Benefits Employee Self Service
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Is it possible to show only the custom error message in post election formula?Summary: Is it possible to show only the custom election error message in post election formula, currently it's showing default text like below There was a problem savin…
Ability to Integrate Oracle Cloud Benefits with EOI Vendor with the help of webserviceHi Team We have a requirement to integrate the Oracle Cloud Benefits Self-Service with EOI vendor such as MetLife with the help of webservice. So in a instances when emp…
Can we do Person changes setup to trigger a life event when a benefit group is changed.Summary: We want to have a life event triggered automatically when we change a benefit group, is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Redwood 24D - Can we set up approval rules for Benefits Self-Service in People to CoverSummary: We have set up approval rules for Change Personal Information when a person create or change contact. The rule is working as expected when the change is made fr…
Redwood - How to change/hide the list of quick actions in Benefit Self Service PageSummary: In the new Redwood Benefit Self Service Page we have Quick Actions links We need to hide Quick Action of Temporary Id Card, Primary Care Physicians and others. …
I have multiple life events, but if one life event is open, the system is not evaluating the others.Summary: If one life event is open for enrollment, another life event is not being evaluated. Currently, my requirement is that if a subsequent life event is triggered, …
Benefits Coverages to pick primary assignment when having multiple assignmentSummary: Can benefits coverages be considered only from 1 assignment? I have a CEO records, who has 2 assignments and has salary in both. Benefit is by default summing b…
To add hyperlink for E-mail in the custom text in Redwood pagesSummary: We would like to add a hyperlink for E-mail in the custom text (marked in Red) in Redwood pages under Me > Benefits. Is it possible to add a hyperlink to the cu…
Redwood Benefits Self Service Page - Inactivate task Verify people you´d like to coverSummary: Redwood Benefits Self Service Enrollment was deployed in 24D. We need to hide or inactivate the task "Verify people you´d like to cover". How can I do this? Con…
Redwood Self-Service Benefits Welcome Page CustomizationSummary: How to personalize the Self Service Benefits enrollment Welcome page. Video attached. 24D
After selecting the 'Employee Only' option, a 'pending action item' message is popping upSummary: After selecting the employee only option in plan, there is an message popping up like 'pending action item'. I have opened and checked in the pending actions, i…
Error while processing Open enrollmentSummary: Hello everyone, We received this error when trying to process open enrollment for employees in PROD Benefits Service Center > Evaluated Life Events > Add Open E…
Custom Unsuspend date rule via Fast FormulaSummary: Hi, One of the requirements is to determine the coverage start date one day after the life event date for a specific life event 'Loss of External Coverage'. Eg:…
With out life event evaluation employee is getting access to select the benefit plansSummary: After a life event trigger, without evaluating the life event, the employee is being given access to select the plans. Is this unexpected behavior or expected b…
Where do uploaded files from the "STORE ADDITIONAL PLAN CONFIGURATION DOCUMENTS" feature in 22C go?Summary: 22C Delivers a new feature called "STORE ADDITIONAL PLAN CONFIGURATION DOCUMENTS". However, where does this document go? How can we obtain the URL once uploaded…
Redwood - Benefits plan image blurred and not fully visibleRedwood - Benefits plan image blurred and not fully visible, but the same is clearly and fully visible in RUI page Benefits Plan image icon visible clearly in RUI per be…
How to get dependent name in benefits postelection fast formula **URGENT**Summary: I have a requirement where a postelection edit fast formula throw an error when an employee and spouse/ dependent partner working in the same organization enrol…
Life event is getting processed and closed.Summary: After adding the fast formula in the participant eligibility profile, once the life event is triggered and evaluated, the life event is automatically processed …
Redwood "Need help? Contact Us" in Benefits Self Service should go to common email box and not AORSummary: Redwood "Need help? Contact Us" in Benefits Self Service should go to common email box and not AOR configured for Approvals / notifications Can we make the need…
How to retain the plan, when new life event triggers?Summary: I have to retain the benefit plans elected by employee, when new life event triggers. Currently when new life event triggers old selected plans are erased. Plea…
Post Election Edit Fast Formula when an employee and spouse working in same organizationPlease suggest a post election edit fast formula when an employee and spouse/ dependent partner working in the same organization. It should validate that spouse and empl…
Error when using Reinstatement ruleSummary: Hi, I am getting the below error when using the reinstatement rule for Conversion life event. Below is the configuration. Could anyone advise on this error. Tha…
'Evaluate Unrestricted Life Event ' triggers accidentally with the person selection formulaI am currenly using a person selection fast formula for the process 'Evaluate Unrestricted Life Event', the process is scheduled to run daily . The process log returns '…
Changing communication method & Editing expressions for Report a life event seeded Alerts in 24DSummary: Can we update the communication method be for report a life event seeded alert in 24D to "Worklist". Currently the default communication method is "Mail". Howev…
Personal Contribution Approval HistorySummary: An employee had submitted an ICP request. After approval, it was noticed the details were not updated in the corresponding element entry. So we checked the tran…
You selected too many plans for this plan type. You can select up to 1 plans. (BEN-990217)Summary: While enrolling the employee to the Open enrollment for next year. we are facing the below error. We have single plan for Dental & Vision but still we face this…
Coverage End date is not showing in (ESS) Benefits confirmation and summary print pageSummary: When employee print the Benefit confirmation and summary print page. Coverage end date is not showing under the benefit selections. Kindly let me know why this …
Renaming the label "Covered by another plan"Summary: How can we rename the change "Covered by another plan" and Personal Info under Me ⇒Benefits ⇒Before you Enroll" We want to change "Covered by another plan" to s…
How to restrict age change life event to not open the enrollment opportunitySummary: Hi, I do not want Age change life event to open enrolment opportunity when evaluated , it should be processed and closed. I put the restriction at program level…
activity type in variable rateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, What does the list of activity type define ? Version (include the version you are using, i…