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Auto reversal Criteria set - created to reverse JE import from subledger- exceptional workingSummary: Auto reversal Criteria set - created to reverse JE import from sub ledger i.e RMCS & Receivable as GL reporting is using EBS can see it is working exceptionally…Santoshh Mishrra 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Santoshh Mishrra Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Translation Error: Spawned job for request 16167414 produced the business error exit code: BIZ_ERRORHi All, Issue: Translation ESS Job When user ran the BIP Job Name : Translation process in ESS, received the below error, Anyone have idea on this Error. Error: Spawned …Baskara Sateesh-Oracle 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Wesraj General Ledger & Intercompany
Journal Entry Stuck 'In Process' - ApprovalsSummary: We had an issue where our journal entry approval flow broke (name of approval group was updated, the approval rule wasn't). We now have some journal entries stu…
Intercompnay transactions not been transferred to Providers GLSummary: Hello comunity, I have setup intercompany module for new instance and the batches are getting transferred to General ledger of the reciver without an issue. But…Risandu olitha 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ahmed.hegazy General Ledger & Intercompany
GL Journal lines migrating via FAH Integration is not reflecting in Cash to GL reconciliation reportHi Everyone, When we are creating any journal line in GL those transaction are reflected in cash management dashboard source as Journal for reconciliation. The transacti…User_NGFDG 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alexandra Tam -Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Journal Line description - to be mandatorySummary Journal Line description - to be mandatoryContent Is it possible to make journal line description mandatory? This oracle note suggests that it's not possible, bu…Autumn Goodin 140 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Thibault Dufnerr General Ledger & Intercompany
How can the Revaluation Reversal be stoppedSummary: As I understand it, the journal created during the revaluation process gets auto reversed in the next accounting period. This reversal gets triggered automatica…Saumyashri 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kamal Ibrahim-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to change the Import Journals error code descriptionSummary: Import Journal process generates the log for the error details and seeing error codes and descriptions as below i.e. EP01 This date isn't in an open or future e…AARE AJAYKUMAR 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Impact on Application behavior if we change the FUTURE1 Segment of COA Structure to ZONESummary Impact on Application behavior if we change the FUTURE1 Segment of COA Structure to ZONEContent Hi All, Greetings. Customer is live on Cloud Applications, having…Subramanyam Tumarada-Oracle 106 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by PratikL General Ledger & Intercompany
Can we use Journal Approval spreadsheet for changes if FinGlJournalApproval was developed in BPMSummary: Oracle Consultants developed FinGlJournalApproval using BPM development. Logic is simple - GL Journals approvals route to accounting groups based on company cod…
Journal approval API/SOAP/ESS JobSummary: Options to automate journal approval process. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, I am exploring options to automate jou…
GL Auto ReversalSummary:We have auto reversal setup at specify ledger options and reversal are working as expected. The question Is there any way to designate these reversing journals "…Ashish Tralsawala 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish Tralsawala General Ledger & Intercompany
Issue with Unfreezing and Deleting Subledger Data in GLHI everyone, Previously, we were able to unfreeze and delete subledger data in the General Ledger (GL) module by following the standard procedure. However, it seems that…
Unable to see the Reversal option it is Grayed Out using Customized Data Access Sets in GL JournalsThere is a Business Requirement to create a separate Data Access Sets for each ledger (Primary Ledger, Reporting & Secondary Ledger) So, We have created Data Access sets…
Issue with Adding Journal Entry for March 31adjustment periodHi everyone, I’m experiencing an issue while trying to add a journal entry for March 31, 2021. Our financial period runs from April to March, and even though the adjustm…
Ability to drill down to Intercompany Transaction pageSummary: To mimic the behavior from the Edit Journal page where a user can click on the Debit amount from a Global Intercompany category journal and be taken to the View…
FAH data splitted during import to GLWe have FAH data coming to GL. IN FAH subledger, we have additional balancing lines. when this FAH single batch is transferred to GL, Two different journals are created …
Create Journal in Spreadsheet upload is not working in French ?We have issue loading back in Oracle an Excel spreadsheet that is under Office in French (fr). An unexpected error is displayed: The same spreadsheet import from an spre…
While creating a manual journal, system should not allow same debit and credit account combinationDear All, My business requirement is that while creating a manual journal in GL, the system should not allow the entry of the same debit and credit account combination. …Gopi Kancharla 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca A-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Impact of changing the default currency precision.Summary: The seeded precision for JPY currency is 0, but when we try loading the journal batch for JPY, on conversion ( the functional currency is NGN) it is causing hug…Sanchari Dasgupta-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca A-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
About the scope of influence of "XLA_AE_LINES.ANALYTICAL_BALANCE_FLAG"Summary: Please tell me which functions are affected when "ANALYTICAL_BALANCE_FLAG" is set to P. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In a cert…REI TSUKAHAR-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca A-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Is there a way to display segment value description plus code in the Journal entry linesIs there a way to display segment value description plus code in the Journal entry line? this is how the lines display is there a way to make it appear as 01-Expense_X55…
Can an implementer migrate Journal Captured Information Contexts between environments?In a situation where the Journal Captured Information DFF has many cumbersome contexts to configure, is there a method to transfer the contexts from one environment to a…
Fusion Accounting Hub mapping sets not able to be used in formulasSummary: We need to perform an advanced lookup based on two mapping sets, where the resulted values from the first mapping set are used to initiate logic on the second m…
How to identify if a journal is reversed through Autoreversal Journal Process or ManuallySummary: The Journal reversed through 'Autoreversal Journal' process does not require approval whereas if the journal is reversed manually from Journal screen then it re…Swapnil Mangnalikar 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sathish Ravi General Ledger & Intercompany
Is it possible to account for an open PO automatically?Summary: I wanted to know if there is any tool or function in Oracle ERP that reads open POs that are not linked to an Invoice yet and generates provision accounting in …João Bay 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tanyam-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
While creating manual journals, system should not allow negative amount and zero amountHi All, The business requirement is that while creating the manual journal, the system should not allow the negative amount and zero amount lines to be posted. Could you…Gopi Kancharla 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by James McBride General Ledger & Intercompany
Journal batch is not enabled for reversal but others from same category can be reversedSummary: I have several journals that the Reversal Period on the journal is not enabled. User is looking to reverse the journal and cannot because this field is not enab…
Can we use the Parent value to create the transaction in GL if we give Allow Posting as Yes?We have Account segment parent value summary field Yes, Allow Posting field Yes. Submitted the Inherit segment value attributes process for Primary ledger and Submitted …
Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime requirement - Oracle CommsSummary: Client received following comms from Oracle: Reminder - In Oracle Fusion Cloud Update 24C, the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration (ADFdi) Excel add-in installer wil…Kristina Timberlake 158 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Bill Daily General Ledger & Intercompany