Discussion List
Journey - Not pressing the “Start Journey” button againHello, I need help with a question from my client. The journey of the Person category has been configured to register bank accounts for the employee. We have created a l…
Use of Checklist Mass Allocation HDLSummary: Difference of ChecklistMassAllocation with AllocateChecklist (HDL) Content (required): Hi, we would like to understand what is the difference between ChecklistM…
HCM Offboarding Journey OTBI REport which column holds Task Completed By Workforce Management - ChecSummary: HCM Offboarding Journey OTBI Report which column holds Task Completed By Workforce Management - Checklist Real Time Subject Aread: Workforce Management - Checkl…
Assigning Journey via HDL - ChecklistMassAllocationSummary: Hi experts, We are trying to assign Journeys via HDL using the object ChecklistMassAllocation. We created the .dat files for both the objects ChecklistMassAlloc…
Stop welcome email trigger in enterprise onboardingSummary: Hi, We want to stop welcome FYI email triggering to new candidate while move to HR. Checklist category: Enterprise Onboarding Action name: add pending worker Cu…
Journey tasks is not visible under my tasks in journeySummary: Journeys tasks notifications are triggered to performer but the task is not visible under my tasks in journey Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Enterprise onboarding not getting triggered for Direct Hire from Core HRWe have created Enterprise on boarding for External Hire Employees with 2 Enterprise on boarding steps of action Add pending worker and Hire. For all the employees getti…
Offboarding journey not getting triggered after employee is terminatedHello all, We are facing issues with offboarding journey getting assigned when worker is terminated. We are expecting that is should get triggered even if their account …
Journey/Checklist Archive and Purge Date ReportSummary: Looking for report or data subject area we can review the assigned journey/checklist dates for archive and purging. This is needed to ensure the "Update Assigne…
User unable to link dependents in health and dental planSummary: User is unable to link dependents to health and dental plans. As I only have visibility of the Benefits after the conversion on 06/03/2025. It is necessary to p…
Unable to restrict character usage in value setNeed to lock down Social Security Number to 9 digits. We would like to have SSN field to have exactly 9 digits not more or less. Value Set has been configured as below; …
Can the task of L1 manager be reassigned to L2 manager automaticallySummary: We have a requirement from the client that if the L1 manager has not completed the task of his direct reportee Offboarding checklist after the LWD+5 days, it th…
Error "Insufficient privileges to access the task information for this task" on Onboarding JourneysHi all, We are getting below error message on Production environment when employees access the Onboarding Professional Hire journey. I have checked that the journey/task…
Using 'Related Coverage' criteria in the eligibility profile with usage 'Checklist'.While using related coverage criteria in the eligibility profile for the checklist, the system is NOT checking the criteria correctly. I assume it's not working because …
Single link for checklist task reminderSummary: Hi Team, Can we setup any configuration or in any other way that we can get only a single mail for all the checklist task reminders? Content (please ensure you …
Place or Location parameter to be fetched in e-signature taskSummary: We have e-signature task which should embed to a report document where we are able to fetch SIGNER_NAME, SIGNER_DATE . There is a requirement from Client that w…
How to mark Bulk completion of checklist task with HDl/HSDL with approvalSummary: Bulk marking the checklist task with approval thru HDL/HSDL possibility Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Marking the bulk checklis…
Journeys electronic signature task allows employee to click done before signingIn my onboarding journey, there is an electronic signature task that is allowing the employee to click the done button before signing the document. It does however make …
Journey task (Learn enrollment) - "An error occurred while loading the content from content server"I am having an issue with the learn enrollment task type in an Onboarding Journey. When the employee tries to access the learning content from the Journey, they can clic…
Manage HCM Alert Trim the stringSummary: Hi All, We are using HCM Alerts for our client. We have requirement where we need to trim one of the field. Example: workers.workRelationships.LegalEmployerName…
No notification if previous task was completed using HDLSummary: We have a Journey that shows a task to the employee that some background processes are running. This task is set to Complete using HDL when these processes have…
How to Reduce response box size in questionnaireSummary: Hello everyone, we are configuring Journeys for our customer and I have a question about it: when creating the questionnaire we set the Plain Text Box as the Re…
Oracle search for Journeys - not giving any resultsSummary: Hi Team, **** Moving to Journeys **** We enabled journeys in DEV pod and assigned journeys tab works fine and giving results after running oracle search ACL pro…
Checklist and Journey 25ASummary: We received a communication from Oracle about Journeys The email is not completely clear because they say that checklist will not be supported from 25C, but we …
Contextual Journey - Visible both Resume and Start New JourneySummary: I have created a contextual journey for Employee Transfer action. Based on the given criteria, the journey was initiated for an eligible employee. However, whil…
Remove edit access from 'Checklist templates'Summary: We see that all HRs have edit/delete access to the Journey checklist templates on the home page, but we don't see any seeded/custom role with the duty 'Manage J…
How Manager can access journey initiated by Team Member?Hi All, Hope you're doing well! We have designed a journey that employees can initiate by providing all the necessary details. Once the details are submitted, an approva…
24D Performance-Guided Journey in Self Evaluation and manager evaluation page not renderingSummary: On the Performance self evaluation page and manager evaluation page, the guided journey banner is not rendering, the banner is cut off. At times, I go back out …
Can we define Contact Info displaying at Task level in a journey.Summary: In the current behavior, we understand that who ever initiates/assign the Journey to employee their name is showing in Contact Info section at task level with i…
Archive and Purge Journey Data - What time do the process take in account when archiving?Summary: We would like to know if, when the Archive and Purge Journey Data gets launched, what duration gets taken into account. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…