Capital Projects
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Unable to generate asset linesSummary: The transaction was created incorrectly, then the SLA rules were corrected, and accounting was rerun, but it had generated two journal lines (Debt & Credit with…
Real life Use cases for Capital-Billable projectsSummary: Could you please provide some real-life use cases for capital-billable projects and the process flow? Content (required): We know that Oracle PPM cloud provides…
Add Project Budget Margin in AmountSummary: Add Project Budget Margin in Amount Content (required): Dear all, Please note the following: 1- Go to project: SA17002 2- Go to manage Project Budget 3- PROBLEM…
How to access Project DFF to write custom BIP Report?Summary: Currently have an OIC integration written to update Projects with a value in descriptive flex fields using API: /fscmRestApi/resources/{pro…jess-izumi-234 62 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Massimo D'Angelo-Oracle Project Management
Project Budget Cost vs ActualSummary: Project Budget Cost vs Actual Content (required): What would cause a Project Budget carry forward cost to reflect a change than what was reflected at the beginn…
Project Time Card ApprovalSummary: Project Time Card Approval Content (required): How to modify the approval rule "ProjectTimecardApproval" for projects to parallel approval. In that the first ap…
How to calculated the interest with following formula cloud ppm openingHi All We have requirement for interest calculation for the expenditure incurred every month with below formula "opening 100% cost + average (Current month cost / 2) for…Govardhani Ethirajan 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pradeep Balakrishnan Project Management
How can I do to keep convertion rate amount from purshase receipt in Project assetSummary: How can I do to keep convertion rate amount from purshase receipt in Project asset, and when I going to transfer information the convertion rate amount does not…Franklin_Cardozo-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Franklin_Cardozo-Oracle Project Management
Privilege- Allow submission of the program to update organizations for projects and tasksSummary: I recently came across a privilege in Oracle Fusion Projects titled 'Allow submission of the program to update organizations for projects and tasks.' Could you …SanthiSreeK-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Pradeep Balakrishnan Project Management
Mass update of Project managers and Labor Schedule VersionSummary: Is there any way in Oracle to update project managers of multiple projects in bulk along with Labor Schedule Versions ? Content (required): Version (include the…
Source information from Projects not flowing to Fixed Asset.When Cost are imported to Project Costing, details such as PO number , Supplier name and Supplier number is appearing in Manage Project costs. But upon capitalization an…Kirtee Jeetah-Naran 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Patlola-Oracle Project Management
Project CapitalizationSummary: A cost was deleted from the Fixed Asset module. Content (required): We have an incident wherein a user apparently deleted a cost from the Fixed Asset. The user …
One doubt related to PPMSummary: When i created projects in ppm . i have taken user as project manager in that project . That user is getting project manager role by default. Is there is a way …
Can you add DFF to Project Asset Details that is later carried over to Assets?Summary: I would like to add DFF to Fixed Assets Category. But I would like to populate them in the projects assets details Content (required): Version (include the vers…
How to prevent Accounting class - Exchange rate Variance from being capitalized in Project Assets ?Summary: How to prevent Accounting class - Exchange rate Variance from being capitalized in Project Assets ? Content (required): After importing cost to Project costs, w…Kirtee Jeetah-Naran 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kirtee Jeetah-Naran Project Management
Is it possible to add >0 validation to a field on unprocessed cost/misc costs?Summary: We want to enforce all misc costs/unprocessed costs must be '>0 due to system limitation. Is this possible via page composer? I didn't see an option to do so. C…
On labor schedules, can the expenditure organization default from the employee's record?Summary: When setting up a labor schedule for a resource, we have to populate the POET or POETA. Content (required): Similar to time cards, the expenditure organization …David Yamoto 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Clara Azoitei-Support-Oracle Project Management
Creation of capital projects asset.Summary: Product-Oracle Fusion Project Management. We have created a capital Project in one Legal entity and Charging expenses in expenditure organization belongs to oth…Foram Dantara 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by sambasivarao kosuri-Oracle Project Management
PPM LocalizationSummary: Latin America Localization for Project Portfolio Management availability and any resources for additional information Content (required): Hi Gurus, We are imple…
Need a Automatic way of Asset line Assignment to a Asset for Asset capitalization from PA to FASummary: We have a Scenario for Asset Capitalization as below. we have a mapping for Asset's Major Category to Project's Expenditure type - One to One mapping. For eg: i…Ananthakumar-Oracle 36 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ananthakumar-Oracle Project Management
Binding variables support in DFFsContent It appears to me Oracle are discontinuing support on bind variables such as SEGMENT.Segment_Code and VALUESET.Value_set_code on DFFs which have a table validated…Raj Mohanraju 449 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Dustin Grabowski-Oracle Project Management
Best practice - Multiple or single Business Units in PPM?Summary: My client operates in US and they will have one ledger. However, to restrict the departments in HCM, they are thinking to define 27 BUs so that one department w…
How to Create a DFF Specific to a Project TypeSummary: How to Create a DFF Specific to a Project Type Content (required): Is there a way to create a Project Level DFF that is only applicable for a specific project t…
Creation a project using rest API issue.Dear all, I am trying to create a project with the endpoint /fscmRestApi/resources/, using a simple body JSON request: { "ProjectName": "TEST104", "…
Ability to Update Previous Month Period in a ForecastSummary: We are looking at if it is possible to only restrict updating of Forecasted Period amount to only the previous month. Content (required): Client is using the Fo…
Oracle Social Network - Integrating Project WorkflowSummary: Is it possible to integrate workflow approvals into Oracle Social Network? For example, are there any config options that would allow workflow notifications to …
Asset details does not tieback to ProjectsSummary: Update Assets information from Fixed Assets process does not tieback to Projects I followed the (Doc ID 1999260.1) but I cannot Check 'Use grouping method for s…Vish Sharma-Oracle 60 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vish Sharma-Oracle Project Management
Error related to project.Summary: Hi, user increased budget for particular project to cancel invoice which is on hold for funds reservation failed. user increased budget and cancelled invoice an…Eleti Mahender 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by sambasivarao kosuri-Oracle Project Management
Update Project including DFF and Transaction Controls for TasksSummary: We have 500 live projects. We need to update these project header with DFF values and also few Transaction Controls at Task Level. How can this be done automati…
Is Project Assets Really Necessary for How We Use Oracle?Summary: For a low-tech configuration of Project Costing, is there any useful functionality lost if we stop creating project assets in the Projects module and instead ma…