Discussion List
Is Docusign mandatory to enable physical signature for electronic signature taskSummary: Hello, We are trying to enable physical signature for e-sign tasks. I wanted to know under Integration details, is it mandatory to give third party integration …
Expired task trigger the next oneHi all, I have the follow issue: Task 1 is completed not because task is done by user however because of expire status When the above happened, it triggers the notificat…
Main journey and sub journeys triggerSummary: Hi, We have Created 4 Journeys: one Main journey and 3 sub-journeys. we are trying to trigger the 3 sub journeys based on the task selection in the main journey…
Report Task type error with Excel formatSummary: Hi experts, we have built a journey where a task is configured as a report task type, the report is in excel format and it seems to work perfectly. (We are able…
Questions on nudgesSummary: I am trying to assign journey based on employee anniversary. Need help on below questions Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am tr…
Journey Checklist with delay duration triggered for inactive associatesSummary: We currently have tasks configured with delay duration and have notification turned on for associates and manager. We are running into issue where associates ar…
Journey Task-level Alert on Task with Delay Duration Triggers Day PriorHi, I'm curious if anyone else has had an issue with using Task-level Alerts on Tasks which have a Delay Duration applied to them. Currently, we have Tasks that will ini…
Not applicable tasks appearing under CompletedSummary: Hi. If there is any tasks assigned to Employee and he marks it as Not Applicable, if HR goes and Opens this tasks. If employee again tries to see this tasks , t…
Context journeys for benefitsHello you all. Our client have requested to create a context journeys for benefits, related to "Family and Emergency Contact - Action". In Brazil we use this action to i…
Assigned Journey, Filter "All reports"Summary: Hi, When LM filter for Direct Reports, then he is able to see all his tasks for his reports , but when he select "All reports", he is not able to see anything. …
Journeys - Can a performer complete a form which is passed to passed to a downstream performerOur processes are initiated in the field, but processed centrally. We have HR Liaisons in our departments that currently initiate employee actions through manual forms, …
When task got expired, it triggers the next task configured in the checklistSummary: Have anyone encountered the issue where when the task is expired, it triggers the next task configured in the checklist. The next task is completed not because …
Journey to be assigned more than once to same employee.Summary: Journey to be assigned more than once to same employee. Content (required): Hello All Is it possible to for the same journey assigned to an employee twice ( bot…
Journey expiration: if the tasks of a Journey have expired, is the Journey also expired?Summary: If the tasks of a Journey have expired, is the Journey also expired? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, If a Journey is…
Cannot find people to assign JourneySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I cannot assign Journey as in Select employee field no result is returned; while i…
How to add the text message for the Journeys page?Summary: How to add the text message for the Journeys page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to add the text message for the Journeys p…
Can we give dynamic tokens (like the user's Display Name) in the Checklist Message?Summary: I want to give the user's Display name somewhere in the Journey page. Is it possible to give dynamic tokens in the Message tab of the journeys? Also where does …
Mass-assigned Journey auto-completes for all employees once one employee is marked as complete?Summary: Hello, I am testing mass-assigning Journeys to a group of employees. During this testing I noticed that if one employee completes their Journey, the Journey wil…
Attachments in Journey or Checklist tasks - what is the file size limit, supported file types.Summary: Hi, We have several tasks in our checklist that needs the user to upload files (attachments) that will eventually go to the Document of Records. Can you help me…
In Checklist,employee should be able to select the language based on which the form would be fetchedSummary: In Checklist, the employee should be able to select the language based on which the form would be fetched for the candidate to fill in the form and submit it ag…
Need to add journey task status due date based on action initiation not on approved actionWe configured checklist for employee offboarding where checklist trigger based on employee resignation approval but we have requirement to add due date based on employee…
How to add termination date of the employee in off boarding seeded checklist Notification.Summary: add termination date of the employee in off boarding seeded checklist Notification. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have termi…
Employee is unable to click on the I9 task?Summary: The employee is unable to click on the I9 task. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Issue:- When an employee clicks on the "Go to web…
Checklist DFF not showing in the Allocated Checklist task after 24BSummary: Checklist DFF not showing in the Allocated Checklist task after 24B Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our customer noted that after…
How to Enable I-9 Task for a New hireSummary: How to Enable I-9 Task for a New hire Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to Enable I-9 Task for a New hire Version (include the …
Query to fetch Due Status for Journeys in BI ReportSummary: We have a requirement to create a report to track the Onboarding Journey Status for employees. It should show the overdue status for the Journeys in case the sa…
How to have dynamic tokens in journey message?Hi Team, We have a requirement, where in Journey task there should be a dynamic message for all the task. example: The person name, number and position details should va…
How to disable three dots for an employee when he is assigned task in a Journey?Summary: We have a requirement wherein Employee, who doesn't have access to Reopen a task assigned to him during a Journey (Redwood), shouldn't be able to view the Three…
How to Update to and from email addresses on Checklist alerts?We've followed all the steps on this Help Doc: to update the From Email address from to be our office's em…
Can we add Person Number in the delivered alert composer notification for checklist?Summary: Can we add Person Number in the checklist alert composer notifications? Either in the subject line or body or both? As Without an employee code, it will be diff…