Position Management
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Positions yes or noCustomer is already using Oracle without Position Management. Due to organizational chenges, position management is part of the discussion. Can anyone help me with pro- …
How change the Working as a Manager in Person ManagementSummary: I would like to know, how change the field Working as a Manager to No or Yes? Content (required): My Client Group - Person Management - Working as a Manager Ver…
Strategic Workforce Planning and Position ManagementSummary: Strategic Workforce Planning and Position Management Content (required): We are currently in Job based organization structure. We are planning to using Strategi…
Request New Position approval flow - Define Approver based on position BUSummary: Is it possible to route the approvals for request new position to the HR Rep(AOR) of the BU in the IF criteria, instead of the HR Rep assigned to the requestor(…
Top Position in position management expecting approvalSummary: Our top position errors if they try and carry out an approval task Content (required): Hi We use the position hierarchy although we don't have a position tree (…
Request Position approval WF should update the "Hiring Status" fieldHello, Is it possible to define that when approving a Position Request via the WF notification - the status in field "Hiring Status" will be changed to 'Approved'? Thanks
Unable to find positionsSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, I am facing a critical issue as I am unable to find any position in the system I verified in Manage Positions that CZ ADMIN …
Granting Managers Update Access to Position Profile Job DescriptionSummary: For position management and position profile, we have a requirement where managers maintain the description on each position. We would like to grant them the ac…
Multiple rows with Synchronization from Position in View history on employment pageSummary: Hi In View History of employment page for as person we see multiple rows with action Synchronization from Position for same date . and we see for few rows there…
HCM Position Hierarchy - How to Display connections in multiple rows?Summary: In the HCM Position Hierarchy, the connections appear in a single row. Customer want it to appear in multiple rows with 4 contacts per row. Any way to achieve t…
selection of specific manager from the incumbents present on parent positionSummary: Hi All We have a use case where Parent Position has more than one incumbent and parent position has 10 child positions . So we would like to check if we can sha…
Updated Pay Grades on Position but report is not refreshing with new valuesSummary: We loaded new pay grades with new effective dates to our positions. The Position Grade report reflects the correct data but the Position Report that was deliver…THawkins_LGI 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Postolache-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Position Management without JobSummary: Has anyone setup Position Management without driving it off job title? We currently are using position management and it's based off of job title. It's requirin…R.Puthoff 91 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Error while updating position definition through HSDLSummary: Hi Experts, We are updating the manger person number in position definitions through HSDL and we are getting below error. Error : The value of the attribute sup…
Add more fields to the view page of Position DetailsHello, Is it possible to add more fields to the view page of Position Details - e.g. Grades ? We are using Oracle HCM 23A. Thanks
Different notification layouts for different approval stepsHello, Is it possible to define a different layout for different approval steps in a workflow ? I mean that for a Request a Position workflow, the salary range will be p…
How to Assign a Manager to an Employee when manager's hire day later than employee(User and Role)?Here I met a problem here: An employee Alan Hire day on 25th May 2021. Another employee Tony Hire day on 25th May 2022. I want to set up Tony as Alan's manager but can't…
Automatic Position Code is incorrectly generated for Business UnitsSummary: We have 2 Business Units BU1 & BU2. We have enabled Position Synchronization at Enterprise level and not Legal Entity level. While loading the Positions with Co…
How to inactivate the custom BIP report and make sure seeded report is being used by notificationSummary: Content (required): Hi All, Firstly, I want to confirm that the path for seeded report for "Request Position Change" approval notification is: Shared Folders/Hu…Riya_Maithani-Oracle 74 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Human Capital Management
Reassign Line Reports Section Under Person ManagementSummary: Hi All, I am trying to understand the section, Reassign Line Reports under the employment section in person management. My question is what does thi section den…Gaurav Rath- PGC 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
Error: Autocompletion failed searching for Positions in Job RequisitionsSummary: When creating a job requisition based on Position, Im receiving this error (pls see screenshot) and there is no suggestion to display. How do I fix this error? …
Position Incumbent Tenure ChangeSummary: Hi all, We are Using Short Incumbent tenure in enterprise if we change to Long Incument Tenure what are implication. Does it only Update future Parent incumbent…Sowmiya Velusamy 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kiran-HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can you associate positions with legal entities?Summary: We have a requirement for HR to only view positions within their legal entity, however the position security profile only allows us to do this at BU / Org tree …
Create Person Security Profile with AoR and Position TreeSummary: Cannot select position hierachy as scope of responsibility in creation of person security profile. Thus, position tree cannot be referenced rendering our plan t…
Getting error ADF_FACES_60097 when correcting a position and submitting it.Summary: Hello, We need to edit overlap allowed in a position. When we're trying to submit the transaction, we're unable to do it as we are facing the following error in…
Display Name is different when logged in a different LanguageWe are facing this issue for Display Name. For Japan, there is a requirement to display the Name on the Home page as following - Known As Last NameName Information 1Name…
Request New Position Error since 23ASummary: When a Line or Hiring Manager "Requests a New Position" if the creation date selected is prior to UTCs date it is erroring. Content (required): We are on AESDT …
Impact of moving from a job based structure to a position based structure?Summary: What are some of the things to consider when moving from a job based structure to a position based structure? e.g. on the following: Approval workflows? Finance…
Limiting ability to Request a Position ChangeCurrently we are using a custom Line Manager role which has access to Workforce Structures - Manage Position. A user with this role is able to Request a Position Change …
Journeys - Assigned Journey - Work Location or Business Unit?Summary: Is there an option to add location information on the tiles/cards in Journeys underneath the position name? Content (required): Do we have the option to enable …