Discussion List
How to do a patch on Child Object using REST APISummary I want to change the Primary Address fields on Contact associated with Lead using REST API .How to register webservice for that and how to utilise that in Groovy…
Displaying Picture Attachment in MashupSummary Picture Attachment only visible for Admin User (not being displayed for others)Content Hi guys I have been working on a mashup content requirement recently and w…
Customizing Sign-In PageSummary Change the color, title, and logo of our sign in page.Content We have this requirement to enhance the sign-in page of our environment. We want to align the looks…
How to trigger an action on association of Product with Product GroupSummary Hi, I want to call Rest API which will send the Product Group Id to other application when Product is associated with Product Group through Manage Product Group …
Can we stop primary Contact address population on Lead Contact address fieldsSummary How to stop Primary Contact address fields population on Lead Contact fieldsContent Hi, Can we stop Primary Contact address fields from getting populated in Cont…ABordia 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Bodhisattwa Mukherjee-Oracle Incentive Compensation
Notes create/update eventsSummary for Account/Contact/Custom ObjectContent Hi, I checked the event catalogs and didn't find any note events for Account, Contact & Custom Object. https://pod/soa-i…
Ho to retrieve immediate product group associated with Product using groovySummary I am creating a formula field in Product and I want to retrieve immediate product Group Id associated with the Product and store that in formula field whenever p…
Disabling Activity Status valuesSummary I just want to disable values in Activity status but I cannot untick it.Content We have our values for the Activity Status field and we're not going to use the e…
Ability to populate user defined Record ID to Custom Object in Import MgmtContent Ability to populate user defined Record ID to Custom Object in Import Mgmt Do we have an ability to specify the custom value in import Mgmt/REST API to populate …Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 59 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Baburao Bhoyi-160614 Sales
Using Query Parameter in RESTSummary Using Query (q) parameter in REST APi with more than one attributeContent Hi guys, Im trying to query a set of records that matches 2 attributes exactly via REST…
Difference between ProductGroupItemId ,ProductGroupId, ItemCatalogGroupid columnsSummary Difference between ProductGroupItemId ,ProductGroupId, ItemCatalogGroupid columnsContent Hi I have exported ProductGroupItem data and Product data from export ma…
Idle session timeoutSummary Idle session timeoutContent Customer is asking to change the idle session timeout from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Has anyone requested it? I wonder if this can be re…
combo groups of consumer goodsSummary I can not find the tabkes that populated the information related to Combo Groups in an PromotionJonathan Zarate-155691 17 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Raluca Valentina Buzatu-Support-Oracle Sales
Customer Data Management - Oracle Customer Experience Cloud (Oracle CX Cloud)Summary Oracle Customer Experience Cloud (Oracle CX Cloud) suggestionsContent What things should be avoided or given caution to with regards to Oracle Customer Experienc…User_2025-02-07-07-51-30-880 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-07-51-30-880 Sales
SalesProfileStatus field on Accounts/ContactsContent Hi , Can I use the standard field - 'SalesProfileStatus' available on both Contacts /Accounts , to tag them as Active or Inactive ? I assume this can be edited f…
Primary Customer Number on ContactContent Hi , Similar to PrimaryCustomerName1 field on the Application composer , is there a standard field to expose Primary Customer Number i.e Account Number] on conta…
Accounts and Contacts VisibilityContent Hi All, I am new to Sales Cloud and trying to understand how the record visibilty works in engagement cloud. * Can all the Accounts and Contacts be accessed by t…
Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) for standard OSC objectsSummary Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) for standard OSC objectsContent Hi all Is it possible to get/obtain the entity relationship diagram for standard OSC objects …
Incentive Compensation (implement) at a retail bankSummary asking for (your) best practicesContent If you have implemented IC in OSC for a retail bank or other national retail distribution businesses, could you share a t…
Scope of Offering versus Scope of FeatureSummary ICM Offering becomes Incentives Feature in 19C; what are the changes in the service?Content Oracle Support was insistent that "nothing has changed". At the Cloud…
RESCHEDULED: Sales – Sales Cloud’s Action-Oriented, Task-Based UI, 19 August 2019, 9 a.m. PT - SubmiContent Due to unforeseen issues, this event is rescheduled to a future date. Our apologies for the inconvenience.Kayleigh Halko - Oracle-Oracle 27 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Kayleigh Halko - Oracle-Oracle Sales
CX – Oracle Engagement Cloud: Change in Enhancement Request Process for Engagement Cloud Customers,Content Submit your questions for the CX – Oracle Engagement Cloud: Change in Enhancement Request Process for Engagement Cloud Customers session to have them answered du…
Import REST webservices as Collection / Environment in PostmanSummary How to import REST webservices as Collection / Environment in PostmanContent How to import REST web services as Collection / Environment in Postman Version 19B
What is the standard POD sizing for Oracle Sales CloudSummary Standard POD sizing for Oracle Sales Cloud [Example with 50 users]Content What is the standard pod size for each instance in Oracle Sales Cloud with 50 user lice…
Action is read only during selection on pagesSummary I need action which can create record and save it without user intervention, that option is present in OSC but when I create action and try to expose on Page its…User_2025-02-04-17-55-30-920 30 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Anghel-Support-Oracle Sales
ERD / Table Relationship or something similar for OECContent Anyone knows where we could get a ERD or something similar for OEC Objects? This will help us map some prospect client's current setup to OEC.
Can "Manage Users" be customized?Summary I'd like to create a custom field for Employee NumberContent Can the "Manage Users and Roles" screen be customized? I'd like to add an "Employee Number", but the…
B2B and B2C contactSummary Same contact as B2B contact and B2C customerContent I have come across a scenario where, a contact can be a B2C customer as well as B2B Account's contact. I woul…
Invoke Engagement via URL (GET Method)Summary Contextualize in an Account via URL and add logic in case it does not existContent Hi All, I need to be able to call Engagement via URL (GET Method) and contextu…
Technical RequirementsSummary Cloud Infrastructure/ArchitectureContent Hi, We would like to ask the system requirements of the customer experience cloud platforms - Engagement Cloud (Sales Cl…