Customer Programs
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How to enter Future Start date for Lumpsum ProgramSummary: How to enter Future Start date for Lumpsum Program Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to create a Lumpsum Program for …
How to enable Adjustment Tab in Customer ProgramSummary: How to enable Adjustment Tab in Customer Program Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to enable Adjustment tab in the Customer Pro…Abhishek Sinha 17 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ranjith-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
How to update Item Rates in Customer ProgramSummary: We have a requirement to update Item Rates in an existing Active Customer Program Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we open an…
How to bring the starting balance of Customer Programs for ConversionSummary: How to bring the starting balance of Customer Programs for Conversion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are converting many open…
Define Customer Promotion Program to consider Gross SalesSummary: We have a requirement where Customer Channel Programs should accrue based on Gross Sales (i.e. Credit Memos / Returns should not be considered). So, we are look…
Can the estimated amount field in the Customer Channel Programs be Optional?Summary: We have a requirement that Estimated Amount field in the Customer channel Program should not be mandatory. Channel Program Managers don't want to enter amount e…
How to do data conversion of Customer Channel Programs?Summary: Looking for FBDI template to upload Customer Channel Programs. - Customer Promotions Customer Annual Co-op Customer Annual Volume Customer Lumpsum Customer Volu…
Is it possible to Copy existing Customer Channel Program?Summary: We have a requirement where programs are renewed in the next fiscal year. For user convenience, we are looking for a copy / duplicate functionality to create ne…
Define Customer Lumpsum Program for different Item categoriesSummary: There is a requirement to bifurcate lumpsum accrual based on item category. Is there any functionality part of product roadmap? Content (please ensure you mask …
How to setup sequence of Customer ProgramsSummary: How to setup sequence of Customer Programs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are enabled several Customer Programs Types. Howeve…Abhishek Sinha 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Which type of Customer Program to be used for Sales Order Amount based ProgramSummary: Which type of Customer Program to be used for Sales Order Amount based Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to g…
Cannot enter claim Type nor Claim Reason when creating a claimSummary: Hi, When creating a claim I cannot enter the Claim Type nor claim Reason. If I click on LOV to select any nothing happens and therefore Claim creation fails. I …
Order Management and ChRM integrationSummary: Is OM integrated to ChRM? As far as I am ready ChRM gets csv data from Sales Order Invoices. So it seems to me there is no integration between both modules and …
Customer Channel Management for Retailers where there is no SO nor invoicesSummary: Hi, My company is selling goods to Distributors (Mainly Amazon) and Distributors, like Amazon, are selling those goods to Retailers. In this case the only Sales…
REST API for Promotional Claims in Customer Channel Revenue ManagementSummary: Is there any way to integrate Promotional Claims in Customer Channel Revenue Management? We have a requirement where the Customer will initiate the promotional …
Accounting Entries for Customer Accruals in Channel Revenue ManagementSummary: Below are the accounting entries for the Sell Side Customer Programs: Accrual Earned and claims in settlement pending status. Reference - How Customer Accruals …
Can we consolidate accruals generated across terminated progams into the active onesSummary: Can we consolidate accruals generated across terminated customer programs into the active ones Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We…Abhishek Sinha 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Sinha Channel Revenue Management
Error while adding the Custom Qualifier to the Progam TemplateSummary: I have defined a custom qualifier for the customer program and while adding this qualifier in the program template, getting the below error "You must enter a va…Mathew Thomas93 107 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Not able to define Customer Channel PRogram based on Item CategorySummary: I am trying to define Customer Channel - Promotion Program based on Item Category. When I am saving the record, Category is going blank. Followed 12,13 and 14 S…
Incorrect Accrual Calculations for Customer Program based on Item CategorySummary: X item is assigned to AUD category but the other item Y is not assigned this category. Still, accruals are getting calculated as below – Item Price X - 20 Item …
Unable to select Stepped calculation method in Customer Annual ProgramSummary: As part of 24C, Stepped calculation is now available in the Customer Annual Program but when I tried to create a program type in 24C for the customer annual pro…
You must enter a valid value for the 'ItemId' attribute. The current value is '30000000XXXX'.Summary: While creating claim, Not able to associate Programs at Item Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While creating claims, we are …Abhishek Sinha 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Sales Cloud consumer goods vs Channel Revenue MgmtSummary: Hi, My customer has bought licenses like 3 years ago for Oracle Sales Cloud and Consumer goods vertical to handle all related ti promotions, claims, budget, fun…Victor Martin 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
How to enable DFF on Customer Promotion Program ProductSummary: How to enable DFF on Customer Promotion Program Product Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to enable DFF on Program Product Leve…Abhishek Sinha 16 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Sinha Channel Revenue Management
Settlement Error for Non-Promotional ClaimsSummary: Settlement Error for Non-Promotional Claims Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to create few non-promotional claims bu…Abhishek Sinha 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ranjith-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Customer Program creation doesn't throw any error on duplicate program creationSummary: Customer Program creation doesn't throw any error on duplicate program creation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a require…Abhishek Sinha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Customer Promotion vs Customer Volume vs Customer Annual Co-OpSummary: Customer Promotion vs Customer Volume vs Customer Annual Co-Op Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to leverage availabl…Abhishek Sinha 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Selection of customer programs for accrual generation against a given sales orderSummary: Selection of customer programs for accrual generation against a given sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requi…Abhishek Sinha 15 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Not able to load CSV File - Error Message- Ship-to Cusomer Site is invalidSummary: We are not able to upload the CSV File Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to load a CSV file but getting an error mess…Abhishek Sinha 93 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
What is the accrual calculation basis when ALLitems& Individual items added in a customer program ?Summary: I have added ALL Items for 15% and 2000823112 for 1% as the rebate for a customer promotional program. When the sales data was loaded for the particulat item, t…Mathew Thomas93 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management