Discussion List
Fetch Display Name/Meaning of FCL when querying a resource like Get all Opportunities using REST APISummary: How to Get the Display Name/Meaning of a Fixed Choice List along with the response when querying a resource say Get all Opportunities in a single API call Conte…
Fetch Display Name/Meaning of FCL when querying a resource like Get all Opportunities using REST APISummary: How to Get the Display Name/Meaning of a Fixed Choice List along with the response when querying a resource say Get all Opportunities in a single API call Conte…
how to export all custom lookups defined in application using export managementSummary how to export all custom lookups defined in applicationContent Hi All, Is there any way to export all custom lookups defined in application through export manage…
Why user pwd change is not effective immediately in WS?Summary: How long does it take to be effective? Content (required): After I change user pwd is security console, I cannot use the changed pwd to call WS right away. Inst…
Contacts are not displaying in UI & APISummary Contacts are coming in BIP report but the same contacts are not coming in UI and API get callContent The contacts coming in BIP report have status as 'A' - Activ…
JBO-25004: Definition name of type View Definition is invalid received in generate artifactsContent Hi Team, While generating the artifacts in application composer, I am receiving the below mentioned error message for the custom object called selling limit. I h…
Updating resource roles - Bulk import / any other waySummary Updating resource roles - Bulk import / any other wayContent Hi Folks, We have a situation, we recently found that many of the sales cloud users (2000) didn't ha…User_2025-01-31-00-30-32-814 58 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Siraj Syed -Support-Oracle Sales
What information needs to considered at the start of complete applicationContent Hi All, We are going to start implementing sales application for a customer. Customer bought all the modules of Fusion applications like HCM, SCM, ERP along with…
Pagination supported on child object (REST API)Summary REST API Pagination Behavior for Child ObjectContent Quick Question - If I apply pagination on parent object, how does it affect the output for child object? For…
How To Get Sales Lead Custom Field Show Up As Attribute In Lead Assignment ConditionContent Hi, I just created a new text formula field and I want it to use as a condition in a Sales Lead Assignment Rule. It doesn't show there currently and my question …
What are the performance issues faced when activating Audit Policies?Content Hi, We are planning to activate audit policies for Sales Lead object since we're facing an issue where they are being retired abruptly for no known reason. I jus…
How To Investigate A Lead That Is Being RetiredContent Hi, We have leads being set to Retired by an integration user. I want to investigate how these leads are set i.e. by webservices, by scripts. etc. Is there a way…
How To See The Configuration Behind Attachments In Sales Lead ObjectContent Hi, I want to see the configuration of the Attachment field in Sales Lead. I'm currently creating a mapping from another system to OSC and I want to know the fie…
Workaround To Searching Products and Product Groups in Workspace or Normal SearchContent Hi, I learned that Product and Product Group search is only available for the adaptive search REST api. Is there a workaround for this using the normal search or…
Can You Link an OTBI Report on the Sales Cloud Homepage?Content Hi, We want users to give quick access to their most used reports in OTBI by trying to find a way to have the link available in the sales cloud homepage. Is this…
How do we fetch the REST API Metadata for the instanceSummary How do we fetch the REST API Metadata for the instanceContent How do we fetch the REST API Metadata for the instance? Referring to the documentation: https://doc…Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 30 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Siraj Syed -Support-Oracle Sales
How To Import/Export Lead Assignment RulesContent Hi, I want to extract the existing lead assignment rules in oracle sales cloud, update and be able to import the updated rules back in OSC. Is this possible? Tha…
How To Make Custom Field Appear In Workspace FilterContent Hi, I can't find a custom field in the Workspace filter. How do I expose this field? Thanks, Ed Version 20D
How To Export Internal Resource Organization HierarchyContent Hi, How do I export the Internal Resource Organization Hierarchy will all the user information. Thanks, Ed Version 20D
Can we have a unique display label to a custom field in a custom object based on Record Type?Summary Can we have a unique display label to a custom field in a custom object based on Record TypeContent Can we have a unique display label to a custom field in a cus…Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 44 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle Sales
Can 'Last Updated By' filter currently logged-in user in Workspace Saved Search?Content Hi, I want to filter the contact records recently updated by the logged-in user using workspace saved search. However, I was only able to filter using User Name …
Are there any limits on the number of Values in LOV list on Record Type FieldSummary Are there any limits on the number of Values in LOV list on Record Type FieldContent Are there any limits on the number of Values in LOV list on Record Type Fiel…Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Siraj Syed -Support-Oracle Sales
Does Workspace can be customizableSummary Can custom button added to workspaceContent Is there option to add custom button and do customization on workspace page?
Customize the error message in the required number fieldSummary Customize the required field messageContent Hi, I'm looking to if it's possible to customize the message when the required field is empty. I want to remove this …
Is it possible to have 2 different extraction on same data storeSummary CrmAnalyticsAM.OpportunityAM.Opportunity is added into multiple data storeContent Already there is an extraction available for opportunity VO and we need to crea…
How to know if CX Sales pod is upgraded to OCI Gen2?Summary How to know if CX Sales pod is upgraded to OCI Gen2?Content Hi, Is there any way I can tell if the Fusion CX pod is upgraded to OCI GEN2? Thanks, Adam Version 21A
Workspace Publish Job went to PAUSE statusSummary Enabled one custom field in Setup and PublishedContent Enabled one new custom field which was created in Asset object in Setup tab of Configure Adaptive Search t…
Language support in App ComposerSummary Language support in App ComposerContent Hi, For custom object and attribute, do they support multi-languages like OOTB ones? For example, I login to English and …
Embed Power BI reportSummary integration of power bi reportsContent Hi, is there anyone who can share experience with embedding of Power BI reports? Including prompts/passing of parameters? …
How to integrate MS Teams with Sales CloudContent Hi Team, Any one integrated MS Teams with Sales Cloud application? Can please let us know, what are the prerequisites to implement?