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Can we carry forward the budget specific PO ?we have a requirement to carryforward the budget of specific PO numbers, is there a way to do that?
Restrict budget segments values during budget uploadBefore a budget upload spreadsheet be downloaded, the user has to defined few parameters first. One of the parameters is the Control Budget to which you want to upload t…
Initial budget and budget revision of "Carry forward purchase order budgetary control balances".What is the difference between initial budget and budget revision in the parameters of "Carry forward purchase order budgetary control balances" process. In case of carr…
Is budgetary control (check funds) applicable to an expense report in the expense module?Summary: Is budgetary control (check funds) applicable to an expense report in the expense module? Content (required): A budgetary control supplemental rule was created …
Not able to find join between budget tables and GL_BALANCESSummary: We have a requirement to build a custom report where most of the columns are from the control budget screen under budgetary control. We are fetching budget colu…
previous purchase requisitions raised before enabling the budgetary controlSummary: Will the previous purchase requisitions amount gets reserved against the allocated budget for the code combination Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
SUPPLIER BALANCE AGING - SQL QUERY NEEDEDSummary: We have a customer requirment to customize the supplier balance aging to increase the aging buckets than the standard one. So we want the sql query for the unpa…Yara Ibrahim-Oracle 68 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sean Rogers Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Enabling Budget Control in Secondary LedgerSummary Enabling Budget Control in Secondary LedgerContent Hi, Is there any way to enable and enter budget amounts and enable budget control in secondary ledger ? Thanks…Ali Morsy-Oracle 57 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Jan Bart van der Plaats Budgetary Control
FRS report which has two grids with page break are getting split into multiple sheeetSummary: FRS report which has two grids with page break are getting split into two different sheets. First grid is getting split into two differentt sheets even if there…Powerica 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pooja Asthana-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Unable to Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance AccountingSummary: We are trying to create budget for a project but we are unable to describe Financial Plan Type while setting up the baseline. We have configured all the budgeta…
Purchase Requisition is doing funds check against a Closed Control BudgetSummary: a. Created a Control Budget from period 01-24 to 12-24. b. Closed it. c. Created a new control budget with the right configurations d. The Purchase req is faili…
Project available Funds vs Requisition available FundsSummary: Project available Funds vs Requisition available Funds Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Why is it that when a project budget is cr…
Best Practices and Steps for Month-End Close in Oracle Budgetary ControlHello Oracle Community, We are looking to align our month-end closing procedures with best practices and Oracle's recommended guidelines for Budgetary Control. Could any…
CARRY FORWARD PURCHASE ORDERS WITH FUTURE-DATED SHIPMENTSHow To test this feature? Query from Business: We have an additional question regarding the 24B updates, specifically, Carry Forward Purchase Orders with Future-Dated Sh…Badripalli Archana-Oracle 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jan Bart van der Plaats Budgetary Control
Ability to edit the budget date on invoices in the distribution lineContent UW is no longer able to edit the budget date on invoices on a distribution line. The functional lead said they used to be able to do this (mostly needed for proj…
There were accounts that were not part of the budget which were appearing in the budget consumptionSummary: Hi Team, In review budgetary control balances when we are searching with specific control budget with all COA values, we are able to some accounts when there is…
Facing issues while Extending the Control Budget PeriodHi Team, We have followed the below Doc id to extend the Control Budget period. How to Extend The Period In Manage Control Budgets? (Doc ID 2603904.1) But facing issues …Badripalli Archana-Oracle 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Badripalli Archana-Oracle Budgetary Control
How can we create a bank statement using mt940 sheet?Summary: We have the mt-940 file from the bank & the requirement is to upload it as a bank statement in oracle fusion? Is this applicable Content (please ensure you mask…Yara Ibrahim-Oracle 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marina Mititelu-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
One of the customer didn't updated the Budget Period Statuses since our initial implementationWe want to know what the impact would be if update these statuses to match the GL period status. What is the list of testing that we need to do before closing. Our hope …Badripalli Archana-Oracle 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Badripalli Archana-Oracle Budgetary Control
How to handle multi year PR/POs with budgetary controlsSummary: Can you help by providing best practices for multi-year contracts/PO with respect to budget reservation when absolution budgetary control is enabled. We prepare…
Is any document available which states the Standard process of Budget period closureAny white paper or DocId neededBadripalli Archana-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CristinaV1-Oracle Budgetary Control
Budgetary Control Dashboard CustomizationHello everyone, I've been wondering if there is anyway possible to edit/customize the built in Budgetary Control Dashboard. There are some values under each segment that…
How to caputre the restrospective transactions in control budgetWe are planning to define the budget for the period of 01-04-2024 to 31-03-2025. But as we have already surpassed the 2 months, is there any way we can capture those tra…
Integration Budget control with 3rd party applicationSummary: We need to integrate Budgetary control with 3rd party application. It is extremely important when Purcahse transactions are created in external application and …
Budget not rereleased for cancelled PO and new PO cannot be entered budget errorSummary: Budget not rereleased for cancelled PO and new PO cannot be entered budget error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): A PO was created…
Reject Invoice Funds Override RequestHow can I reject funds override request from an invoice? The only option that appears to me is to approve the funds override, if I do not agree with the request what is …Yuri Santos-183418 92 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to exchange of data between PBCS and ERP and how we need its purpose to Business teamSummary: How to exchange of data between PBCS and ERP. Here business is wants to understand the purpose. Please share if any relevant document available Content (please …
API Funds checkSummary: Is there any API or custom solution to perform funds check prior to Invoice creation. We need funds checked for PCard transactions prior to Invoice creation and…
Can budget control details be accessed in the Oracle Fusion Warehouse?Summary: Our organisation is using the Oracle Fusion Warehouse reporting tool. Our Version of Oracle Fusion is 23D ( We have not been able to access our G…