. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Error: You can't adjust the asset because it wasn't added to this tax bookSummary: The periodic mass copy ends in error with "You can't adjust the asset because it wasn't added to this tax book". But the assets mentioned in the log and output …
Is there any way to default 'Track as Asset' in AP invoice level?We have tried to assign asset category under Item Master and create PR/PO/AP Invoice using that Item Master. But the system does not default select 'Track as Asset' at A…User_1W1HV 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_1W1HV Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Feature/Report how To Determine if the Mid-Quarter (MACRS MQ) Convention applies to assets.Summary: Depreciation for Federal Income Tax purposes in the U.S. requires that corporations determine the percentage of their assets that were acquired in the last quar…
Account Analysis report showing disabled user as creatorSummary: Our Account Analysis (AA) Report contains line items created by a user who has since been disabled. how to modify the process if it's linked to the disabled use…
Retire Assets in Spreadsheet - Row LimitWhen using Retire Assets in Spreadsheet within Fixed Assets is there a row limit to the number of assets than can be retired using the spreadsheet? We have 3,000 assets …J_Phillips 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Segregation of duties for reinstatement and Capitalize CIP assetHi, We have tested and demonstrated the Segregation of Asset Transaction Entry and Transaction Posting DutiesFeature released in 24A. However, there is a requirement to …Bhagchandani Nayan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
REST/SOAP Api to update fixed asset mass additions distribution unitsHi , In Fixed Asset Mass Addition I want to update the Units using REST/SOAP API the below Rest API is not allowing me update the same : fscmRestApi/resources/…
Is anyone experiencing problems with ADFDi Fixed Asset Revaluation template?When using revalue assets the ADFDi spreadsheet that is exported so we can input information of revaluation on assets to import back into Fusion is not allowing the prev…
Charge initial balances with accum dep on assets using the depreciation method per production unitSummary: Why can I charge initial balances with accumulated depreciation and annual depreciation on assets using the depreciation method per production unit if the docum…
Reinstate asset function is not returning retired assets in searchSummary: Hi, I'm trying to reinstate a retired asset. When I go to search for my retired asset, nothing is returned from my search in the reinstate asset screen. I've tr…Sherri Sweeney 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Fixed asset approval for Source PayablesHi, We have a requirement wherein we want to setup the approval rules in fixed assets with the source as Payables wherein if the balancing segment of Depreciation Expens…
Approval not working for aseets added from payables through mass addition processSummary: Hi Experts We have defined global rule for all types of asset addition , but approval is not redirected to the approver and posted directly if its added from pa…
Fixed asset custom roleWe need to create a custom role for Fixed assets and remove the privilege "Calculate Fixed Asset Depreciation" which would restrict the user to not calculate depreciatio…
Brazilian Tax Reform - Oracle Cloud ImpactsSummary: Brazilian Tax Reform - Oracle Cloud Impacts Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Brazil is implementing a huge tax reform over consump…
How to update asset calendar datesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User have incorrectly setup the end date for January which doesn't align with GL calendar. How to…Bhanu Prakash Sharma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
How to fix my Credit Memo Issue on Accounts Receivables where credit tax and line % error occurSummary: When we test where the original invoice is $150.00 and a payment of $50.00 is applied and the attempt to credit the balance of $100.00. The overpayment error oc…
Gift attribute errorSummary: While working in the stratus test environment and trying to add additions in spreadsheet, I received errors for the gift attribute (attribute 13). Stratus is sa…
Adding System validation on General Ledger Journal Creation ScreenSummary: Adding System validation on General Ledger Journal Creation Screen through Page Composer/Application Composer Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…Amulya_Srivastava 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Mary Ramirez-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
After deleting the assets, where can we see those deleted assetsSummary: In Fixed Assets, after creating an asset - I have deleted the asset Can we see those deleted records anywhere in the system? Content (please ensure you mask any…
API for performing cost adjustment on an existing assetSummary: What is the API (REST or SOAP) to perform the cost adjustment for an asset. The below API document is not very clear. https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/fina…
Mass Transfer of Assets Error in ADFI SpreadsheetAfter trying to upload the adfi file when transferring assets in spreadsheet, I am getting these two errors, in addition to the row status saying, "insert failed".
How to separate assets by DepartmentSummary: Client currently has two people that add and maintain all assets. To-Be business process is to have departments do all transactions and the two people will be a…
How many asset transfer we can do at a time through "Transfer Assets in Spreadsheet"How many assets transfer we can do at a time through "Transfer Assets in Spreadsheet", as we are facing timeout error while transferring the more than 2000 assets. Kindl…
Asset capitalization using project driven supply chain, Transaction entry and accountingHi All, Our client is using project driven supply chain. where we are moving the inventory items from common sub-inventory to project sub-inventory. When we do that, the…
More detailed instructions for importing new Depreciation MethodSummary: Hi, I am needing to import the new depreciation methods for the new tax rules and I found the following DOC on MOS. MACRS 80% and 60% Bonus Half-Year & Mid-Quar…Jennifer Sherbrook - CNL 125 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
Depreciation method does not default in tax book upon category change in corp bookSummary: We are changing the category in CORP book and then copying it over the tax book. The new category gets copied to the tax book, however, in tax book there is no …
Fusion Fixed Asset Requirement : Amortization without DepreciationSummary: We have a client requirement for Fixed Asset module to use Amortization without enabling the Depreciation. our understanding is that amortization works more lik…
Its applicable to impairment CIP asset oracle cloudHello, if its applicable how to setup it and in case its not applicable are there any work around BR, Tamer