Help Desk
Discussion List
Can HR Help Desk support external 3rd party requests?Summary: Can 3rd parties (i.e., external to the organisation and not stored as Workers in the system) create HR Help Desk requests? Content (required): We have a use cas…
Getting error ADF_FACES_60097 when correcting a position and submitting it.Summary: Hello, We need to edit overlap allowed in a position. When we're trying to submit the transaction, we're unable to do it as we are facing the following error in…
Unable to cancel work relationship?Summary: I've already set the primary assignment's work relationship to Yes, and the other assignment will be set to No automatically. Now, when I try to cancel the work…
Is there a way to change the character limit for the Problem Description field in HR Help Desk?Content (required): Our current character limit is set as 1000 which is too short for tickets that we are creating with the Oracle Digital Assistant. I have looked at th…
SQL to fetch all the worker objects to load using HDLHi all, I needed a SQL to extract the worker objects (worker, person_name, phone, assignment, work relationship, assignment supervisor, etc., ) to load into fusion from …Yuvraj S-Oracle 151 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yuvraj S-Oracle Human Capital Management
Disable Helpdesk Recently Used Feature in CategorySummary: In creating a service request you can choose a category. After creating the service request the category now shows the one that you recently used. Is there a wa…
Ability to link help desk request tickets in Next GenSummary: Does the Next Gen HR Help Desk tool have any capability to link a previously closed service request? I know there is the ability to link knowledge articles but …MadisonMyers 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is there a way to have a direct link to the SR opened by employee in HR help deskContent We wanted to look into a way to provide a direct link to the SR in question in HR help desk in the email notification so that it opens that particular SR directl…Noopur Sapatnekar 46 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Noopur Sapatnekar Human Capital Management
Custom email notification stopped working when we moved to Next Gen HelpdeskSummary: We were using classic view of HR helpdesk and all the custom email template notification working fine. We enabled Next Gen Helpdesk last week only and made requ…
Will the classic HRHD Knowledge Articles migrated to NextGen?Summary: Our Knowledge Articles are created under classic HRHD under FAQ category(Not HCM FAQ). Will the New Articles created/ existing articles edited be migrated from …
How to add new HR Help Desk Service Tickets through an import?Summary: Looking for assistance in what to put in the csv file for creating a new HRHD service ticket through Import Management. Content (required): Hi there, Using what…
Keyboard Shortcuts not working in Next Gen Help DeskSummary: Keyboard Shortcuts not working in Next Gen Help Desk Content (required): We are trying to enable the Keyboard Shortcuts in Next Gen Help Desk. However, this fun…
Add Standard Coverage to EmployeesSummary: We have a requirement to add different schedules to different agents working across timezones. In the implementation guide we see the below line But on the UI w…Ananta Prasad Ray 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Tobi Durojaiye-Oracle Human Capital Management
AutoProvision Rule - Requestable optionI tried to configure autoprovision rule to assign role for an employee with requestable option. after hiring an employee, i didn't receive any approval notification to t…Yuvraj S-Oracle 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Department details with BU and LE InfoHi Experts, We had a requirement to fetch the department details( name , status, effective start date & effective end date) along with its business unit name and legal e…Yuvraj S-Oracle 52 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Yuvraj S-Oracle Human Capital Management
NextGen HelpDesk/HelpDesk 2.OHi All, Did anyone hear about NextGen HelpDesk/HelpDesk 2.O. If yes , please share any useful link/docs for reference. Thanks in advance.Karunakara Reddy Venna-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simran Gulani Human Capital Management
How to change the Queue Manager in Help DeskSummary: How to change the Queue Manager in Help Desk Content (required): Due to leavers and movers, we need to change the Queue Managers in Help Desk. Could you please …
Email Notification Error as part of Termination FYI notificationSummary: Error: An application error occurred. See the incident log for more information. An application error has occurred. Your help desk can use the following informa…
Help Desk Request Queue Assignment Process not shown / SR Queue Assignment Process stuckSummary: Hello, We are currently remediating configuration defects in our Oracle HCM implementation project for a client and have run into an issue with the Service Requ…
Default value is not showing in fusion table HR_DOCUMENT_DELIVERY_PREFSDefault value of 'Payslip' Delivery Preference for a Person in set to 'Online'. In HR_DOCUMENT_DELIVERY_PREFS table the 'ONLINE_ENABLED' flag for this should be 'Y'. But…
How to distinguish Normal employee and Agent while raising a service request through groovy scriptSummary: We have a requirement, Service Request details entered by employee should n't be editable by Agent. We are able to achieve this through a groovy script as below…Arun Samal 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Kadambala-Oracle Human Capital Management
Automatic change of Help Desk Request status based on CategorySummary: Is it possible to have different interval period to automatically change the status of HD request from Waiting to Resolved to Closed based on category or any ot…Jhansi K 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Kadambala-Oracle Human Capital Management
Need to create a deep link to Create Service Request pageSummary: Need to create a deep link to the Create Service Request page but it is not available thru the Deep Link configuration page. Content (required): Need to create …Amy Markovitch 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Kadambala-Oracle Human Capital Management
HR Help Desk and Survey Monkey Integration FunctionalitySummary: Hello, We are currently looking into the option of Survey Integration for HR Help Desk in order to have a Feedback survey sent to associates when their SR is re…Alex Hams 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Kadambala-Oracle Human Capital Management
HR Help Desk Field Read Only based on Category NameSummary: Expression that will make a field read only unless a certain category name is selected Content (required): Hi There, just wondering if anyone had an example Exp…Jonny Varley 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Kadambala-Oracle Human Capital Management
Help creating API to get GradeID in Application Composer HRHD objectSummary: I'm trying to get the GradeID using Web Services in application composer. The Web service will be called using a trigger script under the HR Help Desk Request O…KatHugh 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Kadambala-Oracle Human Capital Management
Web service triggering during Workflow NotificationSummary: Is it possible to trigger a forwarded web service at a certain stage while processing approval rules? For example, is it possible for a service to be triggered …Barış Ergün 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Hide Date of Birth in POC picker in HR Help DeskSummary: Trying to hide the Date of Birth data visible to Line Managers when they are creating SR on behalf of their Direct Reports. Content (required): When a Line Mana…
How to trigger feedback email in Next Gen Help DeskSummary: How to trigger feedback email in Next Gen Help Desk Content (required): Our requirement is to trigger a feedback email to the user when the Help Desk Request ge…
HR Help Desk Request number generationSummary: Is it possible to generate the HR Help Desk Request number based on different Category? I could see the option only based on Business Objects. Content (required…