Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Can I hide employer-paid plans e.g., basic life and EAP for a specific life event?Summary: How do I prevent employer-paid benefits from displaying for a specific life event in Oracle HCM Cloud Benefits? The requirement for a Bargaining Unit Change is …
1095C form needs to display 1A on Line 14 and 2G on Line 16 for waived coverageSummary: We have requirement for waived coverage that Line 14 should display 1A and Line 16 should display 2G. How can we achieve this? Content (please ensure you mask a…
'2G' code of Section 4980H Safe Harbor Codes and Other Relief gets displayed on 1095C form?Summary: Does 2G code gets displayed on 1095C form for ALE Members. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement that for the Wai…
Report future dated life event and make enrollments from self-serviceSummary: We have a unique requirement where employees are allowed to report life events like Loss of Coverage in advance of the life event. Example: An employee's spouse…
ORA-20001: The life event can't be reopened because there's no electable choiceSummary: The life event is getting evaluated but directly going to processed and closed status. The enrollment window is getting closed and when we try to reopen the win…
Issue with Benefits Fast Formula: Plan value calculation with dependents not being appliedSummary: For the client I am assisting, there is a need to calculate the plan value when dependents are indicated. In this case, there are several value variations for t…
Redwood-Need Guidance if we can make the Complete pending actions as required as opposed to OptionalSummary: Need Guidance if we can make the Complete pending actions as required as opposed to Optional which shows by default in the SSBEN Redwood landing page Content (p…
Redwood: Customize DOB field to be required in Contacts (Before you enroll in Ben Self-Service)Summary: We need to customize the DOB field to be required in contacts (adding and updating an existing) in the benefits self-service page >before you enroll. See screen…
Dependent son is no longer eligible for flat agreements due to the age of 25 years and 11 months.Summary: Dependent son is no longer eligible for flat agreements due to the age of 25 years and 11 months. Registration remains active in Oracle for health and dental pl…
"The same dependent is designated more than once for this enrollment result" Error while adding a NeContent We have to implement the Interim coverage for the EOI where we need to suspend Enrollment in case the Employee chooses more than one step in the subsequent enrol…
25B Add a Journey to the Help Section on the SSBEN Landing PageSummary: Redwood extensibility has been added to the SSSBEN Landing page where users can integrate a Journey to the Need Help Section Content (please ensure you mask any…
Redwood Demographic Info sect unavailable while editing contacts in Before you enroll Benefits pageSummary: Redwood: Demographic Info section unavailable while editing contacts in Before you enroll Benefits page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Redwood- Need Guidance on how to hide tasks like Designate primary care provider in SSBENSummary: Need Guidance on how to hide tasks like Designate primary care provider and make the Complete pending actions as required in the new Redwood self service benefi…
25B Hide Need Help on SSBEN Landing pageSummary: For customers that want to hide the Need Help on Self-Service Landing page users can simply use the Page Properties and switch from True to False. As a reminder…
25C OTBI Report on Enrollment QuestionnaireSummary: The new Redwood enrollment pages will provide an opportunity for an Employer to place a questionnaire to survey their employees at the end of the Redwood Self-S…
Redwood Benefits Self Service Page Issues and ObservationsSummary: Redwood Benefits Self Service Page Issues and Observations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, We are noticing couple of…
Unable to view the Benefit plan to enroll,after reporting the life eventSummary: After reporting a life event, employees are unable to see the plans available for enrollment. On the Life Event page: "Visible on Self-Service" and "Self-Assign…Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle 39 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle Benefits
Voluntary Supplemental Employee plan interim coverageSummary: We have a requirement to Suspend the Employee Voluntary plan when the coverage is entered more than $250K. This will trigger EOI as well as suspend the plan. Ti…
How do we setup qualifying life event for COBRASummary: We have COBRA handled through payroll. However we need to create a COBRA qualifying event in Benefits. The condition is if the employee is terminated and was en…
HSA error when selecting the Waive optionSummary: Hi, We have an issue where during the open enrollment, if the employee does not want to elect the HSA and select the Waive option, the system gives the error of…
Unable to process the Benefits for the Employees with the status - "Suspended - No Payroll"Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We tried to process the Employee who are Suspended due to Client restrictions but they can contin…
25B - Redwood Self-Service Benefits Landing page personalizationSummary: Quick video on some places to personalize the benefits landing page for 25 B. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Change the color on…
DBI for who already click the "Submit" button in benefits that we can use in person selection FF?Summary: We have created a person selection formula that will select those employees who already have "Election Made Date". This formula will be used in Close Enrollment…
Minimum coverage amount not getting updated for Supp Emp LifeSummary: I have updated the min amount from 0 to 10k for both Spouse and Emp Supp life but for Emp life when I am checking the drop-down while making elections the min a…
COBRA Administration in Oracle HCM CloudSummary Ability to do complete COBRA setup in cloudContent Has anyone here implemented COBRA benefits in cloud? From what i know there is no full capability in supportin…
Redwood - Before you Enroll Application Task No Longer Available in JourneysSummary: As we're implementing Redwood, I noticed that the Before you Enroll Application Task is no longer available in Journey tasks? I'm curious if anyone else has enc…
How can i add the "Canada" to list of countries for Home Location in the Eligibility profile?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have state based rate calculation for USA and Canada. USA was present as default. How can I ad…
Employee can't able to "Report a life event".Summary: Employees can't report life events on the self-service page. I have also checked the "Manage Life Events" tab to verify that "Self-Assigned" and "Visible on Sel…Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle 42 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Pankaj Toshniwal-Oracle Benefits
How to hide the additional info section on the people top cover page in the benefits self service.Summary: Unable to find the' Rule' option in the VB. Trying to hide the whole additional info section on the people top cover page in the benefits self service. Can some…
Customize "Tobacco Use" field only for contacts in VBSSummary: Need to make the field "Tobacco Use" "read only" only for the contacts Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to make the Tobacc…