Discussion List
Unable to search Work definition from list of values in EstimateeSummary: Unable to search Work definition from list of values in estimate and Depot repair form Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While crea…
How to create work order related to maintenance using Sales order.Summary: How to create work order related to maintenance using Sales order. we are not using the Manufacturing module, We need Supply Orchestration to replicate the back…
Resource Instance assignment in Report Resource transaction, to charge and required fields becomes 0Summary: We have created resources and resource instances in manufacturing , and the resources are set to be Automatically transacted , while assigning the resource inst…
Please share a diagrammatic representation of service logistics interacting with other SCM modulesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Mass upload of service activities in service logistics LOVWe have 3,300 service activities to be uploaded in oracle fusion there is no REST API with POST Function, no FBDI and ADFDI is there anyway to bulk upload these service …Muhammad Yahya 21 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Satya Balakrishnan-Oracle Service Logistics
Debriefing Labor Hours for Technician temporarily working for different RegionSummary: Hi Experts, We have a Business case where Field Service Engineer who belongs to a Particular Inventory Org (Manage Field Technician in Service Logistics), eg: S…hussamyousufkunju-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by hussamyousufkunju-Oracle Service Logistics
what is the frequency of oracle doing back up of the environment.Summary: what is the frequency of oracle doing back up of the environment. The business is asking for the frequecy of doing backup in oracle fusion instance. Content (pl…
How to add attachments in Manage Charges and Estimates UISummary: Need to add attachments in Manage Charges and Estimates UI Content (required): We need to record customer acceptance of the estimates. Thus, we want to upload t…Abhishek Sinha 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Sandesh Chandrappa-Oracle Service Logistics
Can customization be done for service logistics object?Summary:What kind of customization can be done in Fusion service logistics object? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…
Hi Experts, having a requirement to send debrief estimates to Service request contacts.Summary: I am unable to get joins between debriefs(depot repair ) , Service request and RMA orders .I tried joining RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS. parent_entity_id with RCL_PARTS_…
Hi Experts, Need PVO for Service Request Part details and attributes associated to that PVO.Summary: We working on OM extension to default the freight terms,service activity code from service request part details to order management. Content (required): We foun…
How to delete a Charge Line created against Maintenance Work OrdersSummary: How to delete Charge Line created against Maintenance Work Order. Content (required): We have a requirement to eliminate the some of the Charges Line generated …
Approval for Posting Charges Debrief ChargesSummary: We have requirement to submit the Labor, Parts and Expense debrief to be submitted for approval, when posting them to a sale order for billing. Content (require…
HOW TO MAKE CORRECTIONS FOR DEBRIEF AND CHARGE TRANSACTIONSSummary: To make corrections in a charge line, which is already posted. Content (required): With reference to below release notes link, There are new features discussed …
Advance Exchange and repair and return with loaner process setup in service logisticsSummary: Hi, Can you please suggest how to setup Advance exchange and repair and return with Loaner process? I tried with creating normal return and ship logistics line …
Service Activity Type Usage - Customer Support and Parts ExchangeSummary: We are trying to use Service Logistics for our Business Content (required): Below is the snippet from Oracle Documentation but need more clarity where these bus…
How to add Diagnostics for RepairSummary: We want to add Diagnostics details while doing Estimates/Repairs to capture the Actual Repair Activities which is planned for Repairs Content (required): Enterp…
Oracle fusion Service Logistics Implementation Document and user ManualSummary: Oracle fusion Service Logistics Implementation Document and User Manual Content (required): Hello Dears I'm searching for oracle fusion service logistics implem…
Usage of Cost Organization LOV on Manage Estimates & Charges UISummary: As a part of Work Order processing, we have processed the Work Order. Now, we want to submit the Charges and bill the customer, but the Cost Organization LOV is…Abhishek Sinha 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arunkumar Kaliappan-Oracle Service Logistics
How to Create Estimates in Manage Charges and Estimates without any Parent TransactionSummary: We have a requirement to generate Estimates before creating any Service Work Order to answer the enquiries about the expected price of repair made by customer o…
Link Depot Repair RMA to Repair OrderSummary: Link Depot Repair RMA to Repair Order Content (required): Hi Team - We have created Depot Repair RMA via Service Request REST APIs. RMA Order is visible in Depo…
How to bring Service Request (Case) from SFDC to Service LogisticsSummary: Please let me know if you have implemented receiving Service requests (case for RMA) from SFDC to Service Logistics. One of my customer has SFDC, wants to bring…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by John Olszewski-Oracle Service Logistics
Simple implementation question - Stocking Locations addresses not showing upSummary: When setting up our stocking locations for the 1st time we've followed the implementation guide but the stocking locations screen does not show the address for …Scott Padgham-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Padgham-Oracle Service Logistics
Can we create intersubinventory TO from Depot Repair Workbench?Summary: Can we create intersubinventory TO from Depot Repair Workbench? Content (required): Requirement is we need to create intersubinventory TO to transfer the materi…Aniket Paul 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Peddiraju Peddineni-Oracle Service Logistics
Calendar for Manned Warehouse Stocking LocationSummary: Hi, Is there any way we can define calendar (for access hours and parts arrival time calculation) for stocking location of Manned Warehouse? Note - we cannot de…
how to mass create depot repair WO based on the received RMASummary: how to mass create depot repair WO Content (required): how to mass create depot repair WO based on the received RMA based on certain criteria instead of one by …
Connecting maintenance WO to Depot repair documentSummary: Connecting maintenance WO to Depot repair document Content (required): if you use an API to create Maintenance WO , can we maintain the reference or link to the…
Need ability to view full location address of Shipment location (address associated with SubinventorSummary: Need ability to view full location address of Shipment location (address associated with Subinventory) in Manage Part Requirements screen. Please let me know wh…
Question about Parts Sourcing OOB solutionSummary: My client has following business requirement. Service Part Fulfillment: The determination of the available service part that must consider the destination addre…
Integrating with Parts CatalogSummary: The Parts Catalog functionality has been designed as a means of remote access to the company's spare parts index to be used by mobile personnel. Oracle Field Se…